The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: WEDNESDAY JULY 21 W20 WEST SPRINGIELD HAMPDEN: COUNTY CHICOPEE HOLYOKE Berkshire County News COHN MILLER ROXBURY BOY DROWNED CONG RESSME1I WILL ATTEND POLICE WILL KEEP OEDEK BOUTIN MOREAU in on Qi lulled CRONIN WILL TRY AGAIN an PALMER CAMP MEETING PROGRAM WILLI AMSTOV'X SENTENCED OR POLYGAMY armory The street down the road to iler home Wednesday aft on ourteenth J'mze) and' ouuv 1 ti ia nroseciitor Nomin tlton papers lor appointments i I to the focal republican town committee uc were circulation to day A Ust of trs if hut as paid a fine ra SOUTHWICK BLANDORD Seventeen Ton ripened Odd China show ing BRIMIELD latmh CLOSE BATH HOUSE TO LUDLOW THREE RIVE DS that Air Andrew Moreau wore taffeta and a the the visiting her Miss Ruth visit and is Daily News to July their Mittineagus Church Officials Gath er in and Make Plans In Our Sale cf Dinnerware Tc duy noon nivl wphIi (Advertisem*nt packed up their belongings and train for Albany where they Selectmen of West Springfield In struct Street Commissioner to Resurface airview Avenue Be the married this morning in the Rev rederick Rev Air T'ero cclebrated the The wedding Mayor Announces He Will Candidate for Re election in Tail Mrs street will the aid society of the Baptist church at ernoon John Guy Brindle a native of Will iamstown and a graduate of Williams PiniiTfori" flrilfonu Third loor the week end in Orang" Decision Is Reserved in Action' Against Mrs yank Duncan' Attorney McKay Indig nant REJECT LOWEST: BID $6500 Young club Virginia will give a play am entertain to day in garage and on a prosecuting officer to board littb satisfaction They will consult xyith the mayor as to the rciit'stcp to be taiten The statements of 'dealers seemed to indicate that speculative interests had gotten such' control of coal 'matters as to practically assure outrageous prices during the coming months perfect dis regard in'actual effect of all contracts and selling only to those who would pay the big prices The board voted to close Chestnut stnect between Hampshire and Cabotstreets for a certain' pe'rfod each day at the request of the' playground com mission The board also voted to experiment with 'a motor in haujiig ashes from the outlying" districts it being thought that the time saved would more than make up the difference Le twepQ horse and truck operating costs A small truck will be tried first A finding was made by Judge Hil dreth to day for the plaintiff in the sum of $200 in the case of the Mor ris plan company against rank Hill as principal and Gladys HillLouis Ladurantz William co*ck roft and Ernest Paradis as indor sers Hill left'tge city snd 'iving in California and as (Cbckroft signed the note Sunday he is released from responsibility The others signers are held responsible A hearing was given by Commis sioner John Cogswell of the state Industrial accident board to day in the case of Thomas Sheehan who keeks to recover from the American mutual liability insurance company for injuries alleged to have been eceivqwhile in the employ of the Crocket division of the American writing per company Sheehan's claim is that When stooping to pick up a bundle a lover struck him in Ono eye causing a cataract which later necessitated an operation Decision' was reserved Mayor Jahn Cronin to day nounced his candidacy for re election next fall He will issue a formal state ment in a few diiys Mayor Cronin is the first to announce himself in the mayoralty race logt no satin and a pink satin She carried pink roses and peas A reception followed hom*o of the bride where the Brimfield July Mrs Walter Brown of Tela Honduras1 is visiting at the home of Mr midairs Edward Bro4n 'Miss Emma Brown who is a public healih ntirs'u in Litchfield Ct is spending her vacation at the game place Miss Hodge of Cambridge is spend ing a week at the home of red Bis sell Members of the Springfield boys clnb camp will give an entertatinment in the town hall riday evening Miss Kate Carswell has to her home on Manchester terrace after two weeks' stay an Manchester Ct DIED In this city ISth Patrick Cnf 'i Hwal rm his late residence 51 Mar ble street Wednesday nt SilO a la solemn requiem mass in the Cathedral nt 9 a i nds invited Burial in S' ceme tery Please emit Hewers PRIVATE DETECTVES SEEK A BLOOP NEW WITNESS OUND IN MURDER TRIAL Many Distinguished Guests Will Be Present 'a't As sociation Outing Holyoke July 20 The first' annual puling of the retail asso ciation of Hplyokcjo be held July 2S will be honored with several distin guished guests'' Among thqmwlllbe Congressman' Allen Treadway of Stockbridge John Rogers of Lowell and Congressman Wiltred IV Luffkin of Essex Congressman Luffkin has beeh asked to tell the business men of this city what in his opinion will be the effect of the recent enactmefit 'of the water' power bill Congressman Treadway took a leading part trit this discussion' Congressman Treadway might also be asked to tell what 'he thinks thY coal stuation and the robberies be ing committed in connection with it The bill may have an important effect on the long deferred development ofthe Connecticut river for He will arrive in Holyoke the Jind be the guest of former RepVessnt ntive Jens Madsen The other two congressmen are expected to motor up from Lowell They are in this vi cinity tn attend the Coolidge notifica tion exercises at xortnampton 27 The visitors will make headquarters at the Nonotuck Joseph Balzarano Says He Heard Shot That Is Alleged to Have Killed Vincenzo Cresci MISS MEDERLY TELLS BUYING STOCKS