A Glitch in the multi dimensions chapter 14 (2024)

by Suzie on May 17, 2024


[font=Arial, sans-serif]Chapter 14 rescuing bombshell[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Lies,” a voice said faintly. “Wha..,” Suzie said, straining her ears to hear where that came from. “Always lies,” the voice said faintly. Suzie quickly spun around as she hovered in the air not liking having voices talk to her in the eerily glowing night sky. “Why didn’t she trust me?” the voice said a little less faintly. Suzie flew closer to where she thought the voice was coming from. “It’s all gone because of you sister” the voice said a little loud. This was getting a bit creepy even for Suzie, who has seen a lot of creepy but hearing voices while flying in a night sky was never a good sign. Suzie decided to slowly make her way down to glitch. “What is going on?” Glitch asked himself. Suzie silently landed by glitch not making much of a sound. “H-hey glitch, c-can we head back now?” Suzie asked, her wings trembling a bit. “Do you hear those voices?” Glitch asked. Suzie nodded slowly, glancing around. “Lets just head back please, I'm not a fan of voices in the dark, it's never a good sign.” Suzie said, ruffling her wings uneasily glancing around even more, drawing the lightsaber out of her pocket just in case, but not activating it. “Something I hear but can’t see, it’s a very strange feeling,” Glitch explained. “Lets just head back to the hut,” Suzie said tugging on the sleeve of his jacket. “Okay” Glitch said walking back. They arrived at the hut and Suzie kept eyeing the sky nervously. “I should head inside before those bugs come around,” Glitch said. Suzie felt uneasy about staying the night by herself, especially with all the weird things going on around with the voices and the night sky. “Y-yeah,” Suzie said, twitching a little. “You sound nervous,” Glitch said. “Who me? The empress nervous? Never,"Suzie said sarcastically. “Really, you're also a human, which means your living, which also means you have emotions, like fear,” Glitch explained. “Your very observant glitch,” Suzie commented. Glitch grunted before speaking again. “If you don’t want to be alone by yourself you may stay at the hut” Glitch said leaving the door of the hut open. “Oh thanks glitch, thats um very kind of you to offer,” suzie said a little surprised. Glitch grunted again and then pulled out another bed. “If you decide to sleep here this is your bed you can stay in” Glitch said before heading to his own bed. Suzie gratefully accepted it and placed her brush by it and layed down wrapping her wings around herself as her own blanket. “Hey glitch, can I ask you a question?” Suzie asked, looking up at him. “Yes,” Glitch responded. “Why did you think I would insult you? You're my friend,"Suzie asked curiously. “Someone told me so is why” Glitch answered. “But does that seem like something I would?” Suzie asked even more curiously. “I am still getting to fully know you ya know, for me to answer the question would be simply by my own biases” Glitch answered. “True i guess, but just to let you know you can't take everyone's word on what i do and say,” suzie pointed out. “Are you saying my friend lied to me?” Glitch asked. “What i'm saying your friend started making false assumptions for no reason even though i corrected him on what i said and yet he acted as if i thought lowly of you or something,” suzie growled a little to herself. “Maybe, I will just talk to Bombshell about it,” Glitch explained. “Ok, just don't come off rude to him or anything like that,” Suzie said, turning her head to the wall. Glitch just grunted and heard noise at the door. The door opened and then Fake Bombshell walked in. “Well it’s getting late, time to head to bed before I hear more insults” Fake Bombshell explained while getting in bed. Suzie just stared at him in shock, “unbelievable,” Suzie mumbled angrily. “Hey, why are you in here, shouldn’t you be in the princess house” Fake Bombshell said mocking. “Hey, Bombshell, I need to have a word with you now” Glitch said with a little attitude in his voice. “Nah, I’m too tired, had a long day ya know” Fake Bombshell said while stretching and yawning. “Bombshell, stop, I am serious, this is important, and if I know you, this isn’t how you normally act” Glitch said looking at Fake Bombshell. Fake Bombshell thought to himself for a little bit. “Well if you do not mind i'm going back to my treehouse since i seem to be unwanted.” Suzie said angrily storming out of the hut bumping fake bombshell out of the way with her wings. “Wait, it’s not safe out there, you heard the voice did you not” Glitch asked. “Yeah, but I'm in no mood to hear bombshell's voice either,” Suzie growled walking away. “Yeah, go back home, we don’t want you here anyway, go back and play with your baby dolls and tea pots, little girl” Fake Bombshell’s yelled. “BOMBSHELL WHAT THE (GLITCH) IS WRONG WITH YOU” Glitch said with red eyes. Suzie took off back to her tree house at top speed unable to hear what that soulless being was saying. “Why are you acting like this?” Glitch asked. “Glitch shut the $&@& up, I am too damn tired to hear what you have to say” Fake Bombshell said while about to head to bed. “Listen to me,” Glitch said while getting angry. Fake Bombshell waved it off. “I said listen to me” Glitch said getting angrier as Bombshell still ignored him. “Good night, so glad we don’t have the little girl around” Fake Bombshell said chuckling. “LISTEN TO ME” Glitch said, grabbing Bombshell and throwing him against the wall while holding him. Glitch’s eyes were glowing red with anger. “I have dealt with a lot of crap, and I may not be perfect or do the right things all the time, but, but-” Glitch said, trying to calm down but failing. “LET ME GO YOU FREAK” Fake Bombshell yelled. Glitch thought for a little and decided to let Bombshell off the wall. “Listen, I just want to talk to you, I didn’t mean to hurt you, but you need to listen” Glitch said, trying to be calm. “ARE YOU CRAZY, YOU TRYING TO KILL ME YOU PSYCHO” Fake Bombshell yelled. “Look, I just wanted to ask you a question was all” Glitch asked. “No, I don’t want to hear your bull crap, you can take your question and shove it down your throat” Fake Bombshell said, pushing Glitch to the side and opening the door. “Where are you going?” Glitch asked before Fake Bombshell ran off. Glitch was about to go after Bombshell, but decided to go up to ask if she was okay from the voice and storm. “I should probably go check on Suzie, just to be safe” Glitch thought to himself. Glitch had climbed the treehouse and after a while reached the top. “Suzie,” Glitch said out loud. “G-go away,” Suzie said from on a branch with her back turned to him and no wings on it. “Sorry, I was just making sure you were okay out here, from the light night sky and the voice” Glitch explained. “I'd rather die by this voice than go back to the hut with bombshell in it,” Suzie said, holding her knees up to her chest and rocking back and forth a little. “Bombshell left” Glitch said looking down. “W-why, what happened?” Suzie asked, turning her head to him concerned. “I-I grabbed him and threw him against a wall, to get information” Glitch said shamefully. Suzie nearly fell off the branch in shock. “W-wha- h-ho- er i mean why?” Suzie asked, walking over to him and placing her hand on his shoulder. “i-I don’t know, but it felt wrong, very evil,” Glitch replied. “That's a very sudden thing to do..was it something he said?” Suzie asked gazing at glitch. “He said a lot of things, but that isn’t any reason to attack or hurt someone” Glitch said. “We’ll apologize to him tomorrow,” Suzie said, pulling glitch into a hug. “I will, but I still need to find him,” Glitch explained. “I'm sure he will come back eventually,” Suzie said reassuringly. “Perhaps, but I should still look for him,” Glitch said, climbing down the tree house. “I'm coming with you..I blame myself f-for him running away,” Suzie said, climbing down after him. “Well let’s hurry up, before something happens to that sky” Glitch said. “Where should we look for him?” Suzie questioned glancing around and keeping close to glitch. “You don’t have to look very far” Fake Bombshell said walking from behind a tree. “Bombshell, listen, I’m sorry” Glitch said. “Are you sorry, are you both really sorry for what you did?” Fake Bombshell asked. “I guess,” Suzie said, trying to be polite. “I guess, I GUESS, AFTER WHAT YOU IDIOTS DID ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY IS I GUESS” Fake Bombshell said angrily. “Why would she be sorry for you being a jerk dude” Glitch said while tapping Fake Bombshell on the chest. “For a soulless guy you are expressing a lot of emotion,” suzie mumbled so only glitch could hear. “You know, I knew when I met you guys it was a great mistake, I’ve seen you before though, and I know you did all this, you cursed my world, you want us all dead don’t you Glitch, DON’T YOU” Fake Bombshell said yelling at Glitch. Suzie looked confused and then her mind started to connect the dots of what was actually going on. “Y-you're not bombshell are you,” Suzie said observing fake bombshell up and down. “Took you long enough to figure it out” Fake Bombshell said before shapeshifting to his changeling form. “Yes yes, I am not your friend, it took you dummy’s a long time to figure it out” The changeling said. “W-what did you do to Bombshell” Glitch said trying to process everything so suddenly. “Well since you're not bombshell I might not feel any regret hurting you,” Suzie said, filled with rage, taking out the lightsaber and pointing it at the changeling. “So first you invade our home, take our only source of protection for who knows what, and know you want to kill us, how selfish can you be” the changeling said backing up. “How selfish are we, you impersonated my friend, and kidnapped him and we’re a jerk to us, how are we selfish” Glitch asked. “You're selfish for taking what wasn’t yours, the only barrier to keep everything that is ours safe, all of our food will soon die now, everything and everyone will die” the changeling explained. “Well..maybe just maybe if you give us the actual bombshell back we will leave,” suzie offered. “Please, and betray the hive, only changelings have access to be able to go to our kingdom, and if I were to betray my kingdom I would be killed myself, and even if you kill me then you have no way to our kingdom” the changeling said, shaking at the thought of betrayal. “Hmm, maybe we can make a bargain with your king or queen at the hive to get bombshell back,” Suzie said thinking. “H-how can you talk about a bargain, we are all gonna die if we stay here, that’s it” the changeling said before deciding to fly off to go back to his kingdom. Suzie threw the saber at him and it speared through one of his wings. “You are not going anywhere.” Suzie growled. The changeling screamed in pain. “WHY, WHY ME, MY &$@*%#* AHH” the changeling said, trying to recover from the pain. Suzie went over to the changeling, picking up the saber. “You are leading us back to your kingdom, on foot if we have to so we can get bombshell back,” Suzie said, pointing the saber at his neck. “Y-you’ll slaughter us all, like we’re just insects, my brothers and sisters, all dead by your hands, ow” the changeling said, still in pain from losing its wing. “Well you kinda brought this upon yourself, but like you said they will die either way. Usually I'm not this extreme but since you messed with one of my friends then you and your kin are going to pay the price,"Suzie said, smirking at the changeling. “We do what we must to survive, I’m sure anyone else would do the same, we are ordered to hunt, we are forced to feed what little love is left to our leaders, and our children, the rest of us all starve away to death” the changeling said grabbing its torn off wing. “That's unfortunate,” Suzie said carelessly, gripping her hand on the saber and cutting off its other wing with ease. “Hey, what are you doing, we aren’t bad guys” Glitch said confused and watching the changeling suffer pain. “You’re monsters” the changeling said, feeling lots of pain. “Glitch, i do what i must to strike fear in those who wrong my friends even if that means someone is going to suffer,” suzie said emotionlessly. “But it’s not right, it’s not morally right, we already took one of his wings, we don’t need to make him suffer anymore” Glitch said. Suzie looked at glitch then at the changeling in pain. “You might think this is not morally right, but in this case i consider it,” suzie growled kicking the changeling in the stomach. “ENOUGH,” Glitch said, stepping in front of the changeling. “I want Bombshell back too, but I won't stoop down and abuse my enemies,” Glitch said, grabbing the changeling’s leg and dragging it back to his hut. “It’s too late out here anyway, it’ll be safer in the morning to go find Bombshell” Glitch explained. “Aargg,” Suzie said, going to a tree and banging her head on it. “Why-must-we-wait-stupid-stupid-stupid,” Suzie said, frustrated with herself. Glitch dragged the changeling in his hut and tied him up so he wouldn’t fly. “Before we get some rest, would you care for some tea? I don’t normally offer things, especially to enemies, but, I think you should have some,” Glitch said, placing it by him. “J-just leave me alone, hopefully by morning I’m dead so I don’t have to see my family die” the changeling said with his eyes closed. “We won’t resort to violence, not unless we have no choice to defend ourselves” Glitch explained. “Your friend doesn’t appear to see it that way, she probably wants to kill us, you probably do too” the changeling said before kicking the tea away from him and going to sleep. Glitch said nothing and took the tea cup and drank it and went to sleep. “Uhg there is no way glitch is keeping that [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]thing[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] in here,” Suzie growled but being too tired to do anything about it she decided to head to bed but she went to sleep at the foot of glitches bed in case that thing would get free and attack him. Suzie glanced at the bug tied up and felt a twinge bad for being so harsh towards it, even if it did probably kidnap bombshell. Before Suzie realized what she was doing she took her brush and gently swiped some paint on the changelings back. After a few seconds the paint formed into two new wings on its back just like the ones it had. Content on what she had done she went back over to the side of glitches bed and sat down closing her eyes to rest. The next morning. Glitch woke up from his sleep to see Suzie next to his bed, he went off the bed slowly not to wake her up. He went out to go hunting to get everyone food with his crossbow. Suzie peeked open her eyes to see him leave and not hesitating at all she quickly but silently followed after him. After she was out of the hut following glitch she spoke up. “Hey glitch, what are you doing up so early?” Suzie asked, yawning a little. “Hunting,” Glitch replied. “Mind if I can join you?” Suzie asked, hopefully rubbing her eyes a little. “As long as you don’t distract me,” Glitch answered. “I would never dream of it,” Suzie responded, smiling innocently while walking next to him. “Sorry about last night, my emotions got the best of me,” Suzie confessed feeling a little guilty. “I was just really upset at bombshell being missing and you losing even more trust with me that i've been trying to repair..uhg i wish i didn't do that,” suzie said looking down. “The deed has been done already, there is nothing more we can do about it,” Glitch explained. “But it’s not your fault Bombshell went missing, we will find him, hopefully without the need for violence” Glitch explained. “Yeah, no more violence from me,” Suzie said, chuckling a little. “I did make some new wings trying to amend what I did,” Suzie said, shrugging. “Hopefully it will receive them with gratitude” Glitch responded. “Doubt it but whatever as long as we get bombshell back i will feel much better about this whole situation,” suzie said putting her hands in her pockets. Glitch halted the walking when he saw a deer, however it was lying on the ground not moving. “Is it dead?” Glitch asked himself. Suzie stopped a bit surprised seeing glitch stop but soon glanced at the deer on the ground. “Is it alive?” Suzie asked curiously, poking it with her shoe. “Hmm, no blood, how did it die?” Glitch asked himself. “I think it might be diseased,” Suzie said, taking a step back cautiously. “Perhaps, but in any case we will find another one” Glitch said while walking to look for another deer. After a little bit they found a bigger deer lying on the ground dead. “Again?” Glitch said, confused. “I think something is killing off the deer,” Suzie said observing the other deer. “Maybe it won't be wise hunting deer today if they are all diseased,” suzie said. “But how is the deer dead with no wounds at all, something else is going on here and I don’t wanna stick around to find out what, let’s just get Bombshell and bounce” Glitch said walking away from the deer. “Yeah, but I don't think the bug thing wants to tell us,” Suzie said following glitch. “Maybe if we put a tracker on it then let it go it might lead us to where the hive is located,” Suzie said thinking out loud. “I don’t know, they are bugs, they might smell something odd somehow, maybe I’ll try to negotiate with the thing, besides it said only it can lead us back, it could be in a different world entirely” Glitch said. “True, i can't argue with that, that thing probably wouldn't listen to me if i asked it,” suzie agreed. The two reached the hut and opened the door to see the bug still sleeping. “I'm going to let you wake it,” Suzie said, stepping into the hut and sitting on her bed she was given. Glitch walked over to the bug before tapping it. “Wake up,” Glitch said calmly. The bug began to groan and opened its eyes. “Aww dang, I’m here, and still alive” the changeling said depressingly. “We will let you go once we get our friend back, just take us there so we can get him,” Glitch explained. “Please, once they see what you both have done to me I’m dead anyways” the changeling explained. “Ahem, sorry about that but you will still take us there either way,” Suzie interrupted a bit sourly. “Sorry doesn’t compensate for my wings now does it” the changeling angrily snarked back still tied up. “Enough, I’ll make it simple for you, take us there, and we leave, don’t take us, and you can stay here as long as you live” Glitch said taking a seat on his bed. “Yeah well anyways i'm not going to sit around like a duck if you don't show us,” suzie said, sighing a little. “Oh by the way your wings are fixed,” Suzie mumbled quickly under her breath carelessly. “Listen, I don’t care about living okay, it is better to die on my own side than a traitor, anyone with any morels would agree with me, plus I saw what you did to me, making me suffer as you carelessly watched, i won’t see my sisters and brothers suffer the same fate, we already have enough to deal with back at home” the changeling said still tied up. “Look, I don’t know what your people went through but that’s not my business, my friends are my business, so I ask you again creature, just do the right thing” Glitch pleaded. “Sigh glitch i dont think its going to listen to us especially if it thinks its family is on the line,” suzie said looking down remembering some of her own family. “How about this creature, we will give you some time to think about it, and we won’t even be in the room while we do it” Glitch stated. “Really?” The creature said, confused. “Yeah, we will let you take a moment to think about it,” Glitch said while cutting the rope to free the creature. Suzie just stared at him in shock, “w-what?!” Suzie said unable to think straight. “Come on Suzie, let’s let him think, in peace with no one around” Glitch said walking out the hut leaving the door open for Suzie to walk out of. Suzie just looked at the changeling then back at glitch in complete shock but decided to walk out of the hut with glitch, but made sure to shut the door behind her. “You better have a good