F*ck Yes, 40 Filipino Food Recipes! (2024)

Hello and welcome to this thing we’re doing where we help you figure out what you’re gonna put in your mouth this week. Some of these are recipes we’ve tried, some of these are recipes we’re looking forward to trying, all of them are f*cking delicious. Tell us what you want to put in your piehole or suggest your own recipes, and we’ll talk about which things we made, which things we loved, and which things have changed us irreversibly as people. Last week, we chilled out with summer soup.

The Philippines is a chain of islands located geographicallynear Malaysia, but emotionally nearthe center of my heart. I have complicated feelings about a lot of things, but my love of Filipino food is not one of those things. Like, 3/4of the words I know in Filipino arefood-related. If I were the lead characteron Inside Out, “Filipino food island” would probably be one of my core personality centers. Filipino food is just so good.

Anyway. I’ve personally eaten every dish on this list (albeit not with these exact recipes), and I will personally attest to the deliciousness of each and every one. Enjoy.

1. Kare-Kare(Peanut Butter Stew)

2. Sinigang(Tamarind Soup)

This recipe uses pork, but you can substitute different proteins like chicken or seafood. That’s true of many (most?) Filipino recipes.

3. Lechon(Roasted Pig)

Okay, not this one. Lechon has to be made of pork.

4. Turon(Banana Roll)

When my Ate Rose taught me how to make this, she told me Icould skip the jackfruit if Icouldn’t find it. Butjust so you know, it’s way better with jackfruit.

5. Pancit Palabok(Rice Noodle With Hardboiled Eggs)

6. Pancit Bihon (Rice Noodles With Meat And Vegetables)

This pancit variation is the one my family usually has. It tastes like hugs and laughter.

7. Tocino(Grilled Cured Pork)

8. Longganisa(Sweet Sausage)

Both longganisa and tocino arefor breakfast. If you have leftovers, you can chop themup and put themin fried rice.

9. Chicken Adobo

F*ck Yes, 40 Filipino Food Recipes! (10)

Via Autostraddle.

10. Leche Flan(Custard)

It tastes better than the photo I took of it here, I promise.

11.Sinangag (Garlic Fried Rice)

If you add itlog (fried egg), the combination is referred to as“silog” (sinangag + itlog). Or if you add other things, those dishes getother cute shortened names. For example:Spamsilog.

Also, you should all read Phoenix’s delightfulode to Spam. The Philippines has a complicatedpolitical-economic dependency on the United States. I’m not going to get into it here, but that Spam article would be an okay place to start if you wanted to read about theimpact of colonialism on Filipino food.

12. Beef Caldereta (Stewed Beef)

13. Puto (Steamed Rice Cake)

14. Kutsinta (Rice Cake Dessert)

15. Ensaymada (Sweet Bun)

The most important thing about this is that there’s cheese and sugar on top.

16. Pastillas De Leche (Milk Candy)

Do you want a history lesson on decorative candy wrappers?Yes, you do.

17. Pork Menudo

18. Arroz Caldo (Congee)

19. Pandesal (Sweet Dinner Rolls)

Man cannot live on bread alone, but this bitch could probably live on nothing but pandesal.

20. Mechado (Braised Beef)

21. Ginataang Manok (Coconut Chicken)

22. Lumpia (Egg Roll)

Eat lumpia, and Chinese takeout spring rolls will forever be asoggy, one-note disappointment in comparison. You’ve been warned.

23. Bistek Tagalog (Braised Beef With Citrus)

24. Tinola (Chicken Soup)

25. Pork BBQ

26. Biko (Sweet Sticky Rice)

This was my favorite Filipino dessert as a kid. I always went back for second, third, and fourth helpings at Filipino parties.

27. Bicol Express(Coconut and Chile Stew)

FYI, Bicol is a region in the Philippines. There’s also a small fast food chain called Bicol Express.

28. Sitaw Guisado (Stir Fried Long Beans)

One of the few vegan friendly dishes in traditional Filipino cooking.

If you’re interested in the topic, there are some interesting discussions to be had about food justice and decolonization!

29. Chicharon (Pork Crisps)

30. Mamon(Sponge Cake)

31. Crispy Pata(Deep Fried Pork)

32. Sisig (Sizzling Pork)

This dish is traditionally (and best) made with pig face skin and assorted bits. I believe this dishwas borne out ofa colonialist period in whichFilipinoshad restricted access to “good” pork products. But like, joke’s on you, Spain. Sisig is awesome.

33. Inihaw Na Liempo (Grilled Pork Belly)

34. Siopao (Steamed Bun With Filling)

This recipe has apork asado filling, which is my favorite. But you can put leftover adobo inside, or any number of other fillings.

35. Paella

Similar to the Spanish version, but the Filipino kind usesa tomato base.