Williams own July 20 Sixteen chil dren were examined at a weighing and measuring clinic for children held at the Calc avenue school yesterday aft ernoon under the auspices of the pment teaeh association Dr Mary Putnam of the hygiene division of the state department of healih was in charge of the clinic and was assisted by Miss Clark a nurse Other sessions of the clinic were held to day and ses sions will be held in order to morrow morning and afternoon Ebeling of Meadow enter! atin the members of Holyoke July 20 Sidelights on tfic transactions in thq saie of stock in Holyoke led Judge Hildreth 'to: hold A Judson Young and James Cur tie for the grand Jury were Indi cated to day at tfra opening of the hearing in case of Miss Theresa Mederly of 741 Dwight street em ployed at A Steiger Co's store against Mrs rank Smith wife of Rev rank Duncan Smith until re cently pastor of rite irst Presby i church The plaintiff alleges' that the statements and iniluence of Mrs Smith led hefto invest her mon ey with A Young and led to the loss of $500 thus invested I Aliss Mederly testified that Mrs Smith fame to her at several times And at one time asking if there was anyone else present inquired if she had any money to invest She told Mrs Smith that she wassaving up to: bring over some relatives from that other side and Airs Smith told hershe testified that she could make 'a large sum of money She finally gave her $300 toinvest rom that sum she increased her investments until she had $1150 invested She then became 'suspicious sin? testified and wanter her money back her she testified a promissory not Cor the $050 She did not know what this was qnd took it to the People's savings bank where they told her it was only 'a note She then had an interview with Mrs Smith who said she testified she would look after the matter personal ly Later Mrs Smith told her that the note was as good as cash and shti would look after the matter personal Miss Mederly also testified that she had known Mrs Smith for about five years and that Mrs Smith had told her that she had $30000 dealings in stocks and that they had one automo bile and expected to own another Wit ness said that she did not meet Young until after she turned the first money over to Mrs Smith An important witness of the day was Rev rank Smith who now holds a position with Houghton Co where Young was formerly employed He testified 'hat he had lost ovet $5000 in his dealings with Young The sum of $566 left to Mrs Smith had been invested with Young and witness asserted He received commission for introducing Y'oung fo various people in his parish he said He claimed to have broken off all re lations with Y'oung December 1 1919 He testified that Y'oung told him that fro could square himself for about $6000 and that he sold his car and borrowed money from people making a total of $582325 and gave it to Y'oung receiving only a receipt for the money This was after he had had his differences with Y'oung but he did not at that time suspect Y'oung Of this amount he obtained $700 from Miss Mederly which jie paid back to her Arguments were made' for the plaintiff by Attorney rank McKay and for the defendant by Attorney O'Brien There were many tilts during the hearing and at one time Attorney McKay objected to the line questioning "that Judge Hildreth' was making from the bench YVhen he had partly finished with hisargu ment there was a clash between At torney McKay and Judge Hildreth again who said that he did not bo Geve the testimony of Miss Mederly "If your thonor is to judge this case before the evidence has been sum med up and I have had a chance to offer points of law there is no use in my continuing snapped Mc Kay and refused continue Judge Hildreth did not render any decision shall appeal ths case to the su perior court if the decision goes against my Attorney McKay said CHABLES HAL! the mu Eviuswe Harvest" bv' Mrs Hum Ward "Prairie by Stringer a sequel to "The wiv of Hartford Thompson cI recent guest Hastings in Long pont who used the marches from and Mendelssohn for re cessional and processional 9 Solos were sung during the' mass by Al bert Boutin George Nantais Omer Poire and Mrs Jette and Mrs George Monette the latter being tho bride's sister The attendants were Gilbert LeClair a brother of the bride and Joseph Moreau a brother of the bridegroom The bride was dressed In a gown of white georgette crepe and she wore a tulle veil caught with lilies of the valley She carried a shower bou quet 'of roses and lilies of the valley About 70 guests were present at the reception in the home Cut flowers were used to decorate both the home and the church Mr and Mrs Moreau left after the re ception on a honeymoon trip to New surrounaing Mrs Hinsdale Misses Helen and Catherine Hinsdale cams from Westfield few days ago to spend the summer at Intervale Pomeroy and family of West field came riday to their cottage Maple Ledge Mr and Mrs George A Hill are en tertaining Mr and Mrs George A Mill Jr and children at Rocklawn Birch Knoll cottage on Russell road is now occupied by the bwncr Harry Miller and family of XV ast field Mrs A II Nye has eej entertain ing her daughter Mrs' Ellsworth Toinpltins and two children of Ches ter' lor a week Elmer Barnes of Westfield at Mr for the week end Local Notices Annette will appeidf in a new rainu nf llllon ilot la liauj li the Gws'' at the Eiuf h'e this nftor uvcninj of to 1 bathhouse until money was available to run tho same propery The board opened it with some misgivings as there were no Ipckx rs Anly two showers and one attendant' It