explanation,” Suzie said, confused. “Listen, if we keep interrogating him he will continue to say no, especially after what you did to him, if we let him think, alone, he will perhaps change his mind” Glitch explained. “I-i..i hope your right, though i'm starting to feel no regret what i did since we still don't have bombshell with us and all that bug talks about is how bad we are even if he kidnapped our friend, insulted me, and wants to talk about a moral way to die!” Suzie said, crossing her arms. “Well you did say they feed off of love, perhaps he is following orders, and besides he did kinda lose his wings and get kicked, I wouldn’t be happy being tortured either” Glitch explained. “And I don't care if it's happy, I just want bombshell back,” Suzie said looking down. “That doesn’t give us the right to be bad, I want Bombshell back too, but I am not going to stoop down to our enemies levels to do so, one day it’s talking, next it’s carelessly killing people, we are prone to becoming corrupt too, and I don’t want that” Glitch explained. “If you haven't realized yet glitch, the multiverse is full of people who will do whatever it takes to hurt your friends or family, sometimes you need to be violent to show who the boss is here,” suzie said defiantly. “At least that's how it's always been for me,” Suzie said, kicking a loose rock on the ground. “That’s not how I do things nor do I plan to, I am not people, I am Glitch, and I will get Bombshell back without violence if I can” Glitch stated. “Well then what's the plan glitch, i will do everything in my ability to help,” suzie said determedly. “Well then let’s not waste any time and hopefully the bug has changed its mind” Glitch said, opening the door and seeing no one in there. “What, where did he go?” Glitch asked himself. “I sure hope you got a back up plan,” Suzie said, putting her hand on her forehead annoyed. “Relax, we kept the door closed, he couldn’t have gone anywhere I’m sure” Glitch said looking around and seeing nothing. “How can you relax? That was the only thing able to lead us to bombshell,"Suzie said, frowning. “Your right, I am the only thing that can lead you to your friend” a voice said outside the hut. The changeling suddenly walked in and closed the door behind him. “But it’s not safe out there at all anymore, the gods have awakened” the creature said. “Well this is a bit of a surprise,” Suzie said, eyeing the bug suspiciously. “You had the chance to run away, why didn't you?” Suzie asked curiously. “Well somehow I got my wings back and I was gonna fly off, but for some odd reason I felt conflicted to stay, it’s hard to explain, but another reason I stayed was because I saw the night moon and the daystar out at the same time” the bug explained. “The what?” Suzie said a little confused by both of his reasons. “The sun and moon are both out at the same time” the bug said before pointing out a window of the hut. “Interesting, I'm assuming that's not supposed to happen in your universe?” Suzie asked. “No, but it looks like thanks to a couple of random beings that didn’t have any business being here they are both up at the same time, which can only mean one thing” the bug explained. “Which is what..?” Suzie asked, even more curious. “Well I’ll just ask, when you humans came to our world, did you happen to take a piece of helmet with you” the creature asked. Suzie looked at glitch confused. “Uh, I have no idea what you're talking about actually,” Glitch said, beginning to sweat a little while putting his hand behind his head. “Really, so you didn’t find a one of many helmet pieces used to make the eternal army” the bug asked, flying at Glitch looking him eye to eye. Glitch didn’t say anything and was silent. “Woof well that doesn't sound good, maybe my death would have protected a heck of a lot of universes then I could,'' Suzie mumbled. “You humans are quiet, but in any case there is no point to return home, all the animals are dead which means no more love for my hive, I have no doubt the gods in their rage killed them” the bug said lying in a corner. “Well I happen to believe in one God, but maybe we can ask your “gods” to stop and not attack your hive,” Suzie offered. “These beings I refer to we don’t worship, I only call them gods because of their immense power, but even so they won’t listen to me, or anyone, our, no my best bet is to return to my hive through my portal that I create” the bug said. “Wait, you want us to come with you?” suzie asked, confused. “What, no, clearly this was your doing, before you all showed up it was better before, mostly at least, besides the queen doesn’t like unknown guests or the prince” the creature explained. “Would your queen rather have gods causing or unknown beings maybe capable of getting rid of “gods” and leaving?” Suzie asked, putting her hands on her hips. “My queen would rather the beings of this land deal with the problem, she has plenty of love kept back at her special quarters for her to feast on anyway, a back up plan I guess, but she won’t be happy she has to use it” the creature explained. “Uh huh, well either way we just want bombshell back. And besides, bombshell doesn't have any love for him since he’s soulless,"Suzie pointed out. “Listen, anything you say to me is worthless, it’s the queen who has the final say, not me, not the guards, not anyone, besides you can’t come back anyway, you’d be doomed the second you enter our world” the changeling explained. “Sigh well i'm done arguing,” suzie said throwing her arms up in the air and flopping on her bed. “Why would we be doomed exactly?” Glitch asked. “Sigh, well the throne is made from ancient materials which basically to sum up take away your powers, unless you're a changeling, you’d all be powerless” the creature explained. “What if I summoned the weapon before I went?” Glitch asked. “Kid, nothing that involves powers would work, no ancient artifacts, no powers, nothing, you wouldn’t last long in there” the creature explained. Glitch sat down on his bed to think. “Not gonna lie but I'm pretty pathetic powerless,” Suzie admitted. “I mean i can still fight but paints not gonna do any damage,” suzie said pouting. “Sigh, well listen, I am heading back to my world, so you guys are on your own I guess” the changeling said using his powers to create a portal back to his world. “I doubt there would be victory for you anyway, it would probably be better to leave while you still have the chance anyway” the creature said standing there. “Not without bombshell,” Suzie stated. “We will not leave our friend behind, even if there is a chance we will fail” Glitch explained. “You two don’t know what you're getting yourselves into, it’s dangerous” the changeling explained. “As long as we are by each other's sides we can do it,” Suzie said confidently. “Fine, it’s a long journey back though so just follow me and do exactly what I say, got it” the bug asked. “Alrighty,” Suzie said, sitting up. “Fine,” Glitch replied. “Let’s go” the changeling said, flying into the portal. “You ready glitch?” Suzie asked, glancing back at him. “Yeah, let’s go find Bombshell,” Glitch said walking through the portal. Suzie nodded and walked through the portal. When they entered the other side of the portal they saw a world with withered trees, a green sky and storm clouds, as well as changelings flying above them. “Here is the plan you two, if you want to make it out of this alive, you will have to be my prisoner, which means I must tie your hands together and you must give me your weapons as evidence” the bug explained. “Yeah no,” Suzie said, clinging onto her paint brush. “Hmm, well I suppose I could just walk with you both united and wait for the changelings above to see us and turn us into dinner, cause they actually do eat flesh, at least some of the ones here” the changeling explained. “Fine,” Suzie said, handing the changeling her paint brush. “But if I find broomy broken, I will terrorize the daylights out of this place,'' Suzie said, stroking her paintbrush goodbye before handing it to him. “Oh, and that light sword that you used to cut off my wings” the changeling said, still a little upset about it. “I left it back at the hut sorry,” Suzie said, shrugging. “Fine, and you, what weapons do you have?” the changeling asked. “Nothing, I have no weapons,” Glitch answered. “If you're lying we all die, they know if you're lying” the changeling explained. “Honest,” Glitch replied. Two changelings flew down to see Suzie, Glitch, and the changeling helping them. “Prisoners I assume” one of the changelings asked. “Yeah, they are with me,” the changeling replied. “We will help you, we can carry the weapons” the other changelings said about grabbing the paint brush before the changeling pulled it back. “I got it actually,” the changeling said. “Fine, we didn’t wanna help anyways” one of them said before flying away. The changeling used his magic and spit to create bonds to tie the hands together of Glitch and Suzie. “Sorry, this is a little nasty for you both” the changeling said, tying their hands up. “Well at least I will still be able to kick anyone's knee caps if i'm being attacked,” Suzie retorted. “Yeah yeah” the changeling said, trying them up. “Follow me now” the changeling said walking with a rope around both their hands while he pulled it. “What if he's actually bringing us as prisoners?” Suzie whispered to glitch. “I think he will help us out, he didn’t have to bring us here with him after all” Glitch replied. “If you say so glitch. I will be right by your side.” Suzie assured me. “This is going to be a long walk you two, so whatever you do, well, just don’t be suspicious I guess,” the changeling explained. “Wouldn't dream of it,” Suzie replied, trying to loosen the ropes a little. After hours of walking they finally made it to the kingdom. “This place is full of guards and changelings, so don’t attack, or anything, if a changeling insults you or something, just be quiet and keep walking, for all our sakes” the changeling explained. “Hey glitch you've been awfully quiet, is everything ok?” Suzie whispered, nudging him with her shoulder. “I am fine, just trying to think of a plan if everything goes wrong” Glitch replied back. “Well if everything does go wrong and we don't survive i just wanted to tell you that you are one of the coolest people i met,” suzie whispered smirking a little. “Thanks, you're pretty awesome as well” Glitch replied. “Shh, you two, we are approaching the guards at the entrance, let me do the talking” the changeling said. “Glitch I am truly flattered, now let's get bombshell and leave this heck hole,'' Suzie whispered. “Agreed,” Glitch whispered. “Are these prisoners?” one of the changeling guards asked. “Yes, they have lots of love to give, and they will make an excellent meal for the queen,” the changeling replied. “Excellent, I will have the general deliver them to the queen,” the guard replied, trying to take the rope. “Wait, I should take them, I don’t want to waste the generals time after all,” the changeling explained. “Oh it’s quite alright, the general would love to do so” the guard said, grabbing the rope and about to walk away with Suzie and Glitch. “WAIT, I mean we wouldn’t want to interrupt the queen if she is busy now, perhaps we should just take them as prisoners to the prison cells, which I can personally do” the changeling said, trying to let the guard not do it. “Fine, put them with that guy with the black armor we found,” the guard ordered. The changeling took Suzie and Glitch and walked them to the prison cell rooms where they saw Bombshell lying on the floor with his hands on his head. “Here, but I can’t help you escape, you must figure that out on your own” the changeling explained. “Thank you,” Suzie said gratefully as she hurried over to bombshell to see if he was ok. “Bombshell you're ok,” Suzie said, relieved he was still alive. “I-I, who is that?” Bombshell asked, still having his hands on his head. “This is the bug who led us to you,” Suzie said, gesturing at the bug. Bombshell looked up and saw the bug and put his hands over his head again. “N-no, who are you, h-heck w-who am I” Bombshell said before passing out. “H-hey bombshell i-its me suzie..” Suzie said, shaking his shoulder worriedly. “G-glitch, somethings wrong with bombshell,” Suzie said desperately looking up at glitch then back down at bombshell who passed out. “What is wrong with him, what did you do?” Glitch asked, pointing at the changeling who helped him. “I don’t know, I was back with you all the entire time,” the changeling pleaded. “Lets just get bombshell out of here and then figure out what's wrong,” Suzie suggested nervously glancing at Bombshell. “I hope you guys have an escape plan, cause this is as far as I go on helping you all, I honored my part of the deal” the changeling explained. “Could I get my paint brush back at least?” Suzie asked the changeling hopefully. “Just don’t-” the changeling said before a guard came and snatched the paint brush. “Why are you talking with prisoners, and why aren’t the cells locked?” a changeling guard asked suspiciously. “Uh, I was just uh, trying to make them give us love” the changeling replied. “Hmm, right, just step with me then for a little chat” the guard said pulling the changeling. “Glitch, how do you think we can escape this place?” Suzie whispered so the guard couldn't hear. “I didn’t think we would get this far to be honest” Glitch replied. “Lets just figure out how to get bombshell out of this cell and to safety then we can think of a plan,” Suzie suggested as she tried to wake bombshell up. “You three have plenty of time to think, as well as this traitor” the guard said kicking the changeling who helped them in the cell before locking it. “Crap,” Suzie said, turning her head to see them locked in now. “Glitch I have a quick plan but we first need to make sure the coast is clear and bombshell needs to be awake.” suzie thinking. “What is your plan?” Glitch asked. Suzie quickly glanced around to make sure there weren't any guards listening in. she quickly pulled out the lightsaber out of her pocket and handed it to Glitch. “I knew I shouldn't have handed that bug this, you should be the one using this since you're much better at wielding a sword than me,” suzie said confidently placing it in his hand. Glitch got a grip on the lightsaber and gripped it before cutting open the bars. “Grab Bombshell and let's get out of here,” Glitch said. “Come on bombshell time to wake up,” Suzie said, putting bombshell’s arm around her neck and trying to get him to his feet. “I-I, wh-what's going on?” Bombshell said, trying to wake up. “HEY, THE DINNER IS TRYING TO RUN AWAY, STOP EM” the guards said holding spears and pointing it at them all. “Glitch mind taking care of them while I get bombshell to safety?” Suzie asked as she got bombshell to stand on his feet. Glitch swung the lightsaber and cut the spears. The changelings then shapeshifted into bears and started swinging at Glitch to which he was dodging. Suzie and Bombshell started hurriedly down the halls as fast as they could. After a small fight more guards came and knocked Glitch’s lightsaber out his hands before kicking him back. One of the guards grabbed the lightsaber and tried to turn it on. “How does this work?” the changeling said before pressing a button and stabbing himself in the eye, killing himself. “Uh oh,” Glitch said while running, seeing the other changelings go after. “Alert the queen, they will pay for killing us” a guard said to another while he flew to the queen. Suzie and bombshell came across what seemed to be some janitor's closet and Suzie quickly hid bombshell in it. “Stay here, i think glitch needs my help,” suzie said quickly as she shut the janitor’s closet door and ran back the other way to help glitch. Glitch ran Suzie’s way as fast as he could. “RUN, THEY ARE REALLY MAD!” Glitch said while being chased by a swarm. “Oh for creation's sake!” Suzie stopped to a screeching halt wide eyed at the swarm and quickly sprinted with glitch the other way from the swarm. “How are we going to lose all of them?” Suzie asked hastily while sprinting with glitch. “I don’t know, just keep running until we lose them” Glitch said, running hastily. “I doubt we will lose them, we gotta find a place to hide,” Suzie said, panting a little. “You two, over here” a changeling said waving his arm. Suzie glanced at glitch to see if he would trust that bug. “It’s me, the one who helped you both, hurry” the changeling said. “I thought you weren't going to help us escape?” Suzie questioned as she sprinted towards the changeling. “They know I helped you, they will kill me if I don’t escape,” the changeling explained. “Hey, you can tag along and escape with us,” Suzie offered sarcastically. “Fine, but when we escape I’m parting ways with you all” the changeling said reluctantly. “Sounds great,” Suzie said while glancing back at the angry swarm. “Actually, you two run for it. I gotta go get bombshell then I will regroup with you guys,"Suzie said while taking a turn and sprinting down a different hallway. A few of the angry swarm parts parted off and flew after Suzie as she tried to outrun the swarm and make it to the closet where bombshell was. The swarm was right on her heels before she made it to the closet where she stuck bombshells in. without even thinking she quickly yanked the door open, hopped in the closet and locked it from the inside, startling bombshell. “Oh crap-” Suzie said, gasping for air. “We have a problem..” Suzie said, glancing at the door nervously. “Do you still have your blaster guns on you?” Suzie asked while rummaging for crates and stuff in the closet and placing them in front of the door. “G-guns, I-I don’t have any g-general” the clone faintly answered. “Y-you know i think u just need to rest, you're not looking too well,” suzie said, glancing at bombshell nervously. “I-i don't know what to do. I've never been without my powers.” Suzie said, desperately trying to think. “I think Glitch will have to be the one to help us out of this mess cause right now we're trapped in here,” Suzie admitted walking over to bombshell and sitting him down so he could rest and maybe clear his thoughts. “R-red g-guy, b-big red g-guy, he-h-he” Bombshell said before fainting. After a few minutes Bombshell recovered and spoke. “It’s not just insects here, there is a big red guy, he-he stole my energy” Bombshell explained trying to stand up. “Hey bombshell, take a deep breath. You're ok, we wont let them hurt you again.'' Suzie said reassuringly, placing her hand on his shoulder. “I just hope glitch is ok, cause right now he might be our only chance of getting us out of here,” Suzie said, glancing back at the barricaded door. Suddenly for a second all the noise stopped and there was a scream. Suzie froze and nervously glanced at the door again. “Quick, bombshell, behind here,” Suzie said, in a hushed voice, pulling bombshell to his feet and hiding him and herself behind a crate at the far end of the storage closet. “I know you're in there, come out now or else he gets it, '' a female voice yelled. Suzie stayed silent not wanting to move unless absolutely necessary since bombshell was in no state to come out. “Last warning or he gets it, '' the voice said once again. Suzie slowly got up and headed to the door, gesturing for bombshell to stay put. Slowly Suzie moved the stuff barricading the door and opened it just a creek so that she could see out of it. “Let him go, we can talk about this reasonably.'' Suzie said firmly, glaring at them through the door. “Why don’t you open the door human, let us negotiate this peacefully'' a male voice said. Suzie hesitated but reluctantly opened the door unwillingly. Outside the door was a changeling taller than the other ones as they were bowing to her and Glitch who was cocooned. “Where is he?” the queen asked. “Where’s who?” Suzie questioned, glaring at the queen. “Don’t play dumb with me, where is the one who wears the black armor?” the queen asked furiously. Suzie tilted her head pretending to be confused “I beg your pardon?” Suzie questioned a bit mockingly. “You’ll be begging for more than a pardon when I am through with