The Deseret News from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)

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Salt Lake City, Utah

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pos mos bes hee kmet krew ERET 11 april 29 or our country contemporaries ogden junction april 24 on the of may there will be an excursion at pm and returning some time in the early morning at echo there will be a grand ball bal in which the excursionists will participate A splendid supper will be prepared and three dollars will pay for the trip the dance and the meal graham budge and clay- ton of the depot will to bo floor managers this morning at seven when the train arrived at greenl river kiver a man who gives his name as albert sharp and who was traveling westward drew a revolver and shot mr 0 8 putnam the telegraph operator in the right breast sharp was at once arrested and was brought on to evanston mr mi putnam is seriously wounded but it is hoped not fatally sharp says lie he mistook him for another man and is sorry for what lie he lias has done mr IV eter thomson jr lias has purchased a complete telegraphic outfit and mid by permission of the city council 11 andthe assistance of Prof processo professor esso wheelwright has put up a line from his hla office ce at the cly cis hall to his fathers residence his sisters have learned telegraphy so lie he is in immediate communication with the folks at home and can talk to them by lightning gh tn ing the instruments battery etc etaw were ere ero obtained of tillot- son andnd co 0 new york and areas are as neat as they are useful beaver enterprise april 20 we are still havin having 0 winter weather snowing blowing and freezing and today to day it is quite disa agreeable gree able about two thirds or of the citizens of beaver have gone into the new order and working ilklik ilko ilke bees today anotherlot of stock wag wai wa a turned in branded and took out on to the range to be taken care of by those who have been appointed to take care of them greenville april 18 1874 editor enterprise dear brother thinking hn an item 0 or two wo in relation to the organization of the new now order in greenville would not go amiss I 1 take my pen in hand to inform you of the fact that the people in greenville al- mostmosato to a man have entered their dameson names on the list int to join the new order presidents murdock foth- eringham ering er liamllam and tyler paid us a visit on wednesday last held a meeting at two pm and a general good feeling prevailed retailed rev ailed after explaining plapia the eject object of this new order er the following persons were elected for officers bishop robert easton president david miller director wm win 1 appraiser william edwards superintendent of the farming department jos morris superintendent of stock department john it eastontreasurer A arthur secretary pro cern tern supt bupt edwards called out some six or eight teams to start to plough on the operative cooperative co principle and it seems to work admirably the people seem to feel that it will work to a charm and that it will create more confidence one in another thanthau anything that has been introduced since the organization of the church not wishing to take up tip the room in your valuable paper I 1 will say nomore at present yours truly A ARTHUR secretary pro term temm provo times april o- zit is our painful duty this morning to chronicle another accident owing to the too careless use of firearms it appears that a young lad ad a ason son of isaacbaum residing in the vicinity of heber city was- atch county nv ent out huntin hunting and in firing olf off the gun the barrelbarrei tearing his right handau hand in a frightful manner the boy was brought to this city last night where he received medical attention at last accounts lie he was doing as well as could bo be expected beaver enterprise april 2 22 5 yesterday as well as this morning fresh snow was waa on the ground and the air as cool as in winter mr 0 A burk just up from Miners minersville villevilie informs us that the majority of the citizens of that place had joined the united order and that a largo large tract of good land that had been lying idle for some time past would now be put into cultivation by those who have been pointed appointed ip to attend to the farming inte interestiest of the company by uniting their labors