was found that the' filter system could not be perated wltlaout mo i giassjptance Tlie coal do tiers' had a se'sMm i with the board but the coal situation is as much up in the air as ever and INTERESTS I TRAVELING NEW "SEASON PROGRAM October 27 Date of Birst Ses sion Adventists VZill "Hold Sessions rom July 3L to August 8 Palmer July 20 The sixth annua) session of the central Massachusetts association 'jlleeeption nt Bride's Home Manchester Terrace ollows Marriage Ceremony Eunice Elizabeth Rowleydaughter of Mr and Mrs Robert II lowley of 12 Manchester terrace andErnest Ambrose' son of Mr and Ambrose of 17 Horace 'street wers married in the rectory of 'Holy Name church yesterday morningJat 10 o'clock by Rev Thomas A Mc vGovern The matron of honor was Mrs Edward Enright and the best man was Edward Enright The was white georgette trimmed with filet lace and she wore a geor gette hat and carried white roses and Isweet peas The matron of honorwore dark blue georgette overflesh that sweet tin the Barents assisted the couple in reeeiv tha guests A The gift of the bridegroom to thebride was a platinum and diamond Ming and the gift of the bride to ths bridegroom was a Waldemar watch Chain The matron 'of honor receiveda set of gold lingerie clasps from the ibride and the best man tvas a belt and a silver belt buckle bv the bridegroom Mr and Mrs Ambrose the afternoon suit of hat live at 12 Harriet street' The bride has been employed as a stenographer at the Birnle paper company and the bridegroom is a draftsman in 'the ex ijierimental department at thfe United places for a wedding trip to New Traveling the bride wore blue tricotine and a geor Mr and Mrs Ambrose will YVest Springfield July 20 Moving pictures are practically a certainty for Mittineague as a result 'of a ference of representatives from the Mittineague Congregational churcfi the Mittineague Methodist Episcopal church and the association held at the Young Christian association to night The idea of having a conimuhify moving picture show twice' a week in the Young Men's Christian associatipn building was voiced sdmti time ago by a member of the Con gregational church and was taken up by Rev Herbert Livingstone of that church In the general 'discussion that followed it appeared thut'seveyal persons had been weighing' 'tile idea for some time As a result a liminary meeting was held last Thurs? day at the Y'oung Chrisiia as socaitlon at which the many sugges tions for the project were considered No action was taken at the time bu the ministers took the matter back to thc ir respective cabinets for further consideration At to meeting discussion tne financial large part of the evening necessary if moving pictures are he given in the Young Alen' Christioif association gymnasium to buy a mo tion picture machine to build a iir 3 proof room in which to operate it and to provide films and an the machine To meet it was deemed a mmunity association some basis not yet determined the funds needed for the enterprise It is expected that with a show in tho mid dle of the week on YVednesday pr Thursday and possibly one on Sun day evening that the original invest ment will pay for itself and possibly some interest The matter of finances' has been re ferred to Waiter LeDue who lias been instructed to present a budget at the next meeting of these representatives be held Thursday night At that meeting A Jeffrey of the will present 'ns lr raising the mon ey needed It was also voted to ap point a committee of six two from each institution interested to arrange for further organization of the usso cation Rev Mr Livingstone ifnU Mr Lefluc will represent the Congrega tional church secretary Jeffrey and Everett Robson will represent the Young Christian associition Heibert Osteyee and Rev Mr' Da vis will speat: for the Melhpdst church Special unties were assigned to members of this committee which will be performed and reported on Thursday night Mr Livingstone will diaw up a statement of the purpose of the associate Mr Osteyee will de vise the government for it Mr Rob son will Investigate the legality of the proposed ami the propo sitions conneeied with it Mr LeDue urill compile figures for a budget and Secretsrj Jeffrey will contrive some method by wnich money may be raised The reports submitted day redll be bound into a constitution lor the proposed association Wedding of Much Interest in Holy Name Rectory Chicopee July A wedding of in terest took place yesterdiy when Ella A Cohn daughter of red Cohn became the of Timothy I Mil ler son of Mr and Mrs Miller of Bran don street The marriage was per formed in the Holy Name rectory by Rev John Conlin The bride was dressed in white hand embroidered chiffon over white satin with 'a tulle veil caught with orange blossoms in a Spanish effect She carried a shower bouquet of white Killarney roses and maiden hair fern The bridemaid twin Sister of the bride was dressed in pale blue chif fon over blue satin with a picture hat in harmony She carried a bouquet of pink Killarney roses The best man was Paul Edward Blanchfield a col lege chum of Mr Miller The bride received'a string of pearls from the grbom and the bridehiaid re ceived from the bride an aquamarine ring set in a basket setting of green gold The best man received a gold cigaret case with his monogram' en graved on it After the ceremony the young cou ple were assisted in receiving by Mr and Mrs Charles Price aunt and uncle of the bride and'Mr and Mrs Miller father and mother of the groom Only the intimate friends and relatives of both fam'iies were