your friend over here” the queen said as she kicked Glitch to the ground. “I wouldn't do that if I was you,” Suzie said through clenched teeth angrily, taking a step closer to the queen. “Hey, I would watch yourself if I were you” a voice said behind the queen as a red four legged creature walked from behind the queen. “Oh really?” Suzie said, clenching her fist, glancing back and forth between the queen and the new four legged creature that showed up. “Yeah, if I were you I’d watch yourself, or you're gonna have a bad day” a third female voice said flying above the four legged creature that was actually a talking house. “Look, if you just let us go we will never come back and you won't have to worry about us intruding in your hive,” suzie said, taking a breath in unsure if she would be able to take them on if a fight was to break out. “Why would you expect me to just give up my dinner, the food around here has been scarce enough without thieves trying to steal from us” the queen said. “Well to be honest i don't think i would taste that good and paint can be poisonous,” suzie said pointing at the paint splotches on her. “Not your flesh human, your love is what I feast upon, it is what keeps us all alive, me and my subjects need it or we all die” the queen explained. “Excuse me but I'd rather keep my love rather than having it taken away. Wait but isn't love an emotion?” Suzie asked, a bit confused. “Perhaps it is just an emotion to you, but for us it’s the key to our survival, but why am I explaining this to you, I don’t expect a human to understand, your species couldn’t understand because you're all heartless” the queen explained. “Me heartless? I think your the heartless one here.” suzie stated crossing her arms and nervously glancing at glitch. “Whatever, either way I demand that you show some respect and give me what I ask for, now” the queen demanded. “Let him go and I'll think about it,” Suzie said, gesturing at glitch. “My little human, you don’t understand, this isn’t a negotiation, it’s an order, but if that is how you want to be, so be it, lord Tirek do what you want with this Glitch guy” the queen said walking off. “With pleasure” Tirek said before using his powers and making Glitch hover over the ground and about to take his powers. Suzie quickly launched herself at Tirek and slammed her fist into one of his eyes. “Ow” Tirek said before using his powers on Glitch and slamming him at a wall in anger. “HEY! Why don't you pick on someone else that's not tied up and unable to defend themself!!!” Suzie yelled angrily before upper cutting him underneath the chin making him stumble back. “Ow, you little BRAT” Tirek said, using his powers to grab Suzie and launch her at a wall too. “GAH,” Suzie said in pain as she tried to get off the wall and protect glitch. Tirek used his powers and trapped Glitch in a bubble and snapped his fingers and teleported Glitch away. “Oops, guess it’s a 1 on 1” Tirek said charging up his powers. “Where did you teleport him?” Suzie said angrily, getting to her feet and getting in a fighting stance. “Haha, you should worry about yourself, not that other guy,” Tirek said, using his powers to grab rocks and launch them Suzie’s way. “I’ll worry about myself as long as I know he’s safe,” Suzie retorted as she dodged the incoming rocks skillfully. Tirek started shooting laser beams at Suzie. Suzie quickly dodged them and lunged an attack at Tirek that brought him falling to his knees. “Where. Is. Glitch?” Suzie asked, annoyed. Tirek’s horns glowed a bright yellow and he smashed the ground with anger causing a shock wave while he yelled. Suzie was taken off guard and stumbled onto the ground from the shock wave. “Don’t worry, you’ll see Glitch in Tartarus” Tirek said while using his magic and putting Suzie in a bubble too. “THE HECK?” Suzie said, banging on the side of the bubble trying to get out. Tirek snapped his fingers and teleported Suzie to Tartarus with Glitch. “Wa? Where am i?” Suzie said, glancing around in panic. “Glitch? Glitch where are you?” Suzie yelled out desperately looking around. “In here” Glitch said, trapped in a cage and then seeing a changeling get teleported to Tartarus but not in a cage. “Hang on glitch im coming,” suzie said as she tried to burst the bubble to get to him. At last the bubble managed to burst and Suzie landed in a heep on the ground but quickly collected herself and hurried towards glitch. “Glitch are you ok? Are you hurt?” Suzie panicked, kneeling beside his cage. “Well my head freaking hurts, but I’m fine,” Glitch said, trying to get to his feet but still in pain. Suzie let out a small sigh, her hands trembling a bit. “I'm so sorry, glitch, I should have stayed with you,” Suzie said, squeezing her eyes shut, frustrated with herself. “It’s okay, we will get out of here” Glitch reassured her. “I-i hope s-so,” suzie said looking down hopelessly.“Where are we?” Glitch asked, looking around. “I-im not really sure but first things first let's get you out of that cage,'' Suzie said inspecting it. “Do you think you can squeeze through the bars?” Suzie asked curiously. “I already tried, they are too tight,” Glitch explained. “Really?” Suzie said as she found herself easily squeezing herself through the bars into the cage. “Works for me i guess,” suzie said shrugging. “Maybe for you it works, but not me” Glitch said before seeing the changeling flying around. “Hide,” Glitch said, pointing at the changeling. Suzie glanced around, panicked and didn't see a place to hide at all. “Where?” Suzie asked in a hushed voice, stepping closer to glitch. “You two” the changeling said, flying over to them. Suzie quickly glanced at the changeling then at glitch unsure of what to do. “Relax fools, it’s just me” the changeling said upsetlingy. “Oh thank creations it's just you,” Suzie said with a sigh of relief. “Oh yes it’s just that one changeling who’s wing I cut off and made betray his own hive, or and the one who we got EXILED” the changeling said angrily. “Well that's unfortunate,” Suzie said, shrugging pitifully. “Go *#%% yourselves, both of you” the changeling said very angry. Suzie just stepped behind glitch and stuck her tongue out at the changeling mockingly. “Listen man I’m sorry we got you exiled, but I’m sure if we all work together we can find a way out of here” Glitch suggested. “Please, I have nothing now, and helping you two is the last thing I’d ever do, especially when your friend doesn’t even care, so no I won’t help you” the changeling said upset. “Humph,” Suzie said grumply sitting down next to glitch. “I would care if someone would have just left glitch alone,” Suzie shot back sourly. “Glitch would have been better off back at the hive where he at least had a chance to escape, now we will all die here” the changeling explained. “Sigh, i'm sure we won't die here,” suzie said calmly “we are going to find a way out of here no matter what.” Suzie said with new confidence. “But for now i think i just wanna rest, my back is killing me from getting slammed into a wall,” suzie said rubbing her achy shoulders. “Now you know how it feels to be crippled” the changeling said, snarking a little. Suzie just ignored him and turned to glitch. “Sit, you dont look like you're in the best condition to stand,” Suzie said, eyeing him and tugging on his pants a little, wanting him to sit down. “Fine, but let’s not try to rest for too long, who knows what else is down here” Glitch said sitting down. “How do you feel right now?” Suzie questioned placing her hand on his lap. “A little terrible, but I should be better in the morning, whenever that is” Glitch responded. “Sigh, I'm just glad you're ok,” Suzie said, closing her eyes and resting her head on his shoulder. “I’ll be better when we find a way out of here, but for now we should definitely rest” Glitch said, falling asleep. “To be honest this isn't the most comfortable place to sleep,'' Suzie said, knocking on the hard ground. “Do you wanna borrow my hoodie as a pillow?” Suzie offered happily. “Sure,” Glitch said, accepting the hoodie. Suzie took off her hoodie which just had a white tank top shirt underneath and handed it to glitch. “Here ya go,” Suzie said, smiling happily that she was able to help. “Thanks” Glitch said smiling and falling asleep on the hoodie. Suzie rolled over and tried to get comfy and fall asleep on the cold hard ground but she was finding it to be a bit of a challenge since she easily got cold. “Hey, if you want you could wear my hoodie while you sleep” Glitch offered. “No, no you need it,” Suzie said, a bit embarrassed. “I insist you take it,” Glitch said, taking it off and giving it to Suzie. Suzie took it blushing a little “t-thanks glitch, but if you get cold ima give it right back to you,” suzie said a bit stubbornly trying not to get all flustered. “I’ll be okay,” Glitch explained. “If you say so,'' Suzie said grinning putting on his hoodie which was way too big for her so she ended up looking almost like a draped blanket. “Thanks glitch, it's really snuggly,” Suzie said, burying her face in its sleeves. “I’m glad to hear it” Glitch said half asleep. Suzie layed down but was now much too flustered to fall asleep, and she slowly found herself inching closer to glitch on the ground. Glitch continued to sleep while stuck in the cage.[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]“Lies,” a voice said faintly. “Wha..,” Suzie said, straining her ears to hear where that came from. “Always lies,” the voice said faintly. Suzie quickly spun around as she hovered in the air not liking having voices talk to her in the eerily glowing night sky. “Why didn’t she trust me?” the voice said a little less faintly. Suzie flew closer to where she thought the voice was coming from. “It’s all gone because of you sister” the voice said a little loud. This was getting a bit creepy even for Suzie, who has seen a lot of creepy but hearing voices while flying in a night sky was never a good sign. Suzie decided to slowly make her way down to glitch. “What is going on?” Glitch asked himself. Suzie silently landed by glitch not making much of a sound. “H-hey glitch, c-can we head back now?” Suzie asked, her wings trembling a bit. “Do you hear those voices?” Glitch asked. Suzie nodded slowly, glancing around. “Lets just head back please, I'm not a fan of voices in the dark, it's never a good sign.” Suzie said, ruffling her wings uneasily glancing around even more, drawing the lightsaber out of her pocket just in case, but not activating it. “Something I hear but can’t see, it’s a very strange feeling,” Glitch explained. “Lets just head back to the hut,” Suzie said tugging on the sleeve of his jacket. “Okay” Glitch said walking back. They arrived at the hut and Suzie kept eyeing the sky nervously. “I should head inside before those bugs come around,” Glitch said. Suzie felt uneasy about staying the night by herself, especially with all the weird things going on around with the voices and the night sky. “Y-yeah,” Suzie said, twitching a little. “You sound nervous,” Glitch said. “Who me? The empress nervous? Never,"Suzie said sarcastically. “Really, you're also a human, which means your living, which also means you have emotions, like fear,” Glitch explained. “Your very observant glitch,” Suzie commented. Glitch grunted before speaking again. “If you don’t want to be alone by yourself you may stay at the hut” Glitch said leaving the door of the hut open. “Oh thanks glitch, thats um very kind of you to offer,” suzie said a little surprised. Glitch grunted again and then pulled out another bed. “If you decide to sleep here this is your bed you can stay in” Glitch said before heading to his own bed. Suzie gratefully accepted it and placed her brush by it and layed down wrapping her wings around herself as her own blanket. “Hey glitch, can I ask you a question?” Suzie asked, looking up at him. “Yes,” Glitch responded. “Why did you think I would insult you? You're my friend,"Suzie asked curiously. “Someone told me so is why” Glitch answered. “But does that seem like something I would?” Suzie asked even more curiously. “I am still getting to fully know you ya know, for me to answer the question would be simply by my own biases” Glitch answered. “True i guess, but just to let you know you can't take everyone's word on what i do and say,” suzie pointed out. “Are you saying my friend lied to me?” Glitch asked. “What i'm saying your friend started making false assumptions for no reason even though i corrected him on what i said and yet he acted as if i thought lowly of you or something,” suzie growled a little to herself. “Maybe, I will just talk to Bombshell about it,” Glitch explained. “Ok, just don't come off rude to him or anything like that,” Suzie said, turning her head to the wall. Glitch just grunted and heard noise at the door. The door opened and then Fake Bombshell walked in. “Well it’s getting late, time to head to bed before I hear more insults” Fake Bombshell explained while getting in bed. Suzie just stared at him in shock, “unbelievable,” Suzie mumbled angrily. “Hey, why are you in here, shouldn’t you be in the princess house” Fake Bombshell said mocking. “Hey, Bombshell, I need to have a word with you now” Glitch said with a little attitude in his voice. “Nah, I’m too tired, had a long day ya know” Fake Bombshell said while stretching and yawning. “Bombshell, stop, I am serious, this is important, and if I know you, this isn’t how you normally act” Glitch said looking at Fake Bombshell. Fake Bombshell thought to himself for a little bit. “Well if you do not mind i'm going back to my treehouse since i seem to be unwanted.” Suzie said angrily storming out of the hut bumping fake bombshell out of the way with her wings. “Wait, it’s not safe out there, you heard the voice did you not” Glitch asked. “Yeah, but I'm in no mood to hear bombshell's voice either,” Suzie growled walking away. “Yeah, go back home, we don’t want you here anyway, go back and play with your baby dolls and tea pots, little girl” Fake Bombshell’s yelled. “BOMBSHELL WHAT THE (GLITCH) IS WRONG WITH YOU” Glitch said with red eyes. Suzie took off back to her tree house at top speed unable to hear what that soulless being was saying. “Why are you acting like this?” Glitch asked. “Glitch shut the $&@& up, I am too damn tired to hear what you have to say” Fake Bombshell said while about to head to bed. “Listen to me,” Glitch said while getting angry. Fake Bombshell waved it off. “I said listen to me” Glitch said getting angrier as Bombshell still ignored him. “Good night, so glad we don’t have the little girl around” Fake Bombshell said chuckling. “LISTEN TO ME” Glitch said, grabbing Bombshell and throwing him against the wall while holding him. Glitch’s eyes were glowing red with anger. “I have dealt with a lot of crap, and I may not be perfect or do the right things all the time, but, but-” Glitch said, trying to calm down but failing. “LET ME GO YOU FREAK” Fake Bombshell yelled. Glitch thought for a little and decided to let Bombshell off the wall. “Listen, I just want to talk to you, I didn’t mean to hurt you, but you need to listen” Glitch said, trying to be calm. “ARE YOU CRAZY, YOU TRYING TO KILL ME YOU PSYCHO” Fake Bombshell yelled. “Look, I just wanted to ask you a question was all” Glitch asked. “No, I don’t want to hear your bull crap, you can take your question and shove it down your throat” Fake Bombshell said, pushing Glitch to the side and opening the door. “Where are you going?” Glitch asked before Fake Bombshell ran off. Glitch was about to go after Bombshell, but decided to go up to ask if she was okay from the voice and storm. “I should probably go check on Suzie, just to be safe” Glitch thought to himself. Glitch had climbed the treehouse and after a while reached the top. “Suzie,” Glitch said out loud. “G-go away,” Suzie said from on a branch with her back turned to him and no wings on it. “Sorry, I was just making sure you were okay out here, from the light night sky and the voice” Glitch explained. “I'd rather die by this voice than go back to the hut with bombshell in it,” Suzie said, holding her knees up to her chest and rocking back and forth a little. “Bombshell left” Glitch said looking down. “W-why, what happened?” Suzie asked, turning her head to him concerned. “I-I grabbed him and threw him against a wall, to get information” Glitch said shamefully. Suzie nearly fell off the branch in shock. “W-wha- h-ho- er i mean why?” Suzie asked, walking over to him and placing her hand on his shoulder. “i-I don’t know, but it felt wrong, very evil,” Glitch replied. “That's a very sudden thing to do..was it something he said?” Suzie asked gazing at glitch. “He said a lot of things, but that isn’t any reason to attack or hurt someone” Glitch said. “We’ll apologize to him tomorrow,” Suzie said, pulling glitch into a hug. “I will, but I still need to find him,” Glitch explained. “I'm sure he will come back eventually,” Suzie said reassuringly. “Perhaps, but I should still look for him,” Glitch said, climbing down the tree house. “I'm coming with you..I blame myself f-for him running away,” Suzie said, climbing down after him. “Well let’s hurry up, before something happens to that sky” Glitch said. “Where should we look for him?” Suzie questioned glancing around and keeping close to glitch. “You don’t have to look very far” Fake Bombshell said walking from behind a tree. “Bombshell, listen, I’m sorry” Glitch said. “Are you sorry, are you both really sorry for what you did?” Fake Bombshell asked. “I guess,” Suzie said, trying to be polite. “I guess, I GUESS, AFTER WHAT YOU IDIOTS DID ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY IS I GUESS” Fake Bombshell said angrily. “Why would she be sorry for you being a jerk dude” Glitch said while tapping Fake Bombshell on the chest. “For a soulless guy you are expressing a lot of emotion,” suzie mumbled so only glitch could hear. “You know, I knew when I met you guys it was a great mistake, I’ve seen you before though, and I know you did all this, you cursed my world, you want us all dead don’t you Glitch, DON’T YOU” Fake Bombshell said yelling at Glitch. Suzie looked confused and then her mind started to connect the dots of what was actually going on. “Y-you're not bombshell are you,” Suzie said observing fake bombshell up and down. “Took you long enough to figure it out” Fake Bombshell said before shapeshifting to his changeling form. “Yes yes, I am not your friend, it took you dummy’s a long time to figure it out” The changeling said. “W-what did you do to Bombshell” Glitch said trying to process everything so suddenly. “Well since you're not bombshell I might not feel any regret hurting you,” Suzie said, filled with rage, taking out the lightsaber and pointing it at the changeling. “So first you invade our home, take our only source of protection for who knows what, and know you want to kill us, how selfish can you be” the changeling said backing up. “How selfish are we, you impersonated my friend, and kidnapped him and we’re a jerk to us, how are we selfish” Glitch asked. “You're selfish for taking what wasn’t yours, the only barrier to keep everything that is ours safe, all of our food will soon die now, everything and everyone will die” the changeling explained. “Well..maybe just maybe if you give us the actual bombshell back we will leave,” suzie offered. “Please, and betray the hive, only changelings have access to be able to go to our kingdom, and if I were to betray my kingdom I would be killed myself, and even if you kill me then you have no way to our kingdom” the changeling said, shaking at the thought of betrayal. “Hmm, maybe we can make a bargain with your king or queen at the hive to get bombshell back,” Suzie said thinking. “H-how can you talk about a bargain, we are all gonna die if we stay here, that’s it” the changeling said before deciding to fly off to go back to his kingdom. Suzie threw the saber at him and it speared through one of his wings. “You are not going anywhere.” Suzie growled. The changeling screamed in pain. “WHY, WHY ME, MY &$@*%#* AHH” the changeling said, trying to recover from the pain. Suzie went over to the changeling, picking up