36. Banana Que (Deep Fried Banana Skewers)

37. Suman (Sweet Rice Wrapped In Banana Leaves)

38. Chicken Inasal

39. Braso De Mercedes (Custard Roll)

40. Hopia(Pastry With Bean Filling)

My (white) mother once made a passing mentionto my dad’s (Filipino) relatives that she liked hopia. They sent her four gigantic boxes full of it when they got home, and the love-and-hopia-filled shipmentscontinued coming at regularintervals afterwards. We’ve learned thathopia freezes really well. So stock up!

F*ck Yes, 40 Filipino Food Recipes! (42)

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F*ck Yes, 40 Filipino Food Recipes! (2024)


What to cook on All Saints Day in the Philippines? ›

Among the most popular dishes are pancit – stir-fried noodles mixed with meat and vegetables – and caldereta, a robust stew of beef, pork or chicken. Not to mention what many people consider the national dish of the Philippines, adobo.

What Filipino food to cook for foreigners? ›

A Short List of Delish Filipino Food Choices to Recommend to Your Foreign Friends
  • Adobo. Adobo - Image Credit: dbgg1979 on Flickr. ...
  • Lechon. Lechon - Image Credit: Everything Cebu. ...
  • Crispy Pata. Crispy Pata - Image Credit: Roland on Flickr. ...
  • Sisig. Sisig - Image Credit: Ron Diggity on Flickr. ...
  • Chicken Inasal. ...
  • Bulalo. ...
  • Pinakbet. ...
  • Lumpia.

What is the number 1 food in the Philippines? ›

1. Adobo. No list of the top 10 Filipino foods can begin without the famous Adobo on top. The unofficial Philippines national food is made with pork or chicken simmered in soy sauce and vinegar with loads of black pepper and crushed garlic.

What is the most authentic Filipino food? ›

15 Traditional Filipino Foods and Drinks To Try on Your Next Trip
  1. Cebu lechon. Roasted suckling pig is a staple of Filipino cuisine. ...
  2. Kare-kare. Kare-kare is a rich oxtail stew, often served with rice. ...
  3. Adobo. Adobo is both a traditional dish and a cooking method in the Philippines. ...
  4. Sisig. ...
  5. Balut. ...
  6. Sinigang. ...
  7. Pinakbet. ...
  8. Halo-halo.

What do Filipinos eat the most? ›

Main dishes. Adobo is one of the most popular Filipino dishes and is considered unofficially by many as the national dish. It usually consists of pork or chicken, sometimes both, stewed or braised in a sauce usually made from vinegar, cooking oil, garlic, bay leaf, peppercorns, and soy sauce.

What do Filipinos eat for dinner? ›

The typical Filipino dinner always include RICE and any ulam (viand). The viand can be adobo, sinigang, kaldereta, afritada or menudo. You can even eat the rice with just salt and soy sauce. I would say rice and viand or rice and 2 viands (1 meat-based and 1 vegetable-based).

What is the Filipino feast where you eat with your hands? ›

Kamayan means ″hands" in Tagalog — one of eight major Filipino dialects — and is a communal feast where the food is laid out on a bed of banana leaves instead of plates and your eating utensils are your fingers. One of my fellow diners called it the ultimate finger-food experience.

What is the Filipino dish for special occasions? ›

Lechon is considered a delicacy food, and it is most often served at big celebrations like weddings, holidays and festivals.

What do Filipinos eat on the Day of the Dead? ›

One of the most popular foods eaten on Undas is Kakanin, a dessert made with sticky rice and coconut milk. A Nutshell favorite is biko, the brown sugar flavor. 4. A popular Undas tradition is to clear the cemetery of weeds and overgrowth, and decorate graves with flowers and candles to honor those who have passed.

What Filipino dish should I try? ›

Top 10 dishes in the Philippines
  • Adobo. A classic dish influenced by the Spanish! ...
  • Lechon. This cherished dish, usually served at celebrations, comes in a number of forms, though its essentials are the same. ...
  • Kare-Kare. ...
  • Sinigang. ...
  • Pancit. ...
  • Halo-Halo. ...
  • Lumpia. ...
  • Puto.
Jul 31, 2023

What do Filipinos eat for breakfast? ›

9 Typical Filipino Breakfast Dishes To Try
  • Lugaw.
  • Tuyo.
  • Champorado.
  • Silog.
  • Taho.
  • Tortang Talong.
  • Puto Bumbong.
  • Bibingka.
Feb 3, 2022

What is Pinoy's favorite food? ›

The favorite food of the Pinoy are tapa, apahap,lapu-lapu, tapang usa, escargots(snails), frog' legs and of course rice. Apahap- known locally as Apahap, these Barramundi or Asian Seabass as they are also known are excellent gamefish.

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.