pres ent The young were the re cipients' of many beautiful gifts among which were cut glass silver and china also a check from the parents of the groom When 'leaving on their honeymoon which is td be spent at Atlantic City Mrs Aliller wore a traveling suit of gray broadcloth with a blue picture haL The young couple are well known In Chicopee as they have both lived here all their lives and attended the Chico pee schools They will be at hom*o after October 1 at '30 Brandon street this city Blandford July 20 A irfisccllaneous fi Mrs Lena Tiiraslitr whose marriage to Pnilip Robin son is to taxc 'place Saturday was given at the' chapel Monday evening About 75 wre presmt Mrs Wyman of Woronocb gave readings and Mrs A Waite and Mrs YV 'Bodurtha sang Ths bride to be re ceived many pretty and useful gifts of money silver pyrex alumi num etc Refreshments were served Lawrence and family of have taken A Sheldon's Woodland Mrs rank Blair of Evansville Ind and Mrs Henry Lloyd and son of New York are visiting at Bur ton Lloyd's in Not th Blandford Mr and Mrs and children of Springfield uie occupying Bellamy Ludlow July The regular meet ing of the club will be held YVednes rtay evening at 8 The business meet ing will be followed by a lecture by Dr Joseph Sullivan The members are oori'liallv invited to bring" the ladies Dr Sullivan will lecture on rance during her reconstruction period Il lustrating his talk with slides taken while he was touring theb attle fields' Mr and Mrs YYr Gor' eh "are 'spend Ing two weeks at their bungalow al Plymouth curtccn Old West Side Boy Leaves Horae Again Pittsfield July 20 A new witness has been found by the commonwealth to testify in the ca se of Joseph Bal zarano now on trial before Judge Cal lahan in superior court on a charge of first degree murder of Vincenzo Cresci Marclj 27 1915 Tilis witness heard the shpt fired that is alleged 'to haveltilled in the woods of East mountain and he also heard men talking in that direction before tlie shot the trial of eonfeciorates Matteo Neapolitano and Y'incenzo Pt trello in July 1916 They are now serving life sentences This disclosure of newjcvidence was made this afternoon Prosecutor Charles Hewitt Wright whn opened for the commonwealth at 215 Three witnesses were heard this afternoon Civil Engineer Jay Barnes who drew a map' of the place whor* the body of Cresci xvas found and its sur roundings Charles Skeivis of 10 Dav enport avenue one of the three men who discovered the body and Inspecj tor Daniel McColgan of the Pitts field police department who told of the arrest of the defendant after a long chase that led to Galveston Tex as New Y'ork and finally to Bridge port Ct Inspector' McColgan was on the stand in: direct examination when court was adjourned for the day The jury spent all the morning in visiting the scene of the crime When court convened this afternoon all ex cept seven witnesses who are to tes tify in the case were requested to leave the courtroom Those allowed to Yemain were Dr Henry Colt medical Dr Charles II Richardson State Detective Thomas Eligh In spector McColgan Chief William Shepard of the fire department En ginvC Barnes and Michael Cangianb interpreter Judge Callahan directed I'the others to leave upon request of We wish i ill ink mu friends Oir the bcun flful rt'iwei and many expieHalmis 'f sympa thy extended to in ur recent ben are nn ui Mis Hose Ienn (Ib nry) Handfnftli end York city and the beaches YVhen traveling Mrs a dress of bue chiffon black georgette hat with a jet crown On their return Mr and Moreau will live at 324 Center street The bride is a member of the Assumption church choir Lijihi weight medium and heavy China select ed seconds with only i Hght imperfections at tractive end serviceable pieces all decorated selling at the price ofommon white Chine Board of Public Works Lacks unds to Hire Necessary As sistants Holyoke July The board public' works voted this afternoon close 'down the ward Nuptial Ceremony Takes lace Church of Assumption Chicopee July 20 Miss Marie Denise Boutin of 324 Center street and llormisdas Moreau son of Mrs Edward Moreau of Midway place were Assumption church Bonnevine officiating chers of Aldenville nuntial hi ch mass music was played by Mrs Arthur Du pont who used the Probate Judge Allows Wills These wills were al owed by Judge Edward Slocum in probate court to day: Elizabeth Leonard of Pittsfield Milton Varner execu tor personal property $20000 Jenni a Chapin of Pittsfield Eleazcr Will iams executor per umal property $20000 real estate $7500 Mary Kcresey of Pittsfield John Kercsey of Bridgeport Ct executor persona property $2000 reai estate $500 George Brown of Hinsdale Mon roe Watkins exacutor real estate $2000 personal property $2500 rank YV Strong of Dalton Ida Strong executrix real estate and personal property each $5000 Andrew Dunlap of Egremont Mary Dunlap execu trix real estate $3500 personal prop erty $750 Thomas Dodd of Norfolk Ct Martin Dodd Litchfield ex ecutor real estate $'11)00 Jennie Hatch was appointed administratrix of the estate of Otis Hutch of Shef field who was gilled by a bull Hf left real estate of $2560 and personal property of $1000 Herman Gru now or r'lttsneni nan real estate ot SaOt' and personal property of $3000 Ida A Grunow is executrix of his will By the will of Mrs Kersey $500 arid certain religious pictures are left to the sisters of st Joseph in Lee The city finance committee has vot ed to recommend the purchnw by the city of GGO square feet of land from John Bohner and 1700 square feet from Joseph Cummings at the