the saber. “You are leading us back to your kingdom, on foot if we have to so we can get bombshell back,” Suzie said, pointing the saber at his neck. “Y-you’ll slaughter us all, like we’re just insects, my brothers and sisters, all dead by your hands, ow” the changeling said, still in pain from losing its wing. “Well you kinda brought this upon yourself, but like you said they will die either way. Usually I'm not this extreme but since you messed with one of my friends then you and your kin are going to pay the price,"Suzie said, smirking at the changeling. “We do what we must to survive, I’m sure anyone else would do the same, we are ordered to hunt, we are forced to feed what little love is left to our leaders, and our children, the rest of us all starve away to death” the changeling said grabbing its torn off wing. “That's unfortunate,” Suzie said carelessly, gripping her hand on the saber and cutting off its other wing with ease. “Hey, what are you doing, we aren’t bad guys” Glitch said confused and watching the changeling suffer pain. “You’re monsters” the changeling said, feeling lots of pain. “Glitch, i do what i must to strike fear in those who wrong my friends even if that means someone is going to suffer,” suzie said emotionlessly. “But it’s not right, it’s not morally right, we already took one of his wings, we don’t need to make him suffer anymore” Glitch said. Suzie looked at glitch then at the changeling in pain. “You might think this is not morally right, but in this case i consider it,” suzie growled kicking the changeling in the stomach. “ENOUGH,” Glitch said, stepping in front of the changeling. “I want Bombshell back too, but I won't stoop down and abuse my enemies,” Glitch said, grabbing the changeling’s leg and dragging it back to his hut. “It’s too late out here anyway, it’ll be safer in the morning to go find Bombshell” Glitch explained. “Aargg,” Suzie said, going to a tree and banging her head on it. “Why-must-we-wait-stupid-stupid-stupid,” Suzie said, frustrated with herself. Glitch dragged the changeling in his hut and tied him up so he wouldn’t fly. “Before we get some rest, would you care for some tea? I don’t normally offer things, especially to enemies, but, I think you should have some,” Glitch said, placing it by him. “J-just leave me alone, hopefully by morning I’m dead so I don’t have to see my family die” the changeling said with his eyes closed. “We won’t resort to violence, not unless we have no choice to defend ourselves” Glitch explained. “Your friend doesn’t appear to see it that way, she probably wants to kill us, you probably do too” the changeling said before kicking the tea away from him and going to sleep. Glitch said nothing and took the tea cup and drank it and went to sleep. “Uhg there is no way glitch is keeping that [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]thing[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] in here,” Suzie growled but being too tired to do anything about it she decided to head to bed but she went to sleep at the foot of glitches bed in case that thing would get free and attack him. Suzie glanced at the bug tied up and felt a twinge bad for being so harsh towards it, even if it did probably kidnap bombshell. Before Suzie realized what she was doing she took her brush and gently swiped some paint on the changelings back. After a few seconds the paint formed into two new wings on its back just like the ones it had. Content on what she had done she went back over to the side of glitches bed and sat down closing her eyes to rest. The next morning. Glitch woke up from his sleep to see Suzie next to his bed, he went off the bed slowly not to wake her up. He went out to go hunting to get everyone food with his crossbow. Suzie peeked open her eyes to see him leave and not hesitating at all she quickly but silently followed after him. After she was out of the hut following glitch she spoke up. “Hey glitch, what are you doing up so early?” Suzie asked, yawning a little. “Hunting,” Glitch replied. “Mind if I can join you?” Suzie asked, hopefully rubbing her eyes a little. “As long as you don’t distract me,” Glitch answered. “I would never dream of it,” Suzie responded, smiling innocently while walking next to him. “Sorry about last night, my emotions got the best of me,” Suzie confessed feeling a little guilty. “I was just really upset at bombshell being missing and you losing even more trust with me that i've been trying to repair..uhg i wish i didn't do that,” suzie said looking down. “The deed has been done already, there is nothing more we can do about it,” Glitch explained. “But it’s not your fault Bombshell went missing, we will find him, hopefully without the need for violence” Glitch explained. “Yeah, no more violence from me,” Suzie said, chuckling a little. “I did make some new wings trying to amend what I did,” Suzie said, shrugging. “Hopefully it will receive them with gratitude” Glitch responded. “Doubt it but whatever as long as we get bombshell back i will feel much better about this whole situation,” suzie said putting her hands in her pockets. Glitch halted the walking when he saw a deer, however it was lying on the ground not moving. “Is it dead?” Glitch asked himself. Suzie stopped a bit surprised seeing glitch stop but soon glanced at the deer on the ground. “Is it alive?” Suzie asked curiously, poking it with her shoe. “Hmm, no blood, how did it die?” Glitch asked himself. “I think it might be diseased,” Suzie said, taking a step back cautiously. “Perhaps, but in any case we will find another one” Glitch said while walking to look for another deer. After a little bit they found a bigger deer lying on the ground dead. “Again?” Glitch said, confused. “I think something is killing off the deer,” Suzie said observing the other deer. “Maybe it won't be wise hunting deer today if they are all diseased,” suzie said. “But how is the deer dead with no wounds at all, something else is going on here and I don’t wanna stick around to find out what, let’s just get Bombshell and bounce” Glitch said walking away from the deer. “Yeah, but I don't think the bug thing wants to tell us,” Suzie said following glitch. “Maybe if we put a tracker on it then let it go it might lead us to where the hive is located,” Suzie said thinking out loud. “I don’t know, they are bugs, they might smell something odd somehow, maybe I’ll try to negotiate with the thing, besides it said only it can lead us back, it could be in a different world entirely” Glitch said. “True, i can't argue with that, that thing probably wouldn't listen to me if i asked it,” suzie agreed. The two reached the hut and opened the door to see the bug still sleeping. “I'm going to let you wake it,” Suzie said, stepping into the hut and sitting on her bed she was given. Glitch walked over to the bug before tapping it. “Wake up,” Glitch said calmly. The bug began to groan and opened its eyes. “Aww dang, I’m here, and still alive” the changeling said depressingly. “We will let you go once we get our friend back, just take us there so we can get him,” Glitch explained. “Please, once they see what you both have done to me I’m dead anyways” the changeling explained. “Ahem, sorry about that but you will still take us there either way,” Suzie interrupted a bit sourly. “Sorry doesn’t compensate for my wings now does it” the changeling angrily snarked back still tied up. “Enough, I’ll make it simple for you, take us there, and we leave, don’t take us, and you can stay here as long as you live” Glitch said taking a seat on his bed. “Yeah well anyways i'm not going to sit around like a duck if you don't show us,” suzie said, sighing a little. “Oh by the way your wings are fixed,” Suzie mumbled quickly under her breath carelessly. “Listen, I don’t care about living okay, it is better to die on my own side than a traitor, anyone with any morels would agree with me, plus I saw what you did to me, making me suffer as you carelessly watched, i won’t see my sisters and brothers suffer the same fate, we already have enough to deal with back at home” the changeling said still tied up. “Look, I don’t know what your people went through but that’s not my business, my friends are my business, so I ask you again creature, just do the right thing” Glitch pleaded. “Sigh glitch i dont think its going to listen to us especially if it thinks its family is on the line,” suzie said looking down remembering some of her own family. “How about this creature, we will give you some time to think about it, and we won’t even be in the room while we do it” Glitch stated. “Really?” The creature said, confused. “Yeah, we will let you take a moment to think about it,” Glitch said while cutting the rope to free the creature. Suzie just stared at him in shock, “w-what?!” Suzie said unable to think straight. “Come on Suzie, let’s let him think, in peace with no one around” Glitch said walking out the hut leaving the door open for Suzie to walk out of. Suzie just looked at the changeling then back at glitch in complete shock but decided to walk out of the hut with glitch, but made sure to shut the door behind her. “You better have a good explanation,” Suzie said, confused. “Listen, if we keep interrogating him he will continue to say no, especially after what you did to him, if we let him think, alone, he will perhaps change his mind” Glitch explained. “I-i..i hope your right, though i'm starting to feel no regret what i did since we still don't have bombshell with us and all that bug talks about is how bad we are even if he kidnapped our friend, insulted me, and wants to talk about a moral way to die!” Suzie said, crossing her arms. “Well you did say they feed off of love, perhaps he is following orders, and besides he did kinda lose his wings and get kicked, I wouldn’t be happy being tortured either” Glitch explained. “And I don't care if it's happy, I just want bombshell back,” Suzie said looking down. “That doesn’t give us the right to be bad, I want Bombshell back too, but I am not going to stoop down to our enemies levels to do so, one day it’s talking, next it’s carelessly killing people, we are prone to becoming corrupt too, and I don’t want that” Glitch explained. “If you haven't realized yet glitch, the multiverse is full of people who will do whatever it takes to hurt your friends or family, sometimes you need to be violent to show who the boss is here,” suzie said defiantly. “At least that's how it's always been for me,” Suzie said, kicking a loose rock on the ground. “That’s not how I do things nor do I plan to, I am not people, I am Glitch, and I will get Bombshell back without violence if I can” Glitch stated. “Well then what's the plan glitch, i will do everything in my ability to help,” suzie said determedly. “Well then let’s not waste any time and hopefully the bug has changed its mind” Glitch said, opening the door and seeing no one in there. “What, where did he go?” Glitch asked himself. “I sure hope you got a back up plan,” Suzie said, putting her hand on her forehead annoyed. “Relax, we kept the door closed, he couldn’t have gone anywhere I’m sure” Glitch said looking around and seeing nothing. “How can you relax? That was the only thing able to lead us to bombshell,"Suzie said, frowning. “Your right, I am the only thing that can lead you to your friend” a voice said outside the hut. The changeling suddenly walked in and closed the door behind him. “But it’s not safe out there at all anymore, the gods have awakened” the creature said. “Well this is a bit of a surprise,” Suzie said, eyeing the bug suspiciously. “You had the chance to run away, why didn't you?” Suzie asked curiously. “Well somehow I got my wings back and I was gonna fly off, but for some odd reason I felt conflicted to stay, it’s hard to explain, but another reason I stayed was because I saw the night moon and the daystar out at the same time” the bug explained. “The what?” Suzie said a little confused by both of his reasons. “The sun and moon are both out at the same time” the bug said before pointing out a window of the hut. “Interesting, I'm assuming that's not supposed to happen in your universe?” Suzie asked. “No, but it looks like thanks to a couple of random beings that didn’t have any business being here they are both up at the same time, which can only mean one thing” the bug explained. “Which is what..?” Suzie asked, even more curious. “Well I’ll just ask, when you humans came to our world, did you happen to take a piece of helmet with you” the creature asked. Suzie looked at glitch confused. “Uh, I have no idea what you're talking about actually,” Glitch said, beginning to sweat a little while putting his hand behind his head. “Really, so you didn’t find a one of many helmet pieces used to make the eternal army” the bug asked, flying at Glitch looking him eye to eye. Glitch didn’t say anything and was silent. “Woof well that doesn't sound good, maybe my death would have protected a heck of a lot of universes then I could,'' Suzie mumbled. “You humans are quiet, but in any case there is no point to return home, all the animals are dead which means no more love for my hive, I have no doubt the gods in their rage killed them” the bug said lying in a corner. “Well I happen to believe in one God, but maybe we can ask your “gods” to stop and not attack your hive,” Suzie offered. “These beings I refer to we don’t worship, I only call them gods because of their immense power, but even so they won’t listen to me, or anyone, our, no my best bet is to return to my hive through my portal that I create” the bug said. “Wait, you want us to come with you?” suzie asked, confused. “What, no, clearly this was your doing, before you all showed up it was better before, mostly at least, besides the queen doesn’t like unknown guests or the prince” the creature explained. “Would your queen rather have gods causing or unknown beings maybe capable of getting rid of “gods” and leaving?” Suzie asked, putting her hands on her hips. “My queen would rather the beings of this land deal with the problem, she has plenty of love kept back at her special quarters for her to feast on anyway, a back up plan I guess, but she won’t be happy she has to use it” the creature explained. “Uh huh, well either way we just want bombshell back. And besides, bombshell doesn't have any love for him since he’s soulless,"Suzie pointed out. “Listen, anything you say to me is worthless, it’s the queen who has the final say, not me, not the guards, not anyone, besides you can’t come back anyway, you’d be doomed the second you enter our world” the changeling explained. “Sigh well i'm done arguing,” suzie said throwing her arms up in the air and flopping on her bed. “Why would we be doomed exactly?” Glitch asked. “Sigh, well the throne is made from ancient materials which basically to sum up take away your powers, unless you're a changeling, you’d all be powerless” the creature explained. “What if I summoned the weapon before I went?” Glitch asked. “Kid, nothing that involves powers would work, no ancient artifacts, no powers, nothing, you wouldn’t last long in there” the creature explained. Glitch sat down on his bed to think. “Not gonna lie but I'm pretty pathetic powerless,” Suzie admitted. “I mean i can still fight but paints not gonna do any damage,” suzie said pouting. “Sigh, well listen, I am heading back to my world, so you guys are on your own I guess” the changeling said using his powers to create a portal back to his world. “I doubt there would be victory for you anyway, it would probably be better to leave while you still have the chance anyway” the creature said standing there. “Not without bombshell,” Suzie stated. “We will not leave our friend behind, even if there is a chance we will fail” Glitch explained. “You two don’t know what you're getting yourselves into, it’s dangerous” the changeling explained. “As long as we are by each other's sides we can do it,” Suzie said confidently. “Fine, it’s a long journey back though so just follow me and do exactly what I say, got it” the bug asked. “Alrighty,” Suzie said, sitting up. “Fine,” Glitch replied. “Let’s go” the changeling said, flying into the portal. “You ready glitch?” Suzie asked, glancing back at him. “Yeah, let’s go find Bombshell,” Glitch said walking through the portal. Suzie nodded and walked through the portal. When they entered the other side of the portal they saw a world with withered trees, a green sky and storm clouds, as well as changelings flying above them. “Here is the plan you two, if you want to make it out of this alive, you will have to be my prisoner, which means I must tie your hands together and you must give me your weapons as evidence” the bug explained. “Yeah no,” Suzie said, clinging onto her paint brush. “Hmm, well I suppose I could just walk with you both united and wait for the changelings above to see us and turn us into dinner, cause they actually do eat flesh, at least some of the ones here” the changeling explained. “Fine,” Suzie said, handing the changeling her paint brush. “But if I find broomy broken, I will terrorize the daylights out of this place,'' Suzie said, stroking her paintbrush goodbye before handing it to him. “Oh, and that light sword that you used to cut off my wings” the changeling said, still a little upset about it. “I left it back at the hut sorry,” Suzie said, shrugging. “Fine, and you, what weapons do you have?” the changeling asked. “Nothing, I have no weapons,” Glitch answered. “If you're lying we all die, they know if you're lying” the changeling explained. “Honest,” Glitch replied. Two changelings flew down to see Suzie, Glitch, and the changeling helping them. “Prisoners I assume” one of the changelings asked. “Yeah, they are with me,” the changeling replied. “We will help you, we can carry the weapons” the other changelings said about grabbing the paint brush before the changeling pulled it back. “I got it actually,” the changeling said. “Fine, we didn’t wanna help anyways” one of them said before flying away. The changeling used his magic and spit to create bonds to tie the hands together of Glitch and Suzie. “Sorry, this is a little nasty for you both” the changeling said, tying their hands up. “Well at least I will still be able to kick anyone's knee caps if i'm being attacked,” Suzie retorted. “Yeah yeah” the changeling said, trying them up. “Follow me now” the changeling said walking with a rope around both their hands while he pulled it. “What if he's actually bringing us as prisoners?” Suzie whispered to glitch. “I think he will help us out, he didn’t have to bring us here with him after all” Glitch replied. “If you say so glitch. I will be right by your side.” Suzie assured me. “This is going to be a long walk you two, so whatever you do, well, just don’t be suspicious I guess,” the changeling explained. “Wouldn't dream of it,” Suzie replied, trying to loosen the ropes a little. After hours of walking they finally made it to the kingdom. “This place is full of guards and changelings, so don’t attack, or anything, if a changeling insults you or something, just be quiet and keep walking, for all our sakes” the changeling explained. “Hey glitch you've been awfully quiet, is everything ok?” Suzie whispered, nudging him with her shoulder. “I am fine, just trying to think of a plan if everything goes wrong” Glitch replied back. “Well if everything does go wrong and we don't survive i just wanted to tell you that you are one of the coolest people i met,” suzie whispered smirking a little. “Thanks, you're pretty awesome as well” Glitch replied. “Shh, you two, we are approaching the guards at the entrance, let me do the talking” the changeling said. “Glitch I am truly flattered, now let's get bombshell and leave this heck hole,'' Suzie whispered. “Agreed,” Glitch whispered. “Are these prisoners?” one of the changeling guards asked. “Yes, they have lots of love to give, and they will make an excellent meal for the queen,” the changeling replied. “Excellent, I will have the general deliver them to the queen,” the guard replied, trying to take the rope. “Wait, I should take them, I don’t want to waste the generals time after all,” the changeling