it is expected that a greater amount of grain will be raised this year than has ever before been raised in that place washington NOTES mr steele Ste elein in the tho united states house of representatives april ath presented joint resolutions and a memorial of the legislative isla tive assembly of the territory of wyoming praying for an appropriation to es establish ta blish a military wagon road from green river city wyoming territory to the yellow- stone national park and to fortel fort el lisils in montana territory which were referred to the committee Committe eon on military afna Afra affairs irs and ordered to be printed mr fr steele also introduced a bill 11 no 28342831 for the location and construction of a military wagon road from green river city wyoming territory to the yellow- stone national park and to fort ellis illslils montana territory which was read a first and second time referred to the committee on military al lairs affairs and ordered to be printed mr williamson wright of ind- iana who owns a marble quarry in london county va has forwarded a memorial to 0 congress offering ofle ring to give the government the full possession of all said property as lessee and owner for two years from this date for the procuring 11 of all the marble necessary to finish the washington monument wash- ington star april 18 territorial dispatches by deseret teh telegraph graph line SPECIAL TO THE DESERET news SEWS john monson dead lochi april 26 editor deseret av aws johnny monson of hyrum hurt in the rock slidedied between twelve and one last night I 1 one of his horses was also killed I 1 in the tile same slide fatal accident logas LOGAN april 25 editor news this morning a ledge 0 of rocks in hyrum canyon fell on thomas owens sixteen and johnny thirty five years old both of hyrum killing the former and entirely cutting off one leg of the latter at- ter who wilo is otherwise badly bruised and is not expected to recover thos owens father was knocked several rods but escaped injury ury dr ormsby was sent for to attend attend to the unfortunate 1010 mr in this city april at the residence ot of eider dider hibb ward wardy JOHN PEA ot of old age aged aped 90 years 9 monthsaudand 15 days father pea was born in york district south carolina removing thence to the ill- inois frontier when about twenty three years ot of are ago he enlisted in captain squires company ot of illinois IIII nois nola militia and served curing the war ot of 1811 and was inscribed on the pension roll ot of the government feb 1871 1 was bar barllbartl lizea zed zea a member ot of the church ot of jesus christ ot of lat ter day saintsdecember 1833 1835 in st clair co coa illlil by eiderelder harvey green in I 1 1838 hebe moved to far west mo and was riven driven and plundered la in connection with the saints from that place settling bottling afterwards atter wardswarda at nauvoo and was driven saemsaam rem that place at thelimetime ot of the general exodus of the church ile he gathered to the valley with the saints paints in I 1 1859 1839 crossing the plains in morris phelps phelp company deceased has ever been firm in his faith and integrity to tho the truth and in tho the early days of the church hishouse was a home for tho theeiderselders and his substance at their disposal helas he was a member of 0 the high prietta eitaoits quorum was permitted to live many years beyond those usually allotted to man and dietdiel as he had lived in the full faith of the promises and blessings bes Wes sings guaranteed gua ranted tho the faithful in the new now and everlasting covenant com cou on sunday april xyth WILLIAM JOHN POLL in the irth ward salt lake city oits from the results ot of a rupture ruptures aged 2999 years 9 months and 11 days deceased was born at wymondham Wymon dham nor- folk england july 11 and emigrated to utah with his paren parents tsy in 1853 he was a young man of integrity and great usef usefulness gness iness having acted as assistant Ass Acs stant superintendent ot of the sunday school and aloo president ot of the tho literary institute with many other incidental services for tor the good wood of his hin fellow men ho he leaves a wife and two children and the loss to his many friends will be a matter ot of sincere regret the funeral took place from the tenth ward meetinghouse meeting housebouse this afternoon at 2 delock com cow