en trance to YVahconah park so as to make it 2S feet wid the entire dis tance Anoihqr paPk improvement under way are lockers and shower bath in the northeast corner Joseph Smith of Old Dalton road junction was in district court to day on a charge of assault and battery upon Mrs Nol tk a neighbor WILD till tn wife and he her several pleaded not continued to playground commissioners lie' had as signed an officer to the athletic field during industrial league games Dif ferences of opinions and a few in of rowdyism on tne pan and spectators led to the re playground commission ehnirmfin Charles A Hick I ii i wHinl rint otiii iu a official umpires for the games and to what these men will no doubt their stories will differ from those told at the first trial It is not important cr they tally in letnil sn long as they agree in the main facts Mr YVricht said that he a moral ob ligation let the defense know of the charac ter of the evidence to be put in a statement which caused Attorney Cnssi'lv cf counsel for the defendant to thank lim in open com Mrs Nplck remonstrated for alleged cruelty to his is said to have kicked times' The defendant guilty and the case WJS Thursday Mrs rederick Coolidge has re ceived 72 manuscripts in her $1600 prize competition' for best quartet composition for string instruments The contest' will close August 1 and I he five judges will meet here August 21 to select the winner morning has been Once be ii re tlie boy left home without the permission or knowledge of his par ents and was found in Boston I Traveling club will open its1920 21 season of meetings October 27 when Mrs Sweet will be the hostess The subjects for this meeting a study and a by JMis's Shaw and byMrs Page Mrs Hale and Mrs Parker The calendar for the remainder ofthe series follows: I November 10 Hostess Mrs jt'inland Estherria Latvia and Lithu lania Their present national aspira Mrs Hdlep fMrs Prince Mrs Lathrop Mrs Sweet I November 24 Hostess Mrs Brad Hey "Poland Past and Mrs jSweet "Current Mrs Hatha rvay Ms Day Mrs Hulbert December Hostess Mrs Prince "Czechoslovakia (Bohemia) an an kient nation Mrs Page "Cur irent Mrs Leonard Mrs Brad 4ey Miss Shaw 8 January 5 Hostess Mrs Leonard "Three quaint republics Andorra JSan Marino Mrs Hatha 5 way "Current Mrs Page MrsHale Mrs Parker Ji January 19 Hostess Mrs Hulbert Montenegro and Albania the Hrnds and the Mrs Lathrop events" Mrs Prince Mrs sBradley Mrs Sweet ebruary 2 Hostess Mrs Syria and The gateway of Day "Current Mrs Hathaway Mrs Lftthop Mrs: IJluibert ebruary 1G Hostess Mrs and Zionism" Mrs HulbertCurrent Mrs Leonard Mrs iHalq Miss Shaw March 2 Hostess Mrs Hathaway it'Arabia and The cradle'of Is Mrs Leonard "Current Page Mrs Day Mrs Parker March 16 Hostess Mrs Hale "Mesopotamia and' Armenia War in flhe Garden of Mrs Parker'Current Mrs Prince Mrs (Lathrop Mrs Sweet March Hostess Mrs Lathrop'Georgia and Mrs BradleyXCurrent Mrs Hathaway MrsTfev Miss Shaw April 13 Hostess Liss Shaw and Azerbaijan The awaken ting Mrs Prince Jlnt Leonard Airs Bradlev' Airs Hulbert I ROWLEY AMBROSE Eisthampton he olsl August fair the cl*tirch the Blessed Sacrament tins evening to a crowd of 1(190 people The short rnnstrH was easilv the nil vt me evvu fSnlox bv Messrs YY nolean and Devine were well receive! The new midway and carnivals proved popular M' NAIGIITON At Went Spl lneftelil 19thlumen JIcXiniRliton (9 uneral at his late resilience lit) Ohio avenue YVest Sn'InR lli'ld Wednesday at in Burial In YVhlte Chiiri li cemetery At tnli'ic Hills 20th Tlmothn A Stebbins tat The funeral will be at the imine is Westfield strict Thnrodsy nt 3 in Place of burial to Im niinounced later Southwick July 20 has found the two Liberty bonds that were lost last week Airs John Hoyle returned Thursday from CisHy Creek Y' Miss Helen will spend the Airs Denns CHESTER CENTER Chester Center July John Stanton of Springfield' has' been visit ing YVffliam Crassett He was a schoolmate of Mr Crassett and they also went to the civil war together Mrs Nellie Monfgnery and Mran'l Mrs purrington of Holyoke also Cir I sle Knowlton and Miss Turner from priagffeld were week end guests at Al' oot's Mr and Mrs Purring ton will remain through the week Miss Zadie Moore of Salem has be sn a recent guest nt especinly to In their efficien mt work in tills on to victim and the two Italians now serving life tences had been friends in Brook lyn Y' when about March IS jr 1'9 1915 they left Pittsfield Cres ci the victim 22 had been a woofl thopper industrious thrifty Qn March IS they under aS1 Burned names in Bridgeport The de 1a man was the only one who had any amount of money There were three revolvers in the They arrived i the 19th and secured rooms with Mrs on ran cis avenue During their stay in this city the four were always seen to gether The defendant was regarded as the leader On March 25 Cresci received a money order for $290 from YYTlliam II Clifford it the post office and he put it in a Landage tied around his leg On th morning of the 27th the four 'eft city hall park on the S3S car and rode down E'rn street to Marcella avenue They started up the road that led to the woods where the body later was dis covered there was a quarrel which iceulted in murder and robbery Men employed by the city after wards saw three men come out of the wi od gether They went to their hoardin ou se tnrk i registered under assumed names Tim defendant signed the register and paid the bills They were in Albany two nights then they 'vent to New York thence to Jacksonville la and to Galveston Tex where they sepa rated Mr YVrigl