explained. “Oh it’s quite alright, the general would love to do so” the guard said, grabbing the rope and about to walk away with Suzie and Glitch. “WAIT, I mean we wouldn’t want to interrupt the queen if she is busy now, perhaps we should just take them as prisoners to the prison cells, which I can personally do” the changeling said, trying to let the guard not do it. “Fine, put them with that guy with the black armor we found,” the guard ordered. The changeling took Suzie and Glitch and walked them to the prison cell rooms where they saw Bombshell lying on the floor with his hands on his head. “Here, but I can’t help you escape, you must figure that out on your own” the changeling explained. “Thank you,” Suzie said gratefully as she hurried over to bombshell to see if he was ok. “Bombshell you're ok,” Suzie said, relieved he was still alive. “I-I, who is that?” Bombshell asked, still having his hands on his head. “This is the bug who led us to you,” Suzie said, gesturing at the bug. Bombshell looked up and saw the bug and put his hands over his head again. “N-no, who are you, h-heck w-who am I” Bombshell said before passing out. “H-hey bombshell i-its me suzie..” Suzie said, shaking his shoulder worriedly. “G-glitch, somethings wrong with bombshell,” Suzie said desperately looking up at glitch then back down at bombshell who passed out. “What is wrong with him, what did you do?” Glitch asked, pointing at the changeling who helped him. “I don’t know, I was back with you all the entire time,” the changeling pleaded. “Lets just get bombshell out of here and then figure out what's wrong,” Suzie suggested nervously glancing at Bombshell. “I hope you guys have an escape plan, cause this is as far as I go on helping you all, I honored my part of the deal” the changeling explained. “Could I get my paint brush back at least?” Suzie asked the changeling hopefully. “Just don’t-” the changeling said before a guard came and snatched the paint brush. “Why are you talking with prisoners, and why aren’t the cells locked?” a changeling guard asked suspiciously. “Uh, I was just uh, trying to make them give us love” the changeling replied. “Hmm, right, just step with me then for a little chat” the guard said pulling the changeling. “Glitch, how do you think we can escape this place?” Suzie whispered so the guard couldn't hear. “I didn’t think we would get this far to be honest” Glitch replied. “Lets just figure out how to get bombshell out of this cell and to safety then we can think of a plan,” Suzie suggested as she tried to wake bombshell up. “You three have plenty of time to think, as well as this traitor” the guard said kicking the changeling who helped them in the cell before locking it. “Crap,” Suzie said, turning her head to see them locked in now. “Glitch I have a quick plan but we first need to make sure the coast is clear and bombshell needs to be awake.” suzie thinking. “What is your plan?” Glitch asked. Suzie quickly glanced around to make sure there weren't any guards listening in. she quickly pulled out the lightsaber out of her pocket and handed it to Glitch. “I knew I shouldn't have handed that bug this, you should be the one using this since you're much better at wielding a sword than me,” suzie said confidently placing it in his hand. Glitch got a grip on the lightsaber and gripped it before cutting open the bars. “Grab Bombshell and let's get out of here,” Glitch said. “Come on bombshell time to wake up,” Suzie said, putting bombshell’s arm around her neck and trying to get him to his feet. “I-I, wh-what's going on?” Bombshell said, trying to wake up. “HEY, THE DINNER IS TRYING TO RUN AWAY, STOP EM” the guards said holding spears and pointing it at them all. “Glitch mind taking care of them while I get bombshell to safety?” Suzie asked as she got bombshell to stand on his feet. Glitch swung the lightsaber and cut the spears. The changelings then shapeshifted into bears and started swinging at Glitch to which he was dodging. Suzie and Bombshell started hurriedly down the halls as fast as they could. After a small fight more guards came and knocked Glitch’s lightsaber out his hands before kicking him back. One of the guards grabbed the lightsaber and tried to turn it on. “How does this work?” the changeling said before pressing a button and stabbing himself in the eye, killing himself. “Uh oh,” Glitch said while running, seeing the other changelings go after. “Alert the queen, they will pay for killing us” a guard said to another while he flew to the queen. Suzie and bombshell came across what seemed to be some janitor's closet and Suzie quickly hid bombshell in it. “Stay here, i think glitch needs my help,” suzie said quickly as she shut the janitor’s closet door and ran back the other way to help glitch. Glitch ran Suzie’s way as fast as he could. “RUN, THEY ARE REALLY MAD!” Glitch said while being chased by a swarm. “Oh for creation's sake!” Suzie stopped to a screeching halt wide eyed at the swarm and quickly sprinted with glitch the other way from the swarm. “How are we going to lose all of them?” Suzie asked hastily while sprinting with glitch. “I don’t know, just keep running until we lose them” Glitch said, running hastily. “I doubt we will lose them, we gotta find a place to hide,” Suzie said, panting a little. “You two, over here” a changeling said waving his arm. Suzie glanced at glitch to see if he would trust that bug. “It’s me, the one who helped you both, hurry” the changeling said. “I thought you weren't going to help us escape?” Suzie questioned as she sprinted towards the changeling. “They know I helped you, they will kill me if I don’t escape,” the changeling explained. “Hey, you can tag along and escape with us,” Suzie offered sarcastically. “Fine, but when we escape I’m parting ways with you all” the changeling said reluctantly. “Sounds great,” Suzie said while glancing back at the angry swarm. “Actually, you two run for it. I gotta go get bombshell then I will regroup with you guys,"Suzie said while taking a turn and sprinting down a different hallway. A few of the angry swarm parts parted off and flew after Suzie as she tried to outrun the swarm and make it to the closet where bombshell was. The swarm was right on her heels before she made it to the closet where she stuck bombshells in. without even thinking she quickly yanked the door open, hopped in the closet and locked it from the inside, startling bombshell. “Oh crap-” Suzie said, gasping for air. “We have a problem..” Suzie said, glancing at the door nervously. “Do you still have your blaster guns on you?” Suzie asked while rummaging for crates and stuff in the closet and placing them in front of the door. “G-guns, I-I don’t have any g-general” the clone faintly answered. “Y-you know i think u just need to rest, you're not looking too well,” suzie said, glancing at bombshell nervously. “I-i don't know what to do. I've never been without my powers.” Suzie said, desperately trying to think. “I think Glitch will have to be the one to help us out of this mess cause right now we're trapped in here,” Suzie admitted walking over to bombshell and sitting him down so he could rest and maybe clear his thoughts. “R-red g-guy, b-big red g-guy, he-h-he” Bombshell said before fainting. After a few minutes Bombshell recovered and spoke. “It’s not just insects here, there is a big red guy, he-he stole my energy” Bombshell explained trying to stand up. “Hey bombshell, take a deep breath. You're ok, we wont let them hurt you again.'' Suzie said reassuringly, placing her hand on his shoulder. “I just hope glitch is ok, cause right now he might be our only chance of getting us out of here,” Suzie said, glancing back at the barricaded door. Suddenly for a second all the noise stopped and there was a scream. Suzie froze and nervously glanced at the door again. “Quick, bombshell, behind here,” Suzie said, in a hushed voice, pulling bombshell to his feet and hiding him and herself behind a crate at the far end of the storage closet. “I know you're in there, come out now or else he gets it, '' a female voice yelled. Suzie stayed silent not wanting to move unless absolutely necessary since bombshell was in no state to come out. “Last warning or he gets it, '' the voice said once again. Suzie slowly got up and headed to the door, gesturing for bombshell to stay put. Slowly Suzie moved the stuff barricading the door and opened it just a creek so that she could see out of it. “Let him go, we can talk about this reasonably.'' Suzie said firmly, glaring at them through the door. “Why don’t you open the door human, let us negotiate this peacefully'' a male voice said. Suzie hesitated but reluctantly opened the door unwillingly. Outside the door was a changeling taller than the other ones as they were bowing to her and Glitch who was cocooned. “Where is he?” the queen asked. “Where’s who?” Suzie questioned, glaring at the queen. “Don’t play dumb with me, where is the one who wears the black armor?” the queen asked furiously. Suzie tilted her head pretending to be confused “I beg your pardon?” Suzie questioned a bit mockingly. “You’ll be begging for more than a pardon when I am through with your friend over here” the queen said as she kicked Glitch to the ground. “I wouldn't do that if I was you,” Suzie said through clenched teeth angrily, taking a step closer to the queen. “Hey, I would watch yourself if I were you” a voice said behind the queen as a red four legged creature walked from behind the queen. “Oh really?” Suzie said, clenching her fist, glancing back and forth between the queen and the new four legged creature that showed up. “Yeah, if I were you I’d watch yourself, or you're gonna have a bad day” a third female voice said flying above the four legged creature that was actually a talking house. “Look, if you just let us go we will never come back and you won't have to worry about us intruding in your hive,” suzie said, taking a breath in unsure if she would be able to take them on if a fight was to break out. “Why would you expect me to just give up my dinner, the food around here has been scarce enough without thieves trying to steal from us” the queen said. “Well to be honest i don't think i would taste that good and paint can be poisonous,” suzie said pointing at the paint splotches on her. “Not your flesh human, your love is what I feast upon, it is what keeps us all alive, me and my subjects need it or we all die” the queen explained. “Excuse me but I'd rather keep my love rather than having it taken away. Wait but isn't love an emotion?” Suzie asked, a bit confused. “Perhaps it is just an emotion to you, but for us it’s the key to our survival, but why am I explaining this to you, I don’t expect a human to understand, your species couldn’t understand because you're all heartless” the queen explained. “Me heartless? I think your the heartless one here.” suzie stated crossing her arms and nervously glancing at glitch. “Whatever, either way I demand that you show some respect and give me what I ask for, now” the queen demanded. “Let him go and I'll think about it,” Suzie said, gesturing at glitch. “My little human, you don’t understand, this isn’t a negotiation, it’s an order, but if that is how you want to be, so be it, lord Tirek do what you want with this Glitch guy” the queen said walking off. “With pleasure” Tirek said before using his powers and making Glitch hover over the ground and about to take his powers. Suzie quickly launched herself at Tirek and slammed her fist into one of his eyes. “Ow” Tirek said before using his powers on Glitch and slamming him at a wall in anger. “HEY! Why don't you pick on someone else that's not tied up and unable to defend themself!!!” Suzie yelled angrily before upper cutting him underneath the chin making him stumble back. “Ow, you little BRAT” Tirek said, using his powers to grab Suzie and launch her at a wall too. “GAH,” Suzie said in pain as she tried to get off the wall and protect glitch. Tirek used his powers and trapped Glitch in a bubble and snapped his fingers and teleported Glitch away. “Oops, guess it’s a 1 on 1” Tirek said charging up his powers. “Where did you teleport him?” Suzie said angrily, getting to her feet and getting in a fighting stance. “Haha, you should worry about yourself, not that other guy,” Tirek said, using his powers to grab rocks and launch them Suzie’s way. “I’ll worry about myself as long as I know he’s safe,” Suzie retorted as she dodged the incoming rocks skillfully. Tirek started shooting laser beams at Suzie. Suzie quickly dodged them and lunged an attack at Tirek that brought him falling to his knees. “Where. Is. Glitch?” Suzie asked, annoyed. Tirek’s horns glowed a bright yellow and he smashed the ground with anger causing a shock wave while he yelled. Suzie was taken off guard and stumbled onto the ground from the shock wave. “Don’t worry, you’ll see Glitch in Tartarus” Tirek said while using his magic and putting Suzie in a bubble too. “THE HECK?” Suzie said, banging on the side of the bubble trying to get out. Tirek snapped his fingers and teleported Suzie to Tartarus with Glitch. “Wa? Where am i?” Suzie said, glancing around in panic. “Glitch? Glitch where are you?” Suzie yelled out desperately looking around. “In here” Glitch said, trapped in a cage and then seeing a changeling get teleported to Tartarus but not in a cage. “Hang on glitch im coming,” suzie said as she tried to burst the bubble to get to him. At last the bubble managed to burst and Suzie landed in a heep on the ground but quickly collected herself and hurried towards glitch. “Glitch are you ok? Are you hurt?” Suzie panicked, kneeling beside his cage. “Well my head freaking hurts, but I’m fine,” Glitch said, trying to get to his feet but still in pain. Suzie let out a small sigh, her hands trembling a bit. “I'm so sorry, glitch, I should have stayed with you,” Suzie said, squeezing her eyes shut, frustrated with herself. “It’s okay, we will get out of here” Glitch reassured her. “I-i hope s-so,” suzie said looking down hopelessly.“Where are we?” Glitch asked, looking around. “I-im not really sure but first things first let's get you out of that cage,'' Suzie said inspecting it. “Do you think you can squeeze through the bars?” Suzie asked curiously. “I already tried, they are too tight,” Glitch explained. “Really?” Suzie said as she found herself easily squeezing herself through the bars into the cage. “Works for me i guess,” suzie said shrugging. “Maybe for you it works, but not me” Glitch said before seeing the changeling flying around. “Hide,” Glitch said, pointing at the changeling. Suzie glanced around, panicked and didn't see a place to hide at all. “Where?” Suzie asked in a hushed voice, stepping closer to glitch. “You two” the changeling said, flying over to them. Suzie quickly glanced at the changeling then at glitch unsure of what to do. “Relax fools, it’s just me” the changeling said upsetlingy. “Oh thank creations it's just you,” Suzie said with a sigh of relief. “Oh yes it’s just that one changeling who’s wing I cut off and made betray his own hive, or and the one who we got EXILED” the changeling said angrily. “Well that's unfortunate,” Suzie said, shrugging pitifully. “Go *#%% yourselves, both of you” the changeling said very angry. Suzie just stepped behind glitch and stuck her tongue out at the changeling mockingly. “Listen man I’m sorry we got you exiled, but I’m sure if we all work together we can find a way out of here” Glitch suggested. “Please, I have nothing now, and helping you two is the last thing I’d ever do, especially when your friend doesn’t even care, so no I won’t help you” the changeling said upset. “Humph,” Suzie said grumply sitting down next to glitch. “I would care if someone would have just left glitch alone,” Suzie shot back sourly. “Glitch would have been better off back at the hive where he at least had a chance to escape, now we will all die here” the changeling explained. “Sigh, i'm sure we won't die here,” suzie said calmly “we are going to find a way out of here no matter what.” Suzie said with new confidence. “But for now i think i just wanna rest, my back is killing me from getting slammed into a wall,” suzie said rubbing her achy shoulders. “Now you know how it feels to be crippled” the changeling said, snarking a little. Suzie just ignored him and turned to glitch. “Sit, you dont look like you're in the best condition to stand,” Suzie said, eyeing him and tugging on his pants a little, wanting him to sit down. “Fine, but let’s not try to rest for too long, who knows what else is down here” Glitch said sitting down. “How do you feel right now?” Suzie questioned placing her hand on his lap. “A little terrible, but I should be better in the morning, whenever that is” Glitch responded. “Sigh, I'm just glad you're ok,” Suzie said, closing her eyes and resting her head on his shoulder. “I’ll be better when we find a way out of here, but for now we should definitely rest” Glitch said, falling asleep. “To be honest this isn't the most comfortable place to sleep,'' Suzie said, knocking on the hard ground. “Do you wanna borrow my hoodie as a pillow?” Suzie offered happily. “Sure,” Glitch said, accepting the hoodie. Suzie took off her hoodie which just had a white tank top shirt underneath and handed it to glitch. “Here ya go,” Suzie said, smiling happily that she was able to help. “Thanks” Glitch said smiling and falling asleep on the hoodie. Suzie rolled over and tried to get comfy and fall asleep on the cold hard ground but she was finding it to be a bit of a challenge since she easily got cold. “Hey, if you want you could wear my hoodie while you sleep” Glitch offered. “No, no you need it,” Suzie said, a bit embarrassed. “I insist you take it,” Glitch said, taking it off and giving it to Suzie. Suzie took it blushing a little “t-thanks glitch, but if you get cold ima give it right back to you,” suzie said a bit stubbornly trying not to get all flustered. “I’ll be okay,” Glitch explained. “If you say so,'' Suzie said grinning putting on his hoodie which was way too big for her so she ended up looking almost like a draped blanket. “Thanks glitch, it's really snuggly,” Suzie said, burying her face in its sleeves. “I’m glad to hear it” Glitch said half asleep. Suzie layed down but was now much too flustered to fall asleep, and she slowly found herself inching closer to glitch on the ground. Glitch continued to sleep while stuck in the cage.