star stars please copy in ia parleys park april fig of rapid consumption JOSEPH LAIRD deceased was born in a glasgow scotland in 1819 salt lou lom lam herald please copy in salt lake city april doth SARAH daughter of william and mary ann mand and id wife of alexander glen deceased was born bom at creatha a hin lain bare near acae Mahebe manchester sterl irig eng- land september ut 1838 shshe I 1 leaves ea ves a ramilfamil family of seven children and numerous friends she dial in rulrui falthralth faith aud nud fellowship with the Church com at atthe the residence of mcdavid mr naviddavid Tc Ic Kenzle rth ward word salt lake city april it of general debility mrs mrs mary MARV CROWTHER ram nam late of Duffle duffield ld derbyshire engla I 1 in her atheth year deceasedbore an excellent character andaas and was much esteemed by all who knew her she spent a long life la in doing good she sho embraced the gospel in or about the year 1851 and was a most fervent and de- votedbeliever in its principles she la in full faith of a glorious glor hous ioui resurrection friends of the deceased are respectfully invited to attend her funeral ServIce ser sei vices sWill will beheld ja in the rth ward meetinghouse meetinghouse meeting house house on friday A april 2 21 at 12 com Milun millennial nial star please copy at Coal villel summit county apri april A of dropsy on the heart EMELINE wife of john joha simpson and daughter of leonard andemeline Phill rhill phllip Jp of Co alville aged agod 18 years 6 months and 22 days deceased casborn was born in provo utah co and was never outside of tb the territory lived a most exemplary life filthy faithful ua to her rellreli religion gloia to the last was loved and respected by the community in which she lived and died in the full hope of a glorious res co saltlake herald and junction please copy at salem utah county april isabesth of croup and CHA charles ules rles son bon of charlescharies rles vies and virginia curtis aged 5 month months i and 18 days BYLAWS BY LAWS huleshuies and regulations of mining cos coys printed at the NEWS onice PRICE OF COLD corrected daily by deseret NA BANK SALT nake LAKE crry april buying at silo ell at conference nonice brun- ton late of the washington house has removed to the overland house meals 30 cents ly LADIES ladles bazar ladies hats bonnets and millinery goods in great variety for sale at mrs mrm wil kirsons kin sons sone first south street next door to ZC I 1 5 2 tiley THEY SAY that dinwoodey has the largest and cheapest assortment of furniture wall paper feathers and childrens carriages in the territory ab 75 77 4 7 and 79 first south street salt lake city tf DISEASES OF arr gir THE BLOOD athe the blood is the life when this source is corrupted the painful and sorrow borrow producing effects are visible in many shapes the multifarious forms in which it itself would form subjects subject 8 upon which I 1 might write volumes but as all the varied forms of disease which depend upon bad blood are cured or best treated by such medicines as take up from this fluid and excrete from the system the noxious elements it is not of particular importance that I 1 should describe each for instance medical authors describe about fifty varieties of skin disease but as they hll ail require alre for their cure very similar treatment it is of no practical utility to know just what name to apply to a certain formof skin disease so you know liow how best to cure it then again I 1 might go on and describe various kinds of scrofulous sores fever sores white swellings enlarged glands and ulcers of varying appearance might describe how virulent poison may show itself in various formsof eruptions ulcers sore throat bony tumors etc but as all these various appearing manifestations of bad blood are cured by a uniform means I 1 deem such a course unnecessary thoroughly cleanse the blood which is the great fountain ofilfelire and good digestion a fair skin buoyant spirita tr vital strength nna and soundness of constitution will wiliwiil all return to us for this purpose dr Pl pierces Pier erces cers golden medical discovery and purgative pellets ar are pre emi bently the articles needed fre tre they are warranted to cure tetter saltsait rheum scald head st anthonys anthony fire roso noso rash bash or erysipelas ring worms pimples blotches blotcher Blot ches spots eruptions pustules