hero referred to the new witness who will testify and also to the two men already con victed' and sent to prison for life both of whom will take the stand week with her aunt Kelly in Granby Ct Miss Alice lloffm 'i Ct and Mrs Harry Paterson were of Miss Lena Airs NanoIcon Mnlboouf and ter Gertrude Maibeouf of Long yard visited her son Waite: Malbeouf in Ellington Ckt recently Delphia Roberts of Springfield visiting liis son Roberts fir nth Ionevard Mrs Janes has from a three visit in I oek Ct I The Congregational Christian en I deavor society will hold an ice 'T social in the rath at the Center dav eveninc Mr and Mrs Charles Noble and Mi and Mrs Carlisle Noble attended the wedding of Airs Charles niece Miss Grace Warner of Puffleld Ct to Charles AI 'ttoon of Pittsfield Sat urday afternoon Irving Griffin snr with ATr find aTus II ale Airs YV Griffin of South Man Chester Ct is visiting her son Robert i Griffin of Hillside Air and Airs Joseph Gal'pin 'find family snont yesterday in Hertford I visited visiting Air sisters Mrs Dowd and Mrs Alonzo Selby YVest Springfield July 20 Because the lowest bld submitted for the re pairing of airview avenue rias $6500 and at that figure only one half of the street would be done the select men have Instructed Street Commis sioner Arthur A Sibley to repair the road by laying a new surface The appropriation for this work is $7000 and the selectmen believe that the whole street can be done for that' amount Repairs tin this street' Will riot begin until September because Of other Yvork which must ta ke preccdenee' over It but the construction be Completed before the fall rains come According to the plans the street will have a wide tree belt and a curbing and will be surfaced with macadam MOVING PICTURES OR WEST SIDE II nanus nas been compiled winch will be voted on at the state primaries in the tall The following representa tive republicans have allowed the use of their names: Edward Clark Glenn Cowles Archie 1 inlay Raymond Cowing John McKean Edwin A YVolcott Horace A uller Morris A YVilliams Alfred PfeiN fe Earle Packard red Beals James Taylor Harry A owler and Simon Jczelewicz A special meeting of the Liberty drum corps will be held at the ropm riday evening nt 8 The ocal or guriziiticp which has captured two silver cups in competition will ar range for participation in Hip West ern Massachusetts competition (V1115 i I iaf to be reni anti Cliuiopee The annual Air YVright in opening told of the discovery of the body in August by three men who were walking through the woods It was flat on its hack with head raised little one trouser leg was turned one nip pocket lining was out: flesh was de composed There was a bullet in the skull "which had' cracked like a rniri the ni osecutor The course of the bullet in the head showed first that I suicide was impossible and second that Cresci must have while his assailant was crouching tr while he himself lay prostrate on the ground identification was made through a photograph 'jewelry letters and his clothes said Mr YVright 'I want to give full credit to the Pitts Hi'ilh'tt niTlCPt'K spector McColgan tor vigorous and The prosecutor went say that the defendant the The Price of Cigars There is likely to be no labor trou ble in Holyoke over advances demand ed by' the union Tho union demanded $3 a thousand addi tional all the work being piecework and there is no disposition locally to refuse the demands' The cigar man ufacturers are mostly concerned as to wnat additional shall bo charged for the cigars at wholesale Other costs besides that of labor enter into cigar manufacturing so that the wholesale price ic cally is lilcCly to be advanced $8 to $10 a thousand to retailers The YVliitcombs in Sprinigfield have al ready advanced a thousand This will probably' mean that the former old centers" which have Deen selling locally two for a quarter will be sold for 15 cents straight and that the old centers" will be sold at from 8 to 10 'cents The has disappeared long ago from the market Even out good old Penn sylvania stogies are likely to sell at three or four cents apiece YVhile there has been no meeting called by the manufacturers it is likely that cither such meeting will be called or that local manufacturers will come to some agreement as to prices by YVednesday Airs Toomey has sold her block Jefferson" on Chestnut street to' Timothy' Corcoran of Hampden 'street for about $4l)09 Alichael A lias brought suit against Mrs Jennie Lyman jwner of tb property at 582 Hampden street for $5060 alleges that luck of repairs on the building led to his contracting pneumonia from which she died A jolly crowd o' Rotarians returned to Holyoke by automobiles about 10 this evening headed by a band It was a delegation of the 190 members who were guests of A Gallup of the club at his farm in South Hadley They were served a supper at his grove and in return they gave an im promptu concert and vaudeville show Thb first of a series of six band concerts and moving pictures ill be given at the' Ildlyulte public library grounds to morrow evening The band concert will' be by tlie Holyoke city band starting at 7 mov ing will start after dark John Cziban of Adams street was ordered Judge Hildreth of the po lice court to day to pay his wife $10 a Yveek for her' support The I'o'ard of registrars met to night and certified the following names: representatives npden Hugh Lacev JOth Lawrence Dowd 11th James Sweeney a democrat 11 th John A Callahan re publican Johu Dr Ryan re publican 1 congressman 1st equgres sional district Alien Treadway re