[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch hours later woke up not by his own accord but because he heard noises outside of the cage room. “What was that?” Glitch asked himself. Suzie peeked open her eyes at the sudden disturbance but soon just rolled over and kept sleeping not thinking anything about it. When the changeling heard these noises he realized what was going on and started panicking. “Wake up you fools, we need to find a way out of here now” the changeling urged the two. “Yawn, ok ok im up,” Suzie retorted, sitting up rubbing her eyes. Glitch got up and heard the noises get louder. “What’s going on?” Glitch asked. “There is a monster outside, and if we don’t find a way out of here it’ll probably kill us” the changeling said pointing at the door. “Uhg, that's not good,” Suzie grumbled looking down and noticing that she was still in glitches hoodie. “Oh, h-hey glitch. Do you want your hoodie back?” Suzie asked, a bit embarrassed. “Keep it for now, our priority must be on escaping first before anything” Glitch said trying to find a way to break out the cage. “O-ok, but could I at least get my hoodie back? I have some valuable things in it,” Suzie mumbled awkwardly. “Sure,” Glitch said, handing Suzie the hoodie. “Thanks,” Suzie said happily as she removed glitches hoodie, put her hoodie on, then put glitches hoodie back over it. Suddenly there was roaring outside of the doors and they opened and a giant dog with three heads came falling down all bloody. “What the heck,” Glitch said, backing up a little in his cage. “Oh my gosh,” Suzie said, leaping to her feet in surprise. “What, it’s dead, but how is that possible” the changeling asked while hovering over the ground confused. “Well I guess that's a bit of a relief. Now let's get you out of this cage glitch before anything else comes." Suzie said as she slipped out of the cage to inspect it from the outside. Suddenly from behind the giant dead dog came black smoke with glowing green eyes, it filled the room with a cold feeling as it creeped in. “w-what now?!”Suzie asked, looking at the smoke filling the room. Suddenly red spikes came from the ground that destroyed the locks on all of the cages freeing Glitch as well as other creatures. All the creatures came out of their cages and were about to leave when the eyes locked on them all and took control over them all. Suzie watched in shock seeing the creatures were being taken control by some other being. “Glitch, we need to get out of here now!” Suzie said just below a whisper. “Well we are free at least, let’s get out of here while the door is open” Glitch said pointing at the door. Suzie nodded and looked both ways before sprinting to the door. Suddenly in front of the door emerged black spikes that covered it up. “HOLY CREATIONS!!” Suzie said, almost impaling herself on one of the spikes as she came to a screeching halt. “Um glitch, I think our only exit is blocked,” Suzie said, turning her head back towards him, panicking. “uh, crap” Glitch said as the smoke went in front of them all and began to take its form. “Sorry I can’t let you leave, I have plans and can’t have them ruined” the smoke explained as it was taking its form. “W-who are you?” Suzie asked while nervously backing up. “Oh don’t be scared, I’m not going to kill you, not yet anyway, I am just taking back what's mine, I am a king after all” the smoke said halfway done taking its form. “Uhm, but can we still leave? We just wanna get our friend and get out of here that's all,"Suzie said a bit annoyed. “Hmm, no, last time I let someone leave they betrayed me, don’t want to let that happen again now do we?” the smoke asked after taking its full form as a horse. “C’mon we promise we won't come back,'' Suzie said reassuringly. “Nah, but I have wasted enough of our time talking, so let’s get straight to the POINT” the king said while making spikes emerge from the ground. “Eep, ok ok, what's your point?” Suzie said hurriedly, backing up even more. Glitch and the changeling backed up too. “Fine, we can take you on, even without powers” Glitch said in a battle ready stance. “Um, actually Glitch you have your powers back, we are out of the hive remember” the changeling told Glitch. “WAIT REALLY!? HECK YES FINALLY!!” Suzie said as she used a marker out of her necklace to make herself a paintbrush and got in a fighting stance with it. “Hahaha, funny, you both and your foolish weapons won’t kill me” the king said as he commanded two of his controlled creatures to charge at Glitch and Suzie. Suzie quickly made two paint hands erupt out of the ground grabbing both of the creatures that were coming at her and glitch. “Hey glitch, take care of the pony, I will handle these creatures,” Suzie said as the paint hands threw the creatures down the hallway. Glitch got a sword and charged at the pony, when he saw this he dodged back and started shooting lasers at Glitch. “This will be interesting” the pony said as he also made spikes emerge at the ground at Suzie. Suzie leaped away from the incoming spikes from around her and tumbled backwards. “Oof,” Suzie said before quickly getting up and shooting a net made out of paint from her brush at the pony. The pony reverted into shadow form and dodged the paint and Glitch charged at him and swung at the pony scratching his armor. “So close, but still another FAIL” the pony said, using more of his controlled creatures to attack them. Suzie quickly made a paint dragon to distract the other creatures so she could go help glitch and get out of here. Glitch got his sword again and threw it at the pony who used his powers to hold it and drop it. “That was just stupid” the pony said before shooting a blast of energy at Glitch. Suzie made a paint wall protecting glitch from the powerful energy blast. “Hey glitch, I've got an idea. Try summoning a different weapon?” Suzie suggested as she attempted to fling another paint net at the pony. The pony once again used shadow to dodge. “What kind of weapon?” Glitch asked. “Something with more range and faster attack like a blaster or a machine gun?” Suzie suggested as she split into her red and blue side each with their own paint brush. Glitch concentrated and used his powers to make a slim and smaller sword. “Gotta stick with the classics,” Glitch said as he swung with it much easier than the big sword. Red Suzie chuckled at this and started attacking with both of her red and blue sides. The pony started shooting spikes through the ground left and right. Suzie managed to dodge the incoming spikes. Glitch used his new sword and teleported behind the pony and stabbed him through the chest. “W-wait you can teleport?” Suzie asked, a bit confused as she joined with her other side. “Well technically I can use portals, but it worked at least” Glitch explained. “Did it work?” the pony said, shooting a spike at Glitch’s leg. “Watch out!” Suzie yelled seeing the incoming spike at glitch. Glitch got stabbed in the leg because he was too slow and fell to the ground. “GLITCH!!” Suzie yelled as she dashed over to him kneeling at his side. The king took the sword out of his chest with ease and with no pain. “Did you fools think I was that weak, seriously?” The king said annoyed. Suzie quickly started fading into black and gray as black ink started running from her eyes. She stood up and made two black ink hands come out of the ground, grabbed the pony and started slamming him against the ground. As the pony was getting beat up he reverted back to shadow form and floated away to a cage. “Dang, that actually hurt a little, stupid mortal form” the king said on top of a cage. “S-Suzie, w-we need to leave” Glitch said as he was bleeding through the leg. Suzie glared at the king through her blacked out ink eyes but turned to glitch and tried to help him to his feet. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Yeah, let's get out of here[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif],” Suzie growled. “Hmm, some bit of me feels pity for that one, and yet we must all choose sides, we must all adapt, guess I’m just feeling generous today” the king said, removing the spikes to the entrance. “Go, leave, run, we will meet again, and next time we do, one of us will die” the king said. Suzie just rolled her eyes and started gaining back all her color. “Glitch, can you make a portal back to the forest?” Suzie asked. “Y-yeah but what about Bombshell?” Glitch asked. “Well the good news is that i know which dimension he’s in, i'm going to see if i can get back up to help save him that way we have a better chance of getting him back.'' Suzie said determinedly. “But we have no powers there, we are much more vulnerable there” Glitch stated. “I will explain my plan once we get back to safety,” Suzie said reassuringly, as she held glitches hand. “Hey wait for me” the changeling said flying out of the room. “Come to tag along with us?” Suzie asked, grinning a little. “Yeah yeah, better than dealing with that guy” the changeling said, crossing his arms. “The more the merrier,” Suzie chuckled as she tightened her grip around Glitches hand. “Now let's get out of here and help you with that injury.'' Suzie said, glancing down at his injured leg. Glitch used his powers to summon a portal back to his hut. “Sit here glitch, I will go find some first aid,” Suzie said as she took off towards her tree house. “Is it me or is it hotter than usual?” the changeling asked as he started sweating a lot. “Y-yeah, it is a bit hot, that’s odd, there’s not even a torch on in here” Glitch stated. “Im back, wow i don't remember it being this hot out there,” suzie said fanning herself a bit since she was in two hoodies holding white bandage wrap. “Glitch, could you roll up your pants, i will wrap your leg so it wont get infected,” suzie said as she kneeled by his side. “Okay” Glitch said as he rolled his pants up. “I’m going to go cool down outside” the changeling said walking to the door. “Okay have fun,” Suzie said, waving him off before turning to glitch. “I'm going to try to be as gentle as possible. If it hurts, tell me and I will stop,"Suzie said lightly, touching his injured leg. “Okay” Glitch said. Suzie started wrapping his leg with the bandages she brought in case of emergencies. “You're lucky you're able to heal very fast otherwise this would probably take the average human 2 weeks to heal from this type of injury.” Suzie commented. “It’s just a gift I guess” Glitch responded. “Alright, there we go.” Suzie said as she finished wrapping his leg. “ We will have to wait a day before it is completely healed.” Suzie said, inspecting the wrapped up leg. “Okay thanks” Glitch responded. “No problem, but in the meantime i want to take you to one of my friend’s places so you can get healed up while i discuss a plan with them,” Suzie said standing up. “Who’s house would this be?” Glitch asked. “You will just have to see,” Suzie said, smirking a bit. “Now let's head on over there before any more trouble comes at us.'' Suzie said taking off glitches hoodie and wrapping it around her waist since it was getting quite hot. “Riiight” Glitch suspiciously said. “Don't worry you can trust them,” Suzie said happily as she made a portal with her brush and offered her hand to glitch to help him get up. Glitch accepted her hand. Suzie led him through the portal and they entered what seemed to be a white room with lots of drawings and stuff laying around. There was a couch nearby and Suzie gestured over to it so glitch could sit down. “Wait here, I gotta go find him.” Suzie said before making another portal and disappearing into it. Glitch sat down on the couch and waited. “Im back~” Suzie said cheerfully as another portal appeared and she stepped out of it. Following behind Suzie was a skeleton with a brush, rainbow ink vials and black paint splotches. “Ink, I want you to meet my awesome friend Glitch. Glitch this is ink." Suzie said, making introductions. “How many of these guys are there?” Glitch asked himself. “Hi” Glitch said while waving a little. “Hello there, i'm glad to see your ok since that time you were attacked by some alternate universe versions of me,” ink said reaching out his hand to greet glitch. “Say, what did they want with you anyways. I didn't think dream’s brother was interested in taking blood from any humans.” ink said as his eyes turned into question marks. “Oh actually Glitch isnt a human at all, in fact, he isn't even living. But he does have a soul. Venom recently messaged me that he almost finished his research about glitches blood type, and why the bad sans wanted it. The results might shock you.” Suzie admitted sitting on the couch with ink and glitch next to her. “Yeah I ain’t human, but got a soul” Glitch stated. “Oh glitch, i forgot to tell you but i think we figured out what the bad sans wanted your blood for,” suzie exclaimed excitedly. “What was the purpose?” Glitch asked. “To sum it up, your blood has the ability to practically clone itself, and I think the kraang is using it to make clones of some sort,'' Suzie said, thinking a bit. “Ah the kraang, ya blue and dream recently went to ask nightmare who that was, but they just got kicked out and never told anything,” ink remarked. “Why would the Kraang want to clone me?” Glitch asked, confused. “Who knows, maybe it's just because you heal very fast or maybe because your genetics are super strong,'' Suzie said, nudging him a little. “But they wouldn’t even know how powerful I am, I don’t even know, it just doesn’t make sense to me” Glitch said, confused a lot. Suzie looked down in deep contemplation then a thought struck “glitch, doesnt reboot know how strong you are?” Suzie asked, looking at glitch curiously. “Tch I don’t know, to be honest I haven’t even heard from him lately, it’s been kind of weird” Glitch explained. “Wait, but isn't reboot kinda like a part of you, or is he like a separate organism trapped inside of you?” Suzie asked. “I thought he was a part of me, I mean there’s no way he can leave me, right?” Glitch asked, worried that he did leave. “Why don't you ask reboot?” Suzie suggested. “I suppose I can try,” Glitch said before about to ask Reboot. “Reboot, are you there?” Glitch asked with no response. “Hey um, not to cut into this conversation or anything but who is reboot?” ink said with a confused look on his face. “He’s a part of me, we share a body, but he hasn’t been responsive at all or saying anything, or showing up in my dreams, it’s very weird” Glitch stated. “It actually may be possible that he did leave,” ink said curiously. “How he may have, i don't know, but from what i've learned is that anything can be possible.” ink started as he adjusted his scarf. “Well let's just get to the point on why I'm here,'' Suzie said, cutting in. “we need the star sans help in rescuing Glitches creation, his only creation.” Suzie added the end part with extra dramaticness. “MY GOODNESS THAT'S TERRIBLE!!!” ink exclaimed before hurling black ink in between his legs. “Gross ink, you gotta warn someone before you do that.” Suzie said scooting away from ink and closer to glitch. “Cough, sorry, just high emotions,” ink said, wiping the ink away with his scarf. “What the heck” Glitch said to himself. “Anyways we will help get your creation back,” ink said a bit embarrassed. “Thanks ink,” Suzie said happily. “We should get bombshell back tomorrow. That way you have enough time to get dream and blue, and you have enough time to heal glitch." Suzie stated. “Yeah, I think i'ma head to bed now,” Glitch said. “Great that settles it, you two can stay here on the couch while i will go find dream and blue,” ink exclaimed standing up excitedly. “Just don't forget,'' Suzie said firmly. “Don't worry, i won't,” ink said before he made a portal with his brush and disappeared into it. “Welp looks like we will stay the night here,” Suzie said. “Fine by me” Glitch said as he fell asleep. Suzie chuckled at this and then decided to sprawl out, laying over glitches lap. “You know glitch~, I'm still wearing your hoodie. Ink might think we are a couple or something~."Suzie said playfully. “Oh that’s fine, and you can wear the hoodie as long as you’d like,” Glitch said. Suzie eyed him very suspiciously. “Erm, that's fine by you?” Suzie asked cautiously. “W-well that is to say if we were a couple it would be” Glitch explained blushing a little. “But we're not though,” Suzie pointed out. “Yeah I know but-” Glitch said before pausing. “Nah never mind,” Glitch said, laying his head on the couch. “No, no, continue, now I'm really curious on what you have to say,” Suzie said, sitting up and facing him. “Well I was just saying I wouldn’t blame him for thinking we are a couple since I gave you my jacket is all, but honestly even without that jacket one could say that you're hot” Glitch said while pointing his fingers at her with his thumbs up. “W-what!? H-hold on you can't jus-st–, you think i'm hot!?” Suzie said, her face turning all shades of red. “I m-mean, uh, GOOD NIGHT” Glitch said glowing green. “Nope you can't just leave a conversation like that, especially after calling an empress hot.” Suzie retorted. “What game are you playing at? Are you trying to hit on me?” Suzie questioned. “W-well I was simply talking about the temperature yeah yeah” Glitch said knowing he was lying. “I don't see how talking about accidentally being seen as couples and temperature has to do with one another.” Suzie scoffed. “It just does,” Glitch said. “Glitch, my goodness you are driving me insane, you literally said I was hot.” Suzie said, pulling glitches hoodie over her head. “Look I called you hot because-because, nevermind I’ll tell you soon I need to sleep for the morning, I’m sorry your majesty I meant no offense” Glitch said turning away. “H-hey I'm not o-offended. Did I come off offended?” Suzie questioned a bit panicky. “No, I just-, look I will tell you soon” Glitch responded. Suzie looked at glitch with a million thoughts racing through her mind. “First you call me hot, then you cant tell me why,” Suzie mumbled to herself before laying back down on his lap despite what he had said. “Well night then,” Suzie said before closing her eyes and falling asleep. A few hours had passed as they laid there fast asleep. “WAKE UP YOU TWO!!! I FOUND DREAM AND BLUE!!” ink yelled which made suzie leap off the couch in surprise. “Gah, ink oh my goodness you scared me half to death,” Suzie said, catching her breath. “Whoops, sorry Sue, you two were in a deep sleep and I already tried nicely before.” ink said, chuckling a little. Suzie glanced around and saw dream and blue standing there staring curiously at glitch and her. “SUZIE YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU HAD A LOVER!!” blue exclaimed as his starry eyes looked excitedly from suzie to glitch. “G-Gah, h-he’s not my boyf-friend o-or l-lover!” Suzie said, getting really flustered and embarrassed. “Oh, my bad it's just unusual to see you sleeping with someone,” dream said playfully. “Oh my goodness guys, he’s just my friend,” Suzie said, covering her face with her hands. “Hehe, ok then.” dream said as he poked glitch awake. Glitch woke up after being poked. “Hello there, it's time to get up, we’re here to rescue your friend.” dream said cheerfully. “Then let's get to it,” Glitch said ready to go. “Woah, woah first we need to know what we're up against,” dream said calmly. “Well, firstly you won't be able to use your powers, you will get attacked by bugs who feed on love and lastly there might be some king guy there that may or may not kill you,'' Suzie explained. “I see,” Dream said, nodding. “DON'T WORRY SUZIE WE WILL HELP YOU ALL THE WAY!!” blue said determinedly. “Thanks guys,” Suzie said smiling. “Anytime,” ink said, waving it off as he quickly gathered his vials and his brush and got ready to go. “Wait but shouldn't we bring weapons since we won't be able to use magic?” questioned dream. “Yeah that seems like a good idea,” said ink. “DOES YOUR FRIEND KNOW HOW TO FIGHT?” questioned blue as he pointed at glitch. “Of course I know how to fight, even without powers,” Glitch replied. “That's great,” ink said as he started painting a picture out of boredom. “What type of weapons do you use?” ink questioned, perking his head up a bit. “A sword,” Glitch responded. “Are you able to summon weapons like venom?” ink questioned a little bit curious. “Tch, Venom” Glitch mumbled to himself. “I suppose, but it’s just swords,” Glitch replied. “Can you summon yourself a sword while ink makes us weapons?” dream asked as ink was busy at work making blue a small dagger of his own. Glitch summoned a sword. Suzie was at work making herself another lightsaber just like the one she got but this time it was double sided and was red on the left side and blue on the other side. Dream had a bow and arrows and ink just stuck with his brush. “Um, ink you realize that won't do much damage right?” Suzie questioned. “I know but it's the only thing I think will suit me,” ink said confidently. “Alright then, let's go,” Suzie said as she made a portal with her brush which led to the inside of the hive. Glitch went through the portal. “Ok last time I was with bombshell was down there in a closet but they probably moved him somewhere else,” Suzie exclaimed. “Ink and blue, I want you two to look down that hallway. Me and glitch will look in the dungeons. And dream you can keep a lookout for any bugs coming our way.'' Suzie instructed. They nodded and set off down the hallway. “Come on glitch, let's go get bombshell back,” Suzie said as she ran towards the dungeons. Glitch followed behind her to the dungeons. They made it to the dungeons but there was no sign of any bugs around. “Weird, usually there were a few bugs down here,” Suzie mumbled, glancing around. “What are you two doing down here?” a voice said from the background. “Who’s there?” Suzie questioned glancing around. “Has it been that long, you can’t even recognize a friend” the voice said again. “Erm..wait