How YData Profiling helped me with data analysis | Sophia Konobe posted on the topic | LinkedIn (2024)

Sophia Konobe

Hello! I'm a budding data scientist passionate about transforming raw data into actionable insights.

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Hi #linkedin community!πŸ‘‹ Hope you all had an opportunity filled weekend. I recently ventured into the world of data analysis using YData Profiling and Plotly,and I thought to share my experience with other beginners who are looking to improve their data exploration abilities. πŸ” Getting Started with YData ProfilingYData Profiling, formerly known as pandas-profiling, is a great tool for creating detailed reports from your datasets with just a few lines of code. It was really informative and easy to use, even for someone with little experience in data analysis, in my opinion. I've included a quick example of how easy it is to use below.πŸ“Š Data Visualization using PlotlyPlotly is a powerful graphing librarythat brings data to life. After using YData Profiling to gain a thorough insight of my dataset, I used Plotly to create interactive visualizations. I loved it for thereasonslisted below:1. Interactivity: Plotly's charts are interactive, allowing for hover tooltips, panning, and zooming, in contrast to static plots.2. Versatility: Plotly can handle a wide range of visualizations, from simple line charts to advanced 3D scatter plots.🌟 Key TakeawaysYData Profiling is a game-changer for quickly understanding your data.Plotly makes it easy to create engaging, interactive visualizations.Both tools are beginner-friendly and can significantly enhance your data analysis workflow.For anyone just starting out in data analysis, I highly recommend giving these tools a try. They have made my journey smoother and more enjoyable, and I’m sure they can do the same for you!Happy data exploring! πŸ“ˆβœ¨#DataScience #DataAnalysis #YDataProfiling #Plotly #DataVisualization #BeginnersJourney #Learning



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Esther olubunmi Kufoniyi.



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Good job

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    Hello! I'm a budding data scientist passionate about transforming raw data into actionable insights.

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  • Sophia Konobe

    Hello! I'm a budding data scientist passionate about transforming raw data into actionable insights.

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    I'mexcitedtosharemyexperiencelearningPython!πŸ” Learning Python has been thrilling and difficult at the same time. Understanding the syntax was one of the first things I had to learn, despite the fact that Python is renowned for being readable, it took some getting used to understand the basic ideas. Nevertheless, it's getting much more natural with time and practice.Exploring different functions and their use, felt both scary and exciting. There were things like methods for working with and manipulating data, it fells like there are endless ways to do things! Despite the challenges, I've been able to build a calculator using Python. I had to keep trying different codes, dealing with and debugging different error messages to find the one would work best for the task I had to complete.This calculator can perform all the basic arithmetic operations you'd expect: addition βž•, subtraction βž–, multiplication βœ–οΈ, and division βž—. Plus, it's super easy to use! With just a few lines of code.#Calculator #Python #CodingCommunity #DataScienceCheck out a snippet of the first few lines of codes:

    • How YData Profiling helped me with data analysis | Sophia Konobe posted on the topic | LinkedIn (10)


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  • Sophia Konobe

    Hello! I'm a budding data scientist passionate about transforming raw data into actionable insights.

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  • Sophia Konobe

    Hello! I'm a budding data scientist passionate about transforming raw data into actionable insights.

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  • Sophia Konobe

    Hello! I'm a budding data scientist passionate about transforming raw data into actionable insights.

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  • Sophia Konobe

    Hello! I'm a budding data scientist passionate about transforming raw data into actionable insights.

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How YData Profiling helped me with data analysis | Sophia Konobe posted on the topic | LinkedIn (23)

How YData Profiling helped me with data analysis | Sophia Konobe posted on the topic | LinkedIn (24)


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How YData Profiling helped me with data analysis | Sophia Konobe posted on the topic | LinkedIn (2024)
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