publican: county 'commissioner YY'ill iam II Ensign' republican Charles Spellman republican: Papers have also been filed but not certified for John Ryan democrat for senator and Percy Hal! of for county commissioner Local firemen have been' notified that a canvasser has been attempting to secure advertisem*nts for a state fire journal locally and it is stated that he has no authority to do so Ad vertisers are warned to make inquiries before placing advertisem*nts with journals to be sure that they are dealing with responsible parties The condition of I 'ted Lornothe of 1 46 Northampton avonue Spring field who was injure! In an automo bile accident in South Amherst re cently is improving and bo is not considered to be in dangerous con dition A btliIding 'pAi'mit was issued to day to 'Helen' IT 'fy garage at the rear of 132 Walnut street to cost $500 New Books at Library The following new books havd been added to the library during the past week Artlnir Prairie Vi'" and "Daisy Asiu'ort Her Book by tlie author of Y'isltcrs" difficulties look up It will players quest The tlitough son gave them their orders as to the con i duct of the games These rules will be rigidly ciiforeed bnciied up by the police department It Is hoped there will be no more rowdy ism lor it will mean the league will be denied use ot the gi ouunds No Statement rom Hospital The anticipated hospital controver sy explanation which to have been made to day by Henry Ely president of tlie board of trustees was further postponed due to absence of Air Ely Ho is expected arrive this evening and it was learned at his office that the statement will be given to the press to morrew morning Aluch interest IS expressed by local people 'n the outcome of the con troversy River Water Poisoned' The board of health has swimmers and campers along the YVesttield river that they must remain from the water for a time as ft lias pc'soned by a large quantity of arsenate of lead The lead was dumped into 'the river at Becket as a result of a train wreck Two er three days will elapse betoie traces of the poison will disappear from the stream Sheriff Leroy Coburn has not yet designated an agent' ot Hie commis sion appointed to investigate local 'profiteering He is awaiting confirma tion of his appointment from Boston headquarters and until such confirma tion is received he will take no ac tion 'The Ray Bartlett realty agency annvtfrces the sale for Mary Evan chack of a two tenement house at RhJ 'Mechanic street to John Osinski ot Chicopee also for Charles Smith a cottage on Blandford street YYoro noco 'to Airs Nellie McCabe The marriage intentions of John I M' Egleston 105 Elm street to Mar jorie Cadle of tl Howard street have been filed at the town office Mr and Airs Leland Gilman arc spendinpi their vacation at Llock Is land Miss Helen YVood Is father at Tiverton I returned from a now substituting in 'hexrl nfTlf? anu a vv Advent camp meeting wil open here July 31 and continue until Sunday August 8 at the camp ground on North Alam evening services will with these speakers: July 31 and Au gust 1 Rex A Johnson cf Lynn August 2 to inclusive Rev George Tyler of Plainfield Ct Bible study will be hed on Monday Tuesday and YVednesday under the direction of Rev Dr David HYVoodward of Aurora HL and on Thursday riday and Satur day under tlie direction of Rev Dr arnurn of Springfield YVednes nay August 4 will be mission day when Rev Dr Charles King of Boston wijl be the speaker riday will bo "Prophetic day" Children's meetings will be held daily at 115 and meetings for young people and Loya YVorkers will be held daily at 615 The first religious service will be held at 745 on the opening day John A Davis of Saem will be mu sical director The annual meeting of the association will be held on the opening day at 4 Selectmen Take Precautions Against urther Trouble at the Brill Bark Westfield July The chief ot police conferred with the selectmen this morning and notified them that ini Vlllt xo tl V4 accordance with the request of the prosecuting attorney Patrick itzgibbons a Patient at the State Sanitarium ThrownInta Deep Water When Sandbar Caves In YVestfield July 20 Patrick itzgib bons 14 of Roxbury was drowned in the YVestfield river at 315 this aft ernoon The accompanied by sev eral others all of whom were patients at the Westfield state tubercular sana torium went to the river for a swim Aat the point where the boys entered the water was situated a sand bar Medical Examiner Robert Hil dreth staetd that the crowd of standing on the bar and the cur rent of the river cdupled with the Weight of the boys caused the bar to slide into the river which is very deep at this itzgibbons waS unable fotswim and fell into deep wa ter and quickly went down The point at which the boys entered the river is situated directly in tho rear cf the 'Lee farm just below tho point in the Springfield highway called "rog A passing 'automobile was brought into use and help was sulnmoned The police department sent the police and grappling irons to the scene followed by the pultnotor from fire department head quarters Dr Hildreth stated that the police would continue to grapple for the bodypntil it was dbubtful jif it cduld recovered to night An extremely strong current in' the river will no doubt carry the body some distance information from the hospital brought out the fact that young itzgibbons was an orphan Up to the time he came to the sanato rium'hc was living with an' at 78 Conant street Roxbury The police grappling for the body at sunset but will resumework at" sunrise