Pus tulesbollsboils carbuncles carbuncled Carb uncles So WiVes rough skin ski scurf scrofulous sores and swellings fever sores white swellings tumors old ares sores or swelling lin affections of the skin threat throat anyang and bones and ulcers of the liver stomach kidneys and lungs STRAYED FROM prom pa ROM tho the herd in this city one red three year old COW branded 0 on ech each horn hern tailtall iwhitelwhite any person delivering her to anderson herdsman will beba liberally ro warded salt lake city april A april ir- i stil STRAYED aved AYED bouw BOUT APRIL arllin 15 A YEARLING mare mank abolt ABOUT colt large for sor her age light bay or chestnut color star in fore forehead gead tead any per- sonson giving information that will lead to herber recovery to the under undersigner undersignedsigned will be suitably rewarded GROESBECK dai aw ward NOTICE I 1 HAVE in my po session I 1 one helfer HEIFER mostly white whit somesoma red spots on neck branded 0 0 on oll left hipbip upper slope in right car la in lef lert the above described animal it if not taken away in ten days daya will be sold at public publics aleaieal at the pound bayson laybon city to tho highest besix responsible risibly bidder at 1 I 1 in on Satur saturday dayt the 2nd and day of may slav AU AD 1874 THOMAS wilon district pound neeper keeper pay on city ta april 21 slat at 1371 dawit awit a esty ESTI tAY lay NOTICE KOTICK in my possession the folrol following gowing gowins described mules muied which it if not claimed and taken away within ten days day oli jil ill be sold to the highest bidder on tuesday may slay ath 1874 at sit 2 pm at tho the astray pound in this city oueone brown mare MARR MULE about nine te years ars old a little white la in the tore fore forehead beadhead branded on lettiett thigh brand on right thigh illegible blind in right eye eyes harness andsaddle marks medium size A iw io I one brown hoase HORSH MULE about ten ton on years old olds harness harnes marks markss no brands bc medium size district salt lake city april 1874 daa wio wie NOTICE I 1 HAVE in my possess possession sion glon the following one ono I lay lay isy sy HORSE norse nive tive years old small white spot in forehead no brands vt ibe abe this animal it if not claimed within ten days from date will bo be sold at the pound randolph city ty to the highest responsible 00 bidder derlat at 1 in on thurs- day theat the ath dayot dakof may mao aa HARV harvey BY district Pound kee randoph city rich cv arr april 11 23 1874 far bau dowl a NOTICE I 1 HAVE in my posse poss eslon slon the following JL est es trays rays which if not claimed und and taken away by the hist will be sold accord in ing to law at the pound round at 5 pm one light brown 11 AH RC about five yearsyeara old spanish brand on OB left shoulder and on lef les lettiett thigh one dappled kray gray marr MARK fon pon on left thigh and shoulder jer Jor five nise years old od whitewhile etnire lu la face one ge bay years yeats 0 04 id branded on lert ler thigh I 1 high oneoue white whit mare MARR twelve yearsyeara oldo old branded ouon left shoulder and on the left thigh JOHN witbeck district pounds van juab co I 1 april LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the post office at Salt Lake city april 24 1874 which if not called for within thin one month will be sent bent to the dead let letter teutau offitt ct LADIES ladles LIST A hoddes hoda ea parker earker A A Au ti deronA derson A hammond hammonds Ham sS ashley A hawkins hawking parish 31 allea mrs pome al arnold barnold 8 hunter li petersenpeter sen a holms at A pratt 31 burgess mrs harman prague buck mrs hall 8 palmer bradin A hogland 2 park 8 benzon pettit barney jacksen mrs pollock butler jontsjonis brooks johnson johnsonis CS rrie PrIe priestly stIr 0 mauman ljacobs jacobs PC beibet beardm rd jensenn beusen bredfeld Red feldA selda A bjorkholm Bjork holmhoim jenkins it heed reed A biairblair BI jepson 8 rigby 9 bradley rockwell a 0 king ti richards 1 I cross mrs mra roifrolf chapman cha aman eliem elieT avi neld reid conner con ner Mit heilbeil bicks leicks 8 2 Laru caru dle edie ME 0 ousley bl TV suit A davis meyers at seal davis davia A mitchell Ml snider daviss 3 mosser at dud dude ey matsen mat sen 11 11 sorensen Sorens cn hia 2 delldeli dellard miller saunders it dueon A mckinney schwartz it il davey 2 norris thomas thomaa erickson