One-Pot Japanese Curry Chicken and Rice Recipe (2024)

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I did it all on the stove, brought to a boil and then covered on low for 20 and then uncovered for 10 and it came out great. No need to heat up the house in the summer weather.


I made this with 1.5 lbs of 1” cubed chicken breasts and substituted the nutmeg for garam masala and it was still delicious.

Hale and Hearty

I used brown rice instead of short grain white, used twice as many potatoes as well as 5 carrots, peeled and cubed. I cooked it for 30 with the lid on and another 10 with the lid removed. Really delicious!


I play w/recipes to make them my own after making it as written the first time. No need to do so with this one--it is PERFECT as is. Leftovers are the star of this dish. I find myself making it again and again for this reason. The best is breakfast: place an even layer of rice mixture in a saute pan over medium heat until bottom is well crisped; flip onto plate. Serve with a medium fried egg on top. The warmth of the curry, crusty rice and jammy yolk will make you swoon. I promise.


Can this be made with chicken breasts or boneless thighs? What adjustments would need to be made?Sounds great as is, but my husband doesn't like chicken thighs.Thanks.

Megan B.

I wake up craving this sometimes I love it so much. Do not ignore the advice to rinse the rice--- if you follow directions, the rice is almost the best part. If you want a shortcut on browning the chicken thighs, stick them under a broiler until the skin is crispy while working on other tasks.


Excellent. Forget the time baking with the lid off, though. Let the rice tell you when it’s ready. Ps, make the “Cucumber Salad with Soy, Ginger and Garlic” NYT recipe for your pickled side.


I’m not sure if I’m the only one, but it took me a second to figure out where the oven was used: after you boil, cover it, and put it in the oven to bake for 20 :).

wes bray

I made this tonight with boneless thighs. Just shortened the cooking time to the first 20 minutes in the oven and then let it rest covered for the ten minutes on top of the stove. All liquid absorbed and the thighs were tender. A delicious dish.

john john greenpoint BK

Love that this is a weeknight dish, but if you get prepared and make some of Tejal Rao’s Japanese curry bricks you can add them in step 3, with the garlic and ginger, and just keep rolling with the recipe and good Lordy it was supreme heavenly tastiness!!! Like Japanese curry and Arroz con Pollo combined - the America I love


No Madras curry - use plain + some cayenneCan increase potato and carrots and cook all on stove top.


My Japanese immigrant mother always added potatoes to her curries and stews. Both were served with rice. She considered potatoes a vegetable, not a starch.


Dish was a hit with my whole family!Doubled the veg, halved the meat (use chicken breasts, because that's what I had on hand), butter, nutmeg and curry (regular not Madras).If you prep in advance, this is a very quick cook!

Diego P

Very easy and tasty. Like many others, added more potatoes and carrots but otherwise followed instructions pretty closely.Couldn't find madras curry in powder form but read that you could use regular curry and ad cayenne to give it more kick. I gave it... a lot of kick, which I don't regret. Looking forward to trying the leftovers tomorrow.Next time might redo with beef or lamb and some szechuan peppers.


This dish was very good, even though it tasted more IndoPak than Japanese. I don't understand the potatoes AND the rice. I would opt for just rice and carrots...maybe adding another non-Japanese vegetable. I would also reduce the amount of fat, given the skin-on chicken thighs. Adding butter was unnecessary.


Really good, much better the second day after the spices sink in.


It’s the texture that does it for me. Super hearty and cozy (made on a snow day). Way too much rice for just me and my fiance to eat, will cut in half next time. Will make again


Next time do with shredded rotisserie chicken

Pat Philipps

Nope on this one. Too much rice, potatoes mealy, too mushy.


2/3/2024Very good, a do again. Used diced chicken breast and added green peas and coconut milk at the end.


2/3/2024 Very good. Made with diced chicken breast. Also added green peas and coconut milk at the end.


Incredible flavor....but total time was a bit longer than 1 hour. Based upon other reviews, we are looking forward to the leftovers tomorrow!


As others suggested, I made this all on the stove. I also skipped the butter since others indicated that it was unnecessary, but ultimately so much fat rendered from the chicken thighs that the dish ended up too oily anyway. Next time I would probably bake the thighs separately and nestle them (without the extra rendered fat) into the curry at the end. Disappointed, but we think it’s worth another try.


Way too much rice in my opinion! Could go with half the rice, double all veggies!

Julia Clare

Add cayenne - broil chix thighs before cooking- shorted cook time to 20 min in oven and a rest for ten if boneless skinless-

Cecilia Brunazzi

What kind of pickles?


We cooked it with madras curry and homemade broth and it was great

A Marylander

It was missing something, followed the steps to a t…but I feel like it needs another herb. Side note, everyone loved it and it was super easy to make but I think I was looking for a bigger punch.


How much broth?


Easy. Tasty. Tripled the potatoes. Next time I'm adding raisins.

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One-Pot Japanese Curry Chicken and Rice Recipe (2024)
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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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