a sec,” Suzie said, a bit confused. “Are you my conscience?” Suzie asked, completely clueless but half jokingly. “No ma’am, it’s me” Bombshell said, coming out the shadows with his helmet and armor on and hands behind his back. “Wait, I just wanna make sure it's really you. When you were first made, what did you see?” Suzie asked just to be safe just like the last time when it actually wasn't a bombshell. “Glitch, the one who made me,” Bombshell replied. “Besides glitch, what were your surroundings?” Suzie questioned. “You mean your castle?” Bombshell asked. “Um, we weren't by the castle?” Suzie said, a bit hesitant. “You know you ask a lot of questions huh, but if you think I’m one of those bugs you're wrong, dead wrong” Bombshell said. “Sorry, sorry, just to be safe,” Suzie exclaimed. “Wait, but is it actually you?” Suzie asked. “Of course it’s me, it’s always been me,” Bombshell replied. “Ok then, glitch do you think it's bombshell?” Suzie asked glitch. “Take off your helmet,” Glitch demanded. “Fine,” Bombshell said, removing his helmet and seeing Bombshell’s eyes glowing green. Suzie pulled the lightsaber out of her pocket and backed up. “Glitch, I don't know if that's bombshell,” Suzie said nervously. “You know, you two are giving me a very bad headache, and I hate the feeling, so let's get out of here and heal the headache” Bombshell said. “Bombshell, are you really Bombshell?” Glitch asked. “Of course, but um, not actually here, actually, I’m kind of tired of this, I am not Bombshell” Bombshell said shapeshifting back to a changeling. Suzie activated her lightsaber as it ignited from both ends. “knew it,” Suzie said glaring at the changeling. “But I can lead you to him, as I was told to by my superiors, I will lead you to your friend” the changeling said as he smiled. “Let's bring the star sans with us in case it's a trick, that way we will have more numbers in case they attack us.” Suzie whispered to glitch so the changeling wouldn't hear her. “They were sent somewhere else, we would have to find them” Glitch stated. “It will only take a minute to find them, trust me, i will be right back,” suzie whispered before sprinting off at top speed to go get them. Suzie ran down the hall where she told the star sans to search. She quickly came upon dream who was keeping a lookout for any changelings. “Hey dream, we found a way to get Bombshell, get the others and follow me,” Suzie said hurrying over to him. Dream nodded and made a quick sharp whistle. Soon blue and ink appeared running towards them when they heard the whistle. “WHAT IS IT?” blue asked urgently. “We found a way to get to bombshell,” Suzie said quickly. “Ok then let's get bombshell and get out of here cause I've got a feeling that I won't last very long with my brush,” ink admitted. Suzie quickly ran back to the dungeons with the star sans running behind here at top speed. They arrived at where Suzie had left glitch and the other changeling. “Let's go,” the changeling said while walking. “OH MY STARS, THAT BUG REMINDS ME OF A PONY. LIKE THE ONES ME AND PAP WATCH ON T.V!!” blue exclaimed excitedly, pointing at the changeling as they walked together. Dream just shrugged and followed along with ink and suzie. Glitch followed as well.. “”Be ready for anything guys,” ink whispered while walking with them. Suzie nodded and stuck close to glitch in case anything would come at him. That way she would be able to protect him from harm's way. Glitch followed the changeling mentally preparing for what could happen. “Hey um glitch, suppose after we get bombshell, what are we going to do?” Suzie asked, thinking ahead after getting bombshell. “Escape,” Glitch replied. “Then what? We can't go back to the forest.'' Suzie questioned. “We will find somewhere else” Glitch replied. “I don't mean to cut in, but why are you two talking about staying somewhere else in different places? Can't you just stay in suzie’s universe?” dream asked, raising a bone brow. “I will explain later,” Suzie said mentally face-palming, that she forgot to tell them that the universes may all come to a terrible end unless they gather an army to stop them. “You guys talk a lot, seriously please shut up” the changeling said, covering his ears. “HEY, THAT’S NOT A VERY NICE THING TO SAY!!!” blue said frowning. “We tried nice, doesn’t get you anything more than death” the changeling said, rolling his eyes. “Ahem, so how long till we get to see bombshell”? we are kinda in a time crunch right now.” Suzie asked, a little annoyed. “You figure it out when we get there” the changeling remarked back. “Are you sure that bug is going to actually lead us to bombshell?” ink asked. “I don't know ink. Glitch, do you think this bug is actually leading us to Bombshell?” Suzie asked, whispering to glitch. “I have to assume so,” Glitch replied. “Here” the changeling said not entering the room but showing them. “You first,” ink said, gesturing for the bug to go in first. “I was ordered to lead you, not to enter her domain, you enter yourselves” the changeling said. “Fine,” Suzie said, rolling her eyes and marching straight into the room leading the way. Glitch followed behind Suzie. “Hello, is anyone in here?” ink called out curiously looking around. “And who are you?” the queen said while on her throne. “Oh I am ink, guardian of the multiverses, defender over the weak.” ink said dramatically striking a pose, just like the one suzie did when she first told glitch she was a universe creator. “Tch, you look ridiculous,” the queen said, chuckling a little. “Only in the eyes of stuck up donkeys do I look ridiculous,” ink commonted. “Touch a nerve did I, why are you here anyway” the queen asked. “WE'RE HERE TO RESCUE BOMBSHELL!!!” blue said determinedly. “So hand him over and we can avoid any conflict,” dream inquired bravely. “He can hand himself over” the queen said while Bombshell walked from behind her throne. “WOAH IS THAT BOMBSHELL!?” blue asked in shock, admiring his armor. “We gotta know for certain though if thats bombshell since these bugs have the ability to shiftshape.” Suzie said suspiciously. “Please, I am the real Bombshell, but I ain’t coming back” Bombshell replied. “I don't think you're the real bombshell..” Suzie said, crossing her arms. “What do you think glitch?” Suzie asked. “We went over this one, and yet again I don’t know, so Bombshell took your helmet off” Glitch said. “I don’t listen to you, not anymore, I only listen to my queen” Bombshell replied. “Welp i didn't want to do this but I think we are going to have to take that helmet off by force,” Suzie said as she tightened the grip around the lightsaber in her pocket. “Please, if we're really allies, you won’t touch me” Bombshell said. “Bombshell, or if it is you. I just want you to know that everything i'm about to do is for the sake of you and getting you back with us.'' Suzie said as the star sans got ready behind her incase something was about to go down. “My sake, you really think I am one of your toys, I am NO ONES TOY, I am not coming back, and if you can’t accept that, I guess that makes us enemies” Bombshell explained. “Glitch mind talking to your creation because I'm not ready to argue this one,” Suzie said, annoyed , backing off. “Bombshell, listen, we came here to save you, we are your friends” Glitch explained. “Please, I have no friends, I barely know you, any of you, my existence is that of a short one, and I am not going to be your puppet” Bombshell replied. “Please if i may have a word with you bombshell,” dream said cutting in, “i realize you don't like being used, no one does. But suzie and glitch have no intention in using you whatsoever. Glitch brought you into existence not for a puppet or a toy, but as a friend. Give him a chance, it will be better than this stinky insect.” dream explained holding out his hand towards bombshell. “DON’T YOU DARE INSULT THEM, any of them, you-you JERK” Bombshell said enraged. “Well I was mostly trying to insult this queen because from what I've heard she is starving her entire kingdom and keeping the only food available to herself.” dream pointed out glaring at the queen. “She does what she must to survive, the others better understand that, for their own sake” Bombshell said pointing guns at some changelings. “Bombshell, why defend her, she had her men kidnap you, don’t you want to be free” Glitch asked. “I am free,” Bombshell replied. “By the looks of it, I'd say you're being used because suzie and bombshell never did anything to you to deserve this…i think,” ink said his eye lights changing into different shapes. “Not yet, but I’ve heard things, things that happened to you Glitch” Bombshell said. “Ok first up if your about to bring up that whole blood taking incident, well guess what, THAT ONE WAS ON VENOM NOT ME, AND SECOND, WHY YOU MOTHER [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]S[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]H[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]U[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]C[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]K[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]E[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]R[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]S[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] GOTTA KEEP BRINGING THAT UP!?!?!” Suzie said, enraged. “Listen, I regret that happening, I don't think I can ever forgive myself. I just wanted to help in this multiverse disaster." Suzie ranted upset. “Don’t lie to me, it wasn’t just the blood, you ordered the suffering of Glitch” Bombshell said. “The what?” Suzie looked at bombshell really confused. “I haven't made an attempt to make glitch suffer once and never will since he is my friend. What gave you the idea that I ordered that?” Suzie asked, bewildered. “HEY, SUZIE DOESN'T MAKE PEOPLE SUFFER UNLESS BRINGING JUSTICE TO THOSE WHO HAVE DONE EVIL!!” blue said, upset at bombshell. “Ya and glitch hasn't done any evil, so why should i give orders to make him suffer? That doesn't make any sense. Who told you that?” Suzie asked, confused. “I am referring to your pet, what was his name, ah yes, Venom” Bombshell replied. “Venom is not my pet, he is my best friend. And he was only helping…or at least trying too,"Suzie retorted, scoffing a little. “Oh, so if I blow someone’s brains out, that’s helping” Bombshell asked. “Blow what!? Are you for real!? VENOM WOULDN'T DO THAT TO GLITCH AND IF HE DID HE BETTER HAVE A GOOD REASON,” suzie yelled angrily. “Haha, good reasons, listen to yourself, you all claim to be heroes, and yet you would be just as flawed as villains, killing is suppose to be a last resort, and yet you would kill, or have your own “friend” killed, although you guys aren’t really friends I suppose” Bombshell argued. “Erm, well to be fair I've actually never killed someone,” Suzie admitted. “But bombshell, listen to yourself, why are you criticizing all our actions as if you have never made a mistake in your life,” suzie pointed out as the star sans nodded in agreement. “I would never make others suffer, let alone my friends, as little existence I have bad thought I see all of your flaws, all as in you and Glitch, why are you guys hanging out anyway when you clearly aren’t friends with each other” Bombshell asked. “Were friends,” Suzie stated in hopes glitch would agree. “And second, how can you claim not to make anyone suffer when you clearly pointed your gun at me as if to shoot?” Suzie pointed out. “Aww, didn’t you make a changeling lose his wings without a care like a heartless being?” Bombshell replied. “I-im not heartless, I did it cause I was furious about losing you because I care for you and I thought that scaring the changeling would get you back, but I realized that violence wasn't going to solve it but I made him new wings anyway.” Suzie said quietly. “You know what bombshell, if you think we're heartless beings, then you can stay with this queen, I'm done here.” Suzie said, throwing her arms up and storming out of the room. “SUZIE WAIT!!” blue said running after her to try and comfort her. Ink and dream looked at each other uneasily on what was happening. “If i may, bombshell, you need to ease up on that kid,” ink said a bit ticked off. “Well to be honest the reason some of her actions were like that were probably influenced by her past with other people, let's just say she hasnt had the best of people influencing her life but she always tries to do the right thing for others.” dream said calmly with patience. “That doesn’t justify making people suffer,'' Bombshell replied. “Bombshell enough, listen, we have all made mistakes, but we need to let go and move on, that’s what makes us better people'' Glitch said, trying to calm Bombshell down. “Like you have any room to talk, always constantly trying to not accept help, always wanting to be successful by yourself, how many failures until you understand that some people just need help, until you realize you're too weak?” Bombshell asked. “Ok bombshell, you need to chill. I hate to admit this but you were made in an unperfect world so there will always be these types of problems no matter what, but shunning people isn't the way to solve it,” ink said angrily as his eyelights turned into red exclamation marks. “Bombshell, what would you have done if one of your friends were kidnapped and there was only one person who knew where they were but wouldn't tell you?” dream questioned trying to be reasonable. “Negotiations exist ya know” Bombshell replied. “And what if you can't negotiate then what?” dream questioned trying to get bombshell to understand. “Then I do it myself, no matter how long it takes,” Bombshell replied. “But let's say you're in a time crunch and the whole universe could be destroyed if you don't get them back in a certain amount of time?” ink said cutting in. “That sounds very specific,” Bombshell replied. “Yeah well guess what, that's the type of problem we're dealing with right now,'' Suzie said a lot more calmly walking back into the room with blue behind her. “That’s not my concern, my only concern is protecting the queen,” Bombshell replied. “Well if we don't work together to gather an army to stop the kraang and other dark forces then there will be no queen to protect.'' Suzie pointed out as blue gasped in shock. “WAIT SUZIE WHY HAVEN'T YOU MENTIONED THIS BEFORE?” blue asked. “I was going to but i had some things come up which delayed me telling you guys, but now you know,” suzie said. “Man i think we're going to have our hands full with this one,” ink said. “That explains why my brother has been on edge,” dream replied. “Enough, if this all is so important why don’t you all leave and deal with that” Bombshell asked. “Because we care about you, that's why..” Suzie mumbled, looking down. “Eh, can’t say I feel the same for any of you, including you Glitch, so why don’t you all leave” Bombshell said pointing at the door. “I think we have overdone our stay. He’s right, Glitch we have better things to take care of. But to be honest I still care for him and don't want him to be left alone with that heartless queen,"Suzie whispered to glitch so bombshell couldn't hear. “We will be back for you Bombshell don’t you worry” Glitch said looking at Bombshell. “Don’t bother coming back,” Bombshell replied. “C’mon guys, let's go save the universes.'' Suzie said glumly as she exited the room. The star sans glanced back at bombshell unsure of what to say but soon quickly followed suzie. Glitch tightened his grip and decided not to walk out and instead ran at Bombshell unexpectedly. Bombshell didn’t expect this and tried to pull a gun out but was uppercutted by Glitch when his helmet came flying off. Bombshell fell on the floor and was filled with anger, when Glitch looked at his eyes he saw they were a hypnotic glowing green. “You will pay for that,” Bombshell said, trying to get his helmet back. “Sorry Bombshell, I wouldn’t normally do this but it looks like I have no choice” Glitch said in a fight stance. Bombshell got his gun and pointed it at Glitch, the two didn’t move for a little while. Dream sprinted back into the room after hearing what was going on and he halted at the scene. “Glitch, bombshell, what is going on?” dream asked, glancing back and forth from each one. “Tell your friend to back down, this is your only warning” Bombshell said looking at Dream. Dream eyed them both and in a lightning movement he armed his bow and arrow. With fast speed he aimed and shot an arrow through bombshell’s gun, breaking it. “I warned you,” Bombshell said, jumping at Glitch, tackling him to the floor. Bombshell then began punching Glitch in the face as blood came running through his mouth. Glitch then kicked Bombshell off him. Glitch then grabbed Bombshell and threw him against a wall. “WHAT IN CREATIONS BLAZES IS GOING ON!?!?!” Suzie said running into the room followed by blue and ink. Bombshell got up and punched Glitch in the stomach. Glitch then swung and hit Bombshell in the chest which hit his armor. “‘Enough you two,” ink said, coming in trying to break it up. Suzie quickly glanced at the queen and she then got an idea in her head and quickly whispered it to dream whose eyelights lit up in realization. Dream pointed an arrow at the queen while she was distracted with the fight and shot it through both of her wings pinning her to the chair. While that was happening suzie quickly leaped onto the throne and ignited the lightsaber pinning the queen and pointing it towards her neck. “Bombshell, enough or your queen dies,” Suzie said darkly. “You son of a, YOUR FRIEND STARTED IT” Bombshell said angrily. “And I'm about to end it,” Suzie said even more darkly. “Leave me be Glitch, I don’t want anything to do with any of you” Bombshell said backing away from Glitch. “Glitch, is that really bombshell or is this the queen's prank on us.” Suzie questioned, glaring at the queen. “You are all fools, of course that’s your friend” the queen said angrily. “Shut it, I wasn't asking you,” Suzie said, kicking the queen in the jaw and bringing the saber closer to her neck. “HEY” Bombshell said before charging at Suzie. Blue quickly tackled bombshell from getting to Suzie and brought the dagger to the bombshell's neck. “DON'T HURT SUZIE!!” blue said angrily as ink ran over to help blue. “YOU HURT MY QUEEN, YOU'LL HAVE TO KILL ME” Bombshell said angrily yelling. “Depends if you are actually bombshell or not,” Suzie said glaring at bombshell. “Remove his helmet,”Suzie ordered as ink pried the helmet off his head. “Leave us alone, leave us now” Bombshell said with his hypnotic eyes glowing brighter. “I knew it, somethings wrong with bombshell,” Suzie said, eyeing bombshell. “What did you do!!” Suzie asked the queen angrily. “Well your friend apparently didn’t have any love to give, he seems to have no emotions, at least not any real ones, so rather than waste him I made him useful, he now has a purpose, to serve me to death” the queen said chuckling. “Any way to bring him back to normal?” dream questioned. “Oh of course there is,” the queen replied. “And that is?” Suzie questioned bringing the saber closer to the queen's neck, almost burning her. “If you kill me your friend is stuck like this forever” the queen replied. “Hey ink, do you know of any au versions of you that can undue hypnotizing spells?” Suzie questioned. “Why yes actually,” ink said as he closed his eyes thinking. “Great, then we can kill the queen ridding the kingdom of this heartless person and then bring bombshell to that au,” Suzie said in delight. “No, we don’t kill,” Glitch said. “Fine, we can put the queen to sleep and then bring bombshell to that au,” Suzie said nicely. “Hey, what’s going on here?” a voice said in the background. “Let's just kill the queen and get out of here cause I don't know how much of this chaos we can take right now.” dream said in a less positive tone. “Ya i agree, let's bring bombshell with us and get to that au to cure him,” ink said. “No, killing her is not the solution, this isn’t how we do things” Glitch said. “What are you guys doing?” the voice said again before a small pony came flying into the room. “Erm, hey instead of killing we can kidnap, or should I say queennap.” Suzie said, trying to find a better solution. The star sans nodded to this and quickly knocked bombshell out so it would be easier to bring him with. “I SAID HEY” the pony said flying in front of them all. “AWW THE PONY CAN TALK!!” blue said excitedly as his eyelight stars grew brighter. “Well duh, all ponies can talk, at least me since I’m the last pony in existence, but may I ask kind travelers why you have my friend tied up and are knocking our new friend out” the pony kindly asked. “Oh, he’s also our friend but he got hypnotized so we are bringing him with us to help cure him,” Suzie replied as she knocked out the queen. “Hey, what are you doing to my other friend?” The pony asked. “Kidnapping her,” ink said casually tying up the queen and swinging her over his shoulders. “Well could you maybe not do that to my friend, she is the only reason this place is thriving after all” the pony asked. “Um i wouldn't call this place thriving,” dream said as he used a pre-made portal machine to make a portal. “You may not think so, but we do need her, otherwise we all will die, and would you really want us all to die knowing an entire kingdom is dead because of you all kidnapping her” the pony asked. “Relax, it's not like we are taking her forever. We just need to ask a few questions then we will return her in a blink of an eye. We're not bad guys, we just need answers so we can save other kingdoms and universes.” ink said in a dramatic voice as he walked through the portal with the queen. Blue dragged bombshell into the portal following ink. “C’mon glitch, lets get bombshell back to normal,” Suzie said smiling. “WAIT, you know since you guys are somehow leaving, maybe me and my friend could tag along with you guys to help,” the pony said flying in front of Glitch. “Well to be honest it's very dangerous, are you up for that?” Suzie questioned. “Oh don’t worry, I am, and I will even have my other friend to protect me” the pony said smiling. “What's your name?” Suzie asked curiously. “Names Cozy Glow” the pony said smiling. “Alright Cozy Glow, welcome to the team, we need all the help we can get,” Suzie said, putting her hand out to shake. “Glad to help, I’ll be right back with my other friend” Cozy said, flying to get her other friend. “Alright, I am back with my other friend, c’mon out” Cozy said waving her hoof. “What ever could it be this time” the voice said when suddenly a big red centaur walked into the room. “Hey glitch, didn't you say you had centaurs in your universe, or at least did have them,'' Suzie whispered to glitch. “Yeah, but only one actually one the battle the red centaur, but didn’t we fight that guy” Glitch asked. “Hmmm, I sure hope they have nothing against humans,” Suzie said, shrugging as she watched dream go through the portal. “YOU TWO, AGAIN” the centaur said shocked. “Do you guys know each other, Tirek, why didn’t you introduce me to your other friends” Cozy asked.