newton taylor BR erickson thomas newman 31 thorne chorne frank 0 fruda esberry Ok white A fletcher waitwalt A fead pend purkins 2 webb 11 A foster A perkins 3 west forme SA pratt SE 8 white HE a pratt 8 if webb griffen griffon A pratt if wright gray pratt plant SJ winegar 8 hansen pitt williams hunter mrs pack hayens LIST A gregg gregen greg en a 3 allenalien ray rny pax baimon mon allenalien garrett a pelham A atlenailen FP gill petterson AD alston giles 8 adkins 0 11 II giles 31 plant A A lienllen gunderson Gunder sonG putman A andrews gibson perkins aguston Au uston 0 parry alston payne 11 0 2 powell it FP brown browm a hill 11 park brown hermon price burr 11 it bauks poggi nulnui bullough Bulbo bough heath 11 banks lib 2 harcourt it Peter peterson foa bull FP hunter passe nesbydesby halloway Pe aderson 2 burton hunt pierpoint point 0 1 3 bergton 11 hanks power 0 8 bottomley hills peterson boynton bovnton 3 11 bergia bersia peterson Pe tereon terson 0 butibull huhes hughes 11 II parker duskbusk hirschl irac parr bullbuli lorer loger be hut chason pitt 0 bartlett houf Houi chalder brewer 0 hanco*ck priestley Bor baurabauta baumM hurlbert baughs paugh 8 blumel hooker A phipps brewer hall NY parsons blake 2 haywood packard roren roven lyle myle NY 3 jones 8 5 rogers a jonsson rudd A 2 1 coombs A joh Job johnoson noson 3 richards FP crawford johnoson 11 II beddy bat EAT A 7 carlen 0 jensen rose 6 5 jensen 11 clark claris BR james aames richards richarda kic ric harda 11 if Jo johonson honsonhouson 8 robins cheshire rickets clansen 11 II Klop klipstine stine iooss cox HC keon keen 0 neese reese 3 crouch knolton FP atran kipp 2 riley hiley 8 conrad 3 kluga king 0 3 1 raper haper NY clayton ai kitchum conchs conces Kinnersley JM stanchfield AJ Cochran eja oJA Kerscher Kersche rJ JL I 1 Stal stai huskibuski A clark mark it 2 heller kellerk stevens A conner it 11 ketchum JS CPP cooper 8 ketchum almons caltoncaiton Kopp lekom stevens 11 knight 0 sanders manders davis NY kimballkimbail 0 sylves sylvester ter navisdavia kirk kirks 9 snyder rayd ray fay 8 3 kromer WY SI de desonchen DeSon donche cheD settlesettie se gir gid MW IV dening co larson saunders dewey Lie lle lieberson hermonbermon A chwartz dudley louseg Lon segES 8 String harm hamm despainn Despal nn 11 longley Sp ellone dalton lauglang A stephens dick ly lyon on it II sykes dockett Doir gett lorson silver I 1 dohondobon lewis TE duggon IV I legg legs egg NY taylor son livingston TT thom whom thomas as eng lekon laben it ahm thomson so evelette evelett ri tweedy ellason moor tt thomas A eperson 11 II merritt Man tripp willard finch 31 myers warren firmon A ayinde weber 11 II fitzgerald A wilson flanders CB moffate moffat worthen 11 frazier meyer it II felt miller er 3 waltewaite 3 A foreman FG morris BV worthington eallond A mallory wells at Fray balz miller TU if watson fellows morris wickel finst first firson millard ward warda folifoil follmond lond A 8 mcgarity white FL fisher ther then mcneil fuller TH mcdonough McDonoug hM woods A a mcgarth watkins grav grare walker a A A noyce IV williams A goldman Gold olan alan 1 0 williams A graham obrien weir green A osen osena A HELD FOR POSTAGE miss A williams south cottonwood 3 flynn marysville marksville Marys ville jehnsen johnson and landlaud philadelphia pa mr williams bassett nue buel nev bev bryan tooelethoele IT A dolan alver ilter i city 3 cavander santa cruz cal FP clark mark farmington I 1 blackham moroni IT curtis star city IT A Reyn Rey nearson earson mill creek ward waud 34 iuan Ican canner nerg iowa timmins Evan evanston ev anston stong wy 0 reese ileese bloomington idaho 8 Kays kaysville villevilie 0 prices price cheyenne wy butler bro IT mary ann adilenadlien spring city IT personspersona Inqui inquiring ring zing roc tor thetha above letters are requested to state whenadverta ad verti I 1 11 moone MOORE postmaster lyst LIST OF LETTERS bettens REMAINING EMAIN INGIn in Wells Fargot A Cos cob office dapril april so 25 1874 13 flyn myn mis kofford brizzee wa a bowen juliagallagher larsen mrs bicknick Gli lispi ivl broox brooket 8 mccrum JJT harvey conkleconkie solhoston roberts A cashman mibMis 11 yolyoi fol molcomb comb Mrs stein miss Cunnin hamD it A Sc rsssie A harrop daly hammand wo I mrs irs kinner timms 11 WADSWORTH wilds worta WORTH agent.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.