Three Rivers July 29 Mr and Mrs Ralph and sons of New Bruns wick are visiiing at the home of his parents Mr and Airs Herbert AVillis of 'Springfield street George Vtiske of New London Ct formerly of this village friends here recently Mrs'YV A Corliss Mrs William Hamilton and herlaughter Margaret of the Harvard street are aj Nantucket wh' rp they will remain until early Septem ber Air and Airs George Brown ofMas'sachusetts avenue have returned jfrom a three trip to Atlantic City Philadelphia and New York city Air and Mrs Charlerii: Newell of gardens have gone to Madi son Ct where they are occupying their summer home at East river Mr and Mrs Schauwekcr of Ulcveland are spending the surq jiier in this city They formerly Tierc MX and Airs YVilliam Caj (ton tofHarvnrd street are passing the sum jrner at Lake YVinnipesaukee II of the city': col office is spending two weeks at YY'ellflcet on Cape Cod air Price Committee Hear About a 37 to 50 Per Cent Raise Gas Price Justified Pittsfield July 20 The Pittsfield lair price c''nunittce discussed to night three complaints of alleged rent gouging in a Morningside three decker It was claimed that rents have been increased by the landlord from 37 to 5Q per rent since Alav 1 The committee filled out forms re ceived from 'he state commission on rents and they will be forwarded as a possible basis for court action The law provides for a maximum raise ol This witness did not testify at only 25 per cent within one year complainants in the Morningside case said they had to pay 'or water elec tric lights and make their own re pairs Tlie committee found that the Pitts field coal and gas company was jus tified in making its recent increase in gas for nousehold use of 49 cents per 1(190 cubic feet Thomas Craw ford chairman of a eubcommitt ao on gas investigation read a report from Harry Crafts superintendent of the gas company showing how cost of labor and material have increased dur ing the past year Airs Charles Smith presided at the meeting which was open to newspaper men for the first time Adjournment was taken for two weeks The 'street Tnent i lawn at tho hnmo nf AV 1 1ns of street: The play Is eii titlcd "The and those in the cast are tieien ecnerer Meariyne jPlimpton aith and Dorothy Chis tholm and Hazel and Dorothy Hutch j'ns There will be selections on a graphophone and' refreshments will he 'served The proceeds will probably irfbe used to send cheer to children In hospitals Afembers of the Alapledell embrold ery club will have an oiitipg in ed ging Hills to day where they will guests at the home of Airs CharlestH Gardner Jr They will make thetrip by automobile Str and Airs YV II Sanburn of terrace and Mr and Airs ADavid Hale of Alagnolia terr ice have returned from a two outingin Nantucket where they were guests Sea Cliff inn i Air and Airs A Hathaway of Mar park and Airs rederick YY' Lathrop Sumner avenue have gene 'to island Ale where they will i spend the maindi of this month nt'the Ozcan Y'itw hotel and Mrs Theodore Nye of Brush hill YVest Springfield iift last for Meg: rtic Me where ihey will rcmai i until the middle nf August at the Megaiitic fish and game cor poration Mr and Mrs Henry of 'Marengo park loft lust evening efor Alr gantic where they will re 'main until the middle of August at the Alegantir fish and game corp nation William Dumas Who Had One Too Many Wives Given One Year in House of Correction Holyoke July 20 George I Cor liss of Chicopee alls was flnM $100' in police court this morning on the charge of operating an automobile while under the influence of liquor He had pleaded not guilty to the charge YY'iliam Dumas 25 of 59 Aicsher street pleaded guilty to polygamy and was sentenced to one year in the house of correction The complainant was Airs Eliza Dumas second wife of the prisoner His first wife was" Lena Gelinas of 2SS Race street Dumas came to Holyoke from II According to the records Dumas married Lena Gelinas at tlie Precious' Blood church in 1913 and Eliza Blair in YY'iri chendon in 1917 After his wife had a child Dumas deserted her and was later arrested and given six months fo nonsunport Dumas has 24 hours in which to appeal his sentence Henry Streeter of 59 Hanover street YY est Springfield of $10 for speeding on a motocycle on xothampror street Musante was fined $20 for automo bile speeding nn the same street Uapt machine had to travel about 15 miles an hour to keep up with Musante A fine gf $5 was in flicted on another man for allowing his automobile to stapj over 10 min utes oh High street Ernest rcnie? and rank Swnek pleaded guilty to vagrancy Stonek was given twi months in jail ami renier orfe month The parents of the boys cfo sired them sent away as they loafed around and scpt out nights Jolih Linnehan and rancis were fined $15 each for drunkenness bellman made a complaint Paul Easmanai and Airs Pszekon who live over him the block at 46 Union street per sisted in shaking their rugs from windows Tho case will be tried 22d led the 'rio in flight and paid the bills with the dead money Air YVright aid that under the law all three are equally guilty fcgat'dless of who fired the shot TVe trial will be resumed to morrow morn ing DISCUSS RENT COMPLAINTS YVest July 20 Nalhon A Blood 14 has disappeared from his home a4 49 YY'orthen street a second time according to a eport irom a detective agency He is being sought by his father been missing since Alonday No notice of Ills absence given to the police as yet operator for this expense to organize to supply on.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.