“We aren’t friends, they broke in here and Chrysalis told me to get rid of them,” Tirek replied. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Tirek, we meet again,[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]” Suzie said, her colors suddenly fading into all black in remembrance of what he did to glitch. “Well either way that was the past, we are all friends now, right guys” Cozy asked happily. “Fine but if I see you lay a finger on glitch you will have to answer to me,” Suzie said, stepping in front of glitch in a protective way. “Move Suz, I can take this guy” Glitch said walking up to the centaur looking him face to face. “Please, with or without powers I would crush you, but if we are “allies” then that won’t happen” Tirek replied. “C’mon cozy let’s meet up with the star sans,” Suzie said as she brought cozy through the portal so cozy wouldn't have seen a fight break out if there was one. “Don’t do anything stupid Glitch, and assume that we are friends, we are still enemies,” Tirek said walking through the portal. “I don’t need protection,” Glitch said to himself as he walked through the portal. The star sans had made a portal in front of a house and standing on the porch was another sans au who had a purple jacket and a red star on his head. “So you guys want me to undo a hypnotizing spell? I will do my best to not wipe his memory in the process,” summon sans said nervously, placing his hand on bombshells head and starting using his magic slowly. “Ya know, what are we going to do after bombshell is all better?” Suzie asked glitch. “We need to start an alliance, build an army, maybe we can convince the queen to join us” Glitch said. “We can gather an army of monsters from our multiverse,” ink said as dream and blue nodded excitedly. “Glitch, i think you should be the one in charge of convincing the queen, you are best when it comes to those types of things.” Suzie replied thoughtfully. “I happen to already have an army, but it won't be any match for the eternal army. I've got a feeling there making it by using your blood's dna. I know some people, or should I say robots that would be very useful allies,"Suzie said thinking aloud to herself. “I will do my best to convince her, if we convince her we have another army, and perhaps we can find more in their universe” Glitch explained. “True, yes but what will we do with cozy and..tirek?” Suzie asked wearily. “Cozy may already be on our side, at least she seems like she would be up for it, Tirek, I am not so sure, but he may actually be the hero Centaur, he may be our hero we need” Glitch replied. “I wouldn't put all my hopes on that guy,” Suzie replied a bit sourly. “While we are waiting I can try to talk to them perhaps” Glitch said. “Actually, I would like to discuss more plans with you before we progress,” Suzie replied. “What other plans?” Glitch asked. Suzie quickly glanced around at the others “why don't you take a walk with me and i will tell you,” suzie said happily gesturing for glitch to follow her. Glitch followed behind her. “Sooo, um glitch, how exactly do you plan on gathering an army and gathering alliances, how exactly would we be able to transport armies through different universes?” “Our first army would be the changelings, if we get the queen, we get an army, and perhaps some others, I never said anything but there was one night back at the hut where I saw something else, not changeling but it was in the shadows, we could perhaps find more recruits, and ask for transportation we could use these automatic portals” Glitch replied. “Automatic portals are hard to come by, like the one dream used to get us out without magic,” suzie said somberly. “Buuut, you happen to know a creator who could make that happen lickity split,” suzie said playfully, nudging glitch. “You will use portals then for transportation, that settles that” Glitch said. “To be square, teleportation is a lot more safer, but the only person i know who can transport an army, heck an entire universe is syntax error, but i got a feeling he is going to kill me when i get back to the celestial zone for shutting down the universes access to other universes,” suzie said nervously. “Tch, we don’t need his help, we will find our own way” Glitch replied. “Well I do want to bring my friends along to help, or well can I at least bring venom and syntax error?” Suzie asked. “Just bring Syntax I suppose” Glitch replied. “Ok,” Suzie said cheerfully. “My next question is how do we use an army without killing any one?” Suzie asked. “War is more difficult than battles or small skirmishes, the soldiers we fight will have no remorse for those who they kill, we will do what we must, but don’t be cruel about it” Glitch replied. “Well not gonna lie death is cruel either way glitch but you kinda need to ease up on the fact that we are going to have to kill some people to be able to save our universes,” suzie said a bit stubbornly. “Some isn’t every single entity we come across, and making them suffer at that, I still have my own morals, and making people suffer is not one of them” Glitch explained. “Except for the fact that you started beating up bombshell,” Suzie pointed out casually. “Or that time where you fought off the swordsman, or the archer, or shredder, or Tirek, or monty, possibly venom..shall i continue?” Suzie said counting all the people on her fingers. “Don’t even with me, most of those were in self defense” Glitch said with his eyes changing red a little. “And dont even with me, those times were out of desperation and protection,” suzie said smirking. Glitch used a portal and teleported back to Tirek and Cozy Glow, his eyes glowing red. “Sigh, that guy drives me crazy and yet he can look so cute and flustering,” Suzie mumbled to herself after he teleported away. “I never will,” Glitch said to himself. “Never what?” Cozy asked. “Nothing, just coming back to negotiate with you guys” Glitch said to them. “What negotiations?” Tirek said, crossing his arms while raising his eyebrow. “Listen guys, I am gonna spill the beans, the universe is in danger and if we don’t stop the danger there will be nothing left” Glitch said to them. “Oh dear, that's not good,” Cozy said with a smile. “We figured as much,” dream said. “Gosh i sure hope this isn't as bad as the x-event,” ink said looking down. “X-event?” Cozy asked. “It's nothing,” ink said quickly. “WHILE BOMBSHELL IS GETTING HIS MIND FIXED WE CAN GO GATHER AN ARMY OF MONSTERS!!” exclaimed blue. “Sounds like a good plan,” ink said, making a portal. The star sans quickly left through the portal as suzie came walking back. “Hows bombshell doing?” Suzie asked. “Good..i think. Well at least he is no longer hypnotized but now he is just sleeping since he used a lot of energy,” undersummon sans explained. “Well we might as well stay the night here until he’s better,” Suzie replied. “There’s an inn just down the road you can stay at.” undersummon sans said as he brought bombshell inside to let him sleep the night at his house. “Alright guys i will check us in at the inn, cozy, come along with me.” Suzie said happily walking towards the road where the inn was at. “Come on, Tirek” Cozy said, motioning for him to follow. “Tirek can stay with glitch, it will only be a minute,” Suzie said. “Okay, also when is Chrysalis coming with us all?” Cozy asked. “Who?” Suzie asked, confused as she spotted the inn as they were walking. “Queen Chrysalis, queen of the changelings,” Cozy replied. “Depends if she can be reasonable.” Suzie replied as they approached the entrance of the inn. Suzie walked up to the counter where there was a half a sleep bunny sitting there. “Excuse me, I would like to get two rooms lease,” Suzie said kindly. “Wha-huh..oh, oh ya two rooms got it,” the bunny said waking up. “That will be 20g,” the bunny said. Suzie rummaged in her short pocket and brought out 20g. “Here ya go,” Suzie said, handing him the money. “Ok, here are the keys to your rooms, enjoy the night,” the bunny said before going back to sleep. “C’mon cozy, let's go back to glitch and Tirek,'' Suzie said as she walked out of the inn. “Sure, but maybe we can get Chrysalis now?” Cozy asked with puppy-like eyes. “I'd rather not at this moment, i'm going to have a friend watch over her for the night, that way she doesn't decide to run away,” suzie replied, walking back to glitch and Tirek. “Me and Tirek could watch her, she wouldn’t escape if we stayed with her, plus she is our friend and would listen to us,” Cozy explained. “Or you would end up listening to her, listen cozy i've only met you just today so i'm having someone i trust watch over her.” Suzie said, trying to reason with cozy. “I guess I understand, just don’t hurt her, she is one of my only few friends” Cozy requested. “We will see,” Suzie said before meeting up with Glitch and Tirek. “Hey glitch, ima quickly head back to my universe to get one of my friends to watch over the queen, if that's alright with you?” Suzie asked. Glitch nodded his head. Suzie quickly made a portal to the celestial zone and landed right into venoms room while he was sleeping. “VENOM WAKE UP!” Suzie yelled and venom leaped up to his feet. “Gosh suzie i didn't expect to see you anytime soon after you left. Anything I can do for ya?” venom said as he scoured to change into his clothes. “Yes, I'm bringing you along with us. I need you to watch over a queen that we kidnapped so she doesn't escape. “Wow kidnapping queens, are you planning to rule the universes or something?” Venom asked, smirking as he got his shoes on. “Nope, i will explain later now come on,” suzie said as she grabbed venom's hand and dragged him through the portal back to glitch. “GLITCH! I haven't seen ya in forever, how's it going?” Venom asked excitedly when he saw glitch. “The queen is over there,” Glitch replied. “Anyways, how's it been going?” venom said ignoring that. Glitch said nothing and pointed at the queen. “You obviously don't want to talk to me do you,'' Venom said with sad puppy dog eyes. “Why don’t you just do your job” Glitch said with red eyes but closing them. “Ouch glitch, that's not how you greet a friend,” Venom said, crossing his arms and walking over to the tied up queen. “What was that about glitch?” Suzie asked, frowning. “Where are the “guests” staying?” Glitch asked. “Well I got two rooms. One for cozy and Tirek the other for me and you in case we get stabbed during the night by one of them. That way i would be able to protect you,'' Suzie said, whispering the last part so cozy and Tirek couldn't hear. “Please I don’t sleep in hotels, I can make my own tent” Tirek said firmly. “Well buddy, it's an inn not a hotel first off and second if you're allies with us you're staying in an inn with us,” Suzie retorted back firmly. “This is temporary, not permanent, and I refuse to take orders from some random human I just met a little ago, besides what am I gonna do go home, we used that little contraption of yours to get here” Tirek replied. “Oh for creation's sake,” Suzie grumbled. “You're gonna stay in that inn whether you like it or not,” Suzie said, putting her hands on her hips stubbornly. “How about I make this simple for you, I will not stay in the inn, I will make my own camp, understood” Tirek says, crossing his arms and turning his head. “Come on Tirek, this human was nice enough to buy you and I a room, it’s only fair if we stay” Cozy said looking at Tirek with cute eyes. “I am no one’s slave, I do what I wish” Tirek said, blowing smoke through his nose. “Please,” Cozy said again. “Ugh, fine,” Tirek said, upset a little. “Great, " Suzie said. “Um hey suz, where am i gonna sleep?” Venom asked. “You will be spending the night at this sans aus house, and you will not be sleeping on the job,” suzie replied. “Uhg fine,” Venom said, being melodramatic as he picked up the queen and marched straight towards the sans aus house. “Alright then, i will be at the inn, here is your key to your cozy room,” Suzie said, handing a key to Cozy with the number 27 engraved on it. “Cozy handed me the key right now,” Tirek said, extending his arm out. “But the key was given to me, I should have it,” Cozy said while smiling. “I don’t care, I am older and more mature, the key is mine” Tirek said trying to grab the key from Cozy. “Tirek, it’s mine,” Cozy said, pulling back. “No, it’s mine,” Tirek said, also trying to take the key. “Enough both of you,” suzie said, annoyed. “It's getting late, just head to the inn and get some rest,” Suzie said, rubbing her eyes. “Oh don’t worry Suzie, me and my dad do it all the time, we won’t cause any trouble” Cozy said smiling. “DAD?!!” Tirek said, grabbing Cozy and heading to the inn. “Lets go glitch, I'm pretty tired from today,” Suzie said, yawning a bit. “I don’t need sleep, I should stay up and make sure Cozy and Tirek don’t try to get the queen,” Glitch said. “Relax handsome, I've got venom taking care of that,'' Suzie said, nudging glitch. “Well someone should at least make sure they don’t try anything” Glitch said. “I'm sure they won't, now come on I have some zzz’s to catch,” suzie said, holding glitches hand and walking towards the inn. Glitch walks with her to the inn. “Alright, here's our room,” Suzie said as she unlocked the door. You can stay on the bed, I will take the floor,"Suzie said as she took off glitches hoodie and placed it on the bed for him. “You can have the bed, I don’t need sleep,” Glitch said. “Ya well id prefer to see ya get sleep though,” suzie said sitting on the edge of the bed. “Then I will sleep on the floor, you take the bed” Glitch said. “I already claimed dibs on the floor,” Suzie said, smirking a bit. “Dibs?” Glitch asked, confused. “It's a saying glitch,” Suzie said a bit awkwardly. “Well I am saying that I am not taking the bed, you take the bed” Glitch said. “Must you be so dashingly hard to persuade?” Suzie asked flirtingly as she kicked off her shoes. Grabbing the blankets off the bed she quickly wrapped glitch up in a blanket hug and brought him to the floor. “I guess we will both be sleeping on the floor.” Suzie said giggling. “It seems so,” Glitch replied. “I'm glad I get to spend the night with you~” Suzie said, a booping glitch on the nose. “Thanks, it’s nice to spend the night with you too,” Glitch replied. Suzie got up off the floor and grabbed the two pillows off the bed. “Ya know glitch, ya never told me why you thought i was hot~” suzie said as she kneeled beside glitch handing him a pillow. “I told you, I simply meant temperature, that’s is definitely all” Glitch said glowing a little green. “Do you think I'm hot right now?” Suzie asked as she laid over glitches chest smirking a lot while blushing. “W-well you are definitely a light in the darkness” Glitch said glowing green. “Nah i think you're the light in the darkness with that glowing face,” suzie pointed out as she made a small paint hand appear behind her to turn off the lights revealing his glowing face. “Well I only glow because it’s cool” Glitch said glowing a lot more. “Really? What else can you make glow?” Suzie asked as she brought her face close to his neck breathing on it. “N-nothing” Glitch replied. “Nothing else?” Suzie asked as she stared into glitches eyes, sliding her hand up his body. “OKAY I THINK I'M HEADING TO BED NOW” Glitch said with his face and arms glowing green. “So you can glow green in different places,” Suzie said as she cupped his cheek. “I think green looks very nice on you~” Suzie said, eyeing his glowing arms. “G-GOOD NIGHT” Glitch said, putting the blanket covering over himself still glowing from within it. Suzie blushed on how cute this was. “I thought u said u didnt need sleep,” Suzie said as she crawled on top of him and sat right on top of his chest giggling. “NOPE NOPE SLEEP NEEDED NOW NOW!!” Glitch said making the blanket fully glow green. “Aww your sooo cute when you glow,” suzie said as she slid her hand underneath the blanket. Glitch lit the entire room up green and couldn’t even talk with how flustered he was. Suzie removed the top of the blanket that was covering his head and kissed his forehead. “Night, my prince charming,'' Suzie said lovingly. “N-NIGHT” Glitch said, glitching a lot before the glitches slowed down. Suzie curled up right on top of him enjoying his warmth as she slid her hands underneath the blanket towards him. Glitch started Glitching a lot and glowing more green. “Hey glitch, mind if i join you underneath that blanket?” Suzie asked after a while. “N-not at all” Glitch said, still Glitching. Suzie got off him and slid right underneath the blanket burying her head in the crook of his neck. “Wow, glitch, you're really hot,” Suzie said, feeling his skin with her hand. “W-we should probably get to sleep for tomorrow” Glitch said, still glitching. “Alrighty,” Suzie said as she slid her hands up his shirt, falling asleep in that position. Glitch was still Glitching but had to calm himself and stop glowing and glitching to get sleep.[/font]

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A Glitch in the multi dimensions